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Adventure- Stormrider,Elf,Orc,Cleric (attack at Abyss village) feb 11,2005


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I know there's so much fan interest so 'yeah!' there's finally
a new story exerpt for everybody's joy

The afterthoughts to the battle curdled though their conciousness's like the forge of hope and misunderstanding in a tide of frailty,sin and diffrerence:clearly they had spilled the blood of the foe and cuased a a place once held by the evil Abyss's legions to be freed,but the real problems of what powers were hels,who was the true leader,and what was to be done next fell into place.

"i fear there are more foes,and even ultimately a greater foe than any of these which we have slain" Kreffiotor spoke,as one last recovery spell cast by Xiena fell upon the more damaged.

"there is time to take this victory in taste,and look about,so i believe we should see if the castle has any answers for that which we very well may find as the fate to our questions about ensuring victory" Chealsoroy the Elf,mad word and proclamation to this
rile about the here and now.

The group agreed and made sure their chances to quell an attack,or be set to makle another combat session with multy- thronged enemy klegions,a viable answer-swords,potions,and spells to use of what remained made certain.The hallway from thge room led to a stariwell,that had
strange blackened ground set of tiles just from it's begiuning to the second story-signs of magic they knew,however what may be the subterrains answers if this was a magic door,peeked a few notions of interest,and they pondered the image of chracoaled expenditure there before them.

"hail,hail oh gods and saints ,for exiting the world of unrighteosness we name the place safe and those who need to find the answers of greater paths chosen ,once agian we beseech the answer and a path from this ground of questions,an 'ultimate' blessing!"

Kreffiotor exposed a power of prayer that none had yet seen from this mage,and the image of their friend in a wholly blanket pleading for the welfare of their soon to be mission for the good of all upon the material plane,layed a futile like flurry of nearly invisible ethereal prayer energues that flew in rancor and charm from the wholly words and inquistion and made their way from the body through the castle -beyond the evils of the 'dark' plane-abounding through the material realm,and finally making to those that may send answers.

"such prayer in a place as the Abyss,mage you certainly have the talents of
a Cleric to call upon such"Xiena proffered.

"it's true,i have been chosen for the fine work in skills of wizardy as well
as my knowledge and work with Clerical powers,those that i came to fully understand as i made a quest fullfilled that brought back several divine objects very important to the Church of Algonor,and the Saint Tevris,whom beseeched me in this mission and blessed there-after"the Abyssal gaurdian for the nuances of missionry answered.

"so good friend,may you open you're mind to heal -or just pray for answers?"Kiazo made jist and interest of this new found identity as well.

"yes...yes...soon we will know if there is aa place of import in thge sub-terrians however as for powers of recovery i am very limited,as those which by the laws of transecendence and ethreal deign mayt only be the virtue of a wizards."

They stood in patience and wordless for awhile,Alliyah even crouching and scrapping away some of the scarred area,and seein if she could make any goof for writ or not of it,as they each wondered if their silence in a way was a form of interest and prayer for this aquister of faiths to be beseeched and name a gift of actions course for them.

"there-the word arrives....a shallow room just beyond the ground,now way to arrive there other than a portal or some trick of inherint magi-craft hidden within the highest level of this castle"The mage finally spoke as the channel of divine energies once again returned,and the words traced through to the grouo in a strange tone of caliper.

"We go- to the last story of this wretchid place!"Alliyah shoutred breaking the auspiciuous airs,and so they made way,with no troubles from the first to the third,a quick jamming of hope and bodily speed untill the final stairwell.

Shieiste was walking first as they looked upon the extra wide stairs,apperantly for th purpose of allowing perhaos dragons and such that laned on the roof to special rooms,taking in the new sight,when suddenly she Chealsoroy and Kaizo fell into a pit trap that awaited.As they reached the 10 ft bottom of the 6 ft square chaind and clasps of iron magically ensnared them.

"uh we seem tyo hav fallen into a trapping spell -we're uh bound to clasps ...help?!"Chealsoroy elfishly jisted as the other two looked and nearly broke a smile for it was not spikes wich awaited.

Alliyah had the idea to break them with sword but,Kreffiotor thouhgt there was a need for a greater spell to free the trapees,and after a bit of thought they finally cast a spell upon Kiazo's axe and leaping doen,and attacking at the same time,hoping the trap wasn't still alive,one chain was broken.The trap was not alive fortunately,and soon each was freed and the party returned and made their way to the fourth floor.

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As was stated before the 'elemest recovator' was set to transport
a party to the place that a 'legion' was that went through the portal
used or any within an aera,though some arguement went to the fact that
when they were finding the final chamber it didn't cause that to happen,
of course thge players who still didn't really know didn't know why but
finally a series of modifier rolls about this anjd the even took place
the party winning it and being aloud to go to the secret chamber.

The eerie calm about the first grande chamber that presented the area from
the stairs left a similar notion as to their success or lack of finding the estranged elements of magi-souls that may actually still be about the great castle.They each had a sense of their need to make certain this place was safe,but the history of Demon takeover,the unexpected trip there through a portal,and the legion of zombies that had control was a scintally clad veil of asuredness,and the investigation of what portal trick or some other special arcana that was neccesary to find the room under the first floor went carefully.The myrtel finally ran back through a hall,and signaled to
Alliyah that she had found an interest,who then called for the others and with swords taken- no doubt,and open eyes they entered a peculiar chamber.

"there are signs of evil in this place,if it were not for being within that which has made my home for the seasons of late,i say now friends,do not touch anything"Kreffiotor warned as they looked.

The room was a 50 ft sqaure area,with black circles upon the floor,each smeared with a bloos stain, as if a killing and purpose of evil magic had occured on each,the walls held enclaves that were trimmed with gold,and each bore an upside down cross upon the wall,4 to each side,and 1 held
an object within it.They approached this and looked upon a goblet with fire etchings in a strange paint upon a sliver countenance.The aura was appearant to all there,a mithral fire was dancing from this brim,but was not entirely within the material world.Kiazo stepped forward and
looked down into it,and jumped back-the shocking image an emmotional freak,even for an Orc!

"there are eyes,of evil within the blood that is held,this is evil -this evil!My mage can explain this!"

"hmmm...yes i see..dear god,there are trapped souls binded within that form and reform in pain as the wizards made usew of their energies for some purpose....i dare say that that may even be the element to open a portal magic such as that which we seek."the mage responded,seeing thwe image and frightened unto the vision as well.

"i'm not afraid,tis just a weak bind of the legions power holder,that stays a force of powers we can break,nay unto this icon-what shall we do" the Elf spoke in altrueism,stating a hope for actions against the fears.

"to drink from it-is that not the answer friends"Shieiste finally stated.

"No!....we must find the portal the saints offered as the answer then we shall make a use of this twisted arcana"Kreffiotor made voice,and stepped before the others before the approached to touch or look upon it.

"very well,what is the path to the trick power that shall send us to this forbidden chamber-i will look,as will we all-shall we"Xiena voiced,leaving the room and making merit of the hope for better answers.

And so after an hour of searching,and looking upon the features of this finall floor of the castle,they ghathered in the goblet room once again,and shared their findings, with an epiphany of the worths of this quest -making words upon arguement to eachother untill they agreed that the one place to be further checked was the room at the cliff side with a tremendous window of stained glass with a black dragon upon it's images of multi colored glass-a place of contained powers or some use for the writ of greater forces of magitynes powers to be sure.

"yes...the image is a reciever of powers...it's use is for travel-i can feal the
shadows of legions that have used it for this.....and the goblet used for a
reason with it,that must be the way to the chamber"Kreffiotor spoke,making a
promising answer for all their work finally at this stirgin of wayfared pondering.

"dear mage,you speak of answers,and we have no others,so let be done what must be to find the path so spoken to you by the saints-or with-held are the fates that await"the stormrider of doom,willowed the convicive fears with in all and stated the name of world of thought over fate of reasonless;setting the others to make truth for what was a hapless chance for the trick needed,a motion set into worth -as they took the goblet-assured and with ineterst and made back to the stained glass
window in question.

"there are no divinities which tell the use of tortured souls as-those which lay
within this goblet-as that whicth we must use,my friend ..Cleric,have you any
blessing before we drink from the blood?"Kreffiotor asked of remittance
as they knew they were taking a risk.

"and so i shall make thus a word for the divine....skies of light the
divine,we travel the Abyss in thy's name in plight-answer now what shall
be done for the good of world we walk,and love let heaven and earth
do for this ceremony as undone shall be the demons and tortured
who the powers are beseeched of" Xiena had closed her eyes,and set
her hands one to the other...praying to the beyond,maybe even more so
than the revielle and return that the mage had made...the words broke the
sin of the stale airs,as surely each there within the party felt their innocence making
way to the offer so eloquently made by the she-assimer.

A light clapped into the room,nearly blinding,and an off blue hue-a quick answer,they
heard the prayer,and with not further question,Kreffiotor drank from the goblet and
focused upon the black dragon image.....the room thundered not in any material way,but
showing it's contempt-or refusal of the offering,soon the earthquake followed into
the material plane,and the quarry bricks began to unnaturealy chip,some falling loose,from the
very walls only to reveal a dark dirt.

"Oh no! what's happened....there's futile evils being unleashed!"Kreffiotor stated as he was unable to hold the goblet any more,and it fell from the trembling hands,and upon the floor not spilling one drop.

"this is the way to open a gate...there is but one answer-i can see it!" Chealsoroy shouted over the rumbling rancor,and took sword and stabbed into the window.

Suddenly there was whiteness....all were taken to some new place,in three seconds the blight of unknowing and the strange wash fell away and there they found themselves in another castle chamber-dark,lit by 1 torch,perhaps even the place they were looking for at the onset of this terribly whimsical attempt to make the gate named do just that.


First Post

Ac 14 +4 c,d,f
hp 450
exp 360
int 19
dex 19
cons 24
attack\cevies word,punch
spells\magic arrow(8d6+10)4,festering sphere(6th lvl)2,terrible touch(4)
special\occasionaly have magic items
The strange multi limbed body of this spell empowered foe make it a
forboding sight,and the use of a cevies sword can render a good deal of
damage(DM may opt special style).They are usually assoiciated with
an unsavory sect or order and are sent as a warning to stay away,or
as protectors of a compound.
treasure\1d6 healing elixers,1d10 precious gems,1d6 same type magic items

"wisely done Elf friend,it is dark,i shall cast dancing lights"with that the mage shed the fortune of the image of the room before them.

It was a plain area but for the one torch whitch was situated above a metal plate,perhaps a door,but strange in it's image-easily more of a cell door if the notion was continued.Upon the floor were the remains of several innards of beasts,half eaten,left for maybe several days,and the party made way to the item of interest,sidestepping the wastes.

"i feal a creature lay beyond this,it may have been fed in this chamkber by the Legion"Xiena offered first.

"Then let us slay the evil that will be unleashed"the Orc voiced in arguent tones,and weilded the axe in doing so.

"i will melt the door away,and we will fight"Shieiste spoke,and let a glammour of firey ether fall upon the metal,soon leaving only minor scraps,and the melted perimiter.

The adventurer's soon heard the scratching loud force of an approaching beast,as if the tunnelway from the room was layne quite a distance,and with sword and spell they stepped back a few paces,and were set to attack the unknowing might.A tremendous growl belched forth,and seconds later the Wikith,ridden in an undead aura hurdeled into the area,and tackled Alliyah,swiping a punch into her,and skirting away with enough time to cast magic arrow at Chealsoroy.

"a Wikith gaudian,perhaps only a warning,for what may attack!" Kreffiotor warned as fronting the empowered staff towards it,and naming an invocation,that sent a beam of damaging energy that struck true onto the strange multi limbed foe.

The enemy rolled away,after the beam strike,using 4 of it's arms,and 1 of it's 4 legs to quickly make an attack of oppotunity on Xeina with the Cevies sword it weilded,slicing her back before she could turn,and breaking her concentration for the spell she was set to cast.

"Dither's of Arcana" the Elf called,as making the second needed melle concentration for the spell begun and 4 metithurgies of extra damage slammed the foe.

Finally Kiazo made a true,and vicious critical wound,and the Wikith though repelled,from it's earlier sense of prowess cast magis arrow this time striking the Orc,who was razed in a series of harming energies.Alliyah moved in,taking two quick steps,and made her sword swipe in totall ernest,laying yet another,wound on the creature.Before another attack by either side took place,the Wikith had created a goblet and drunken from it,causing the arms and muscles upon it to turn to great works of strength.In desperation,the party lounged,and attacked,but it stayed the first few strikes,appearantly able to use the magic for defense as well,then it punched into Xeina,and Shieiste with a burst of +20 harm,taking the battle in easy stride it now appeared.However the Myrtel,jumped upon it grappling it,with precise ease,and as it was sett off course,the party this time was able to use 1 spell and several weapon striked to kill it.

"this goblet is filled,a power we may wish to use,Kiazo perhpas you may be best to claim this advantage"Alliyah stated,crouching next to the corpse,which now lost it'sundead glow,and started to transform to a dilapidated rot and dust.

"i will,let us find what this gaurd was keeping safe,for us to take care of"the Orc grabbed the magic item, wondering if it might spill,and led the way ducking into the hall.

"we shall soon find the real vail of evils disconntent the divinties have sent us after i fear"Kreffiotor said,following behind the first three,as the Myrtel,after smelling the corpse,for reasons of discontent of it's udead undoing after she helped slay it,rushed forward to be first into the new chamber with Kiazo.

A cold unearthly gloaming breeze mired it's birth upon them,as the great cavern oponed before them with the swatch of lights set forth by Kreffiotor.The blackend area spoke of battle,and torture,and the signs of this were there as they saw the first objects laying upon the ground.Embedded in croppings of stone in the earthen ground,strange engraved shackles,were complimented with smears of blood,and spell straffings,that left rainbow mirages,and mixtures that blended the life fluid and the spells ether-while looking on they beheld
the series of prints in the dirt that looked to be reptilian,most likely a dragons!Sevreal silver coins lay scattered about as they stepped further in,and their minds felt a concentrative twist as the area felt iether charmed or lessened by field of anti-magic,bringing concern to their well being should a great Wyrme await.

"signs of evil,and loot,we fight the very image that sent us here i fear"Chealsoroy voiced,wishing that more of the icey powerfull potions they had used were still plenty.

"Maybe....i think we shall find that thetre is only a apell set upon this place,the beast has gone,it has seen the falling of the castle,and returned to the Legion which remains...this way"Kreffiotor relayed,showing them towards a wall,that had a great disc implanted into it.The rim was 1 ft in width and spanned a 20 ft diameter,and within it,a stained glass feature,not alive but very much tell tale of a portal.

"what now,we must be sure that this creature,is not used by the Legions,we must open this portal" Alliyah stated,as Kreffiotor ran his hands across the glass,with a frown,thinking.

"yes...there must be a way through or the mission named for us will have been for nought,perhaps another blessing of blood,or other from the castle"

"or this..."the Orc stepped forward and drank from the goblet,making a physical difference to the body and making him feal at one with the alternate settings of the area.With no words from the others,he rend the axe into the window and smashed it open,breaking an etheral swirl from the blank wall behind it where there was none.

"ha haaa...very good,the gaurdian left us the gift of the key"Kreffiotor said,as Alliyah had begun to walk into the magi-door,and the others followed.


First Post

Fortunes door prevailed for naught and fears,as winds and sliffs of elemest beseechment
curtailed the swirling image before the group,now at a twist of grande magitynal caverns,more appropraitely so sught as the dubbed theretofore a dragon's lair.The Myrtel crept forward her wordless entailed flaunt of simple approach was mimmiced by each;there in lay the farthest reaches of the summons to strength,gill,ardor,might-power versus legend,Stormrider standing with simple steel and a band of questors,as the falling spellwork before them spoke of their foe;the very own answer to a great source of the tidings in Abysall conquering,and even more astoundingly an end to one of these sides life strain.The darkness lashed like unkown blunt demonic forces trying to snuff the lights brought forth by 'foe',the ages of a beast set to cast horrifying ethers and flames beyond acid and ice-were trying the prey's destiny on their own charisma,flirting with whitch was more pecious the suttle end,the falling victim,or the battle.

Suddenly each party companion fell to the floor pleading speed,and perhaps a new staff magi shield from their mAtron Abysall host,blue searing heat striking an end to all in it's path,debree's,coins,broken bones,of Delvens,and maybe other Wyrmes,scaffed into the void,as the first attack was far too great if this band was to be victorious.

"we must find our talent for the unthinkable,and think unto this spoon orc scaled lizard,the end of an era"The elf,blurted in cheer for this fight,and the other's expected for Alliyah to respond as well,as they understood their means and scattered.

"Beyond the Heavens are those fallen,lay with them foe,for the warriors who shall cast the trail of your journey through death do beseech thee,and send the end to this unritcheous reign of Legion and Evil!!!" the Stormrider,had mocked the intelligence of the dragon,and mustered the hope that they needed to take the next attack.
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First Post

Alliyah was gut to her bosom with what she knew was to be a terribly claiming session;should they strike together,one at the tail one at the chest the mighty Orc will have to reform all strength and make a disciplined charge.

"now,plunge you're weapons,summon a spell!"she burled while in motion,and as if a jesture for instant truth Chealsoroy had cast golden glamour of striking.

The wave effected the beast in it's defenses,and as they discovered the hide was a mighty effort to wage steal against,a wound was formed and they had dodged away,talon swipes chasing them.The room burst alive,this time from the fiends powers of the weave,and gliterring poisen lights shimmered and fell across all.Xeina held forth her talis and made the rune fight the display of deftness,taking the serums evils from their constitutions,and allowing them the fortune of a sense of new bodied prowess.

Finally able to look upon it they saw that it was standing 25 ft tall,and 50 from nap to tail,but this was not what frightened them,for there are greater scale of Wyrmes abound;the colour of blackend immaterial bane and scale,scoured it's image forming a thundering green form,that had dancing blights of some icey magic triumphing the power.This was an unwholly aura,free in elemntal from with the breathe of a scorcerous power yet alive withuin the domain of ice across it's body.

"pitifull humans,why doth so tiny a creature dare stomp into my lair,and plead for mercyless fighting....the rulers of the Abyss are my servants and i am the master,speak truthfully now,or be set to the Earth in a display of mutilated corpse!"

"we are free to live in our world,and thye Abyss is you'rs we know that soon shall be undone if these Zombie's upon Zintrins in the throws of their planning are allowed to live...you are to blame are you not?"Kreffiotor spoke,holding the flow of a spell from going alive as the staff was fronted before him.

"we are not the doers of slavery,we are not the pillagers of kingdoms,we are the free as well,and soon a great vastness of the material dimension shall be a place for us to do our biddings as so-and thus i proclaim the right to have this fairness unleashed if so it is you may disagree!"the beast guffowed a bit,and spoke in a more wisdomous tone,looking hither and to most of the party,and nearly winking at the Myrtel who swindled past a mighty claw that was readjusting for complacency or a stike it was uncertain.

"and when these lands you need are the fields of undead and demons home,who shall speak for them,and what shall we have in return for this,what trades are to be made,surely you're lying and wish to simply conquer!"the Stormrider stayed fast with sword and took a step to the side,as if she might tumble from a ray and stab the foe.

"we shall be known as the portal for council of all relams,and shall keep the other warribng factions who are not so kind kept within their domain,a freind told and true!"it now stooped in and got it's maw closer to Alliyah eying her,as if a psionic mind bleeding was just a trick away.

"who is more evil than thee....what demon lord shall see the great Legion and scurry away these are childish hopes,power is not so-"Shieste this time replied.

"easily won,i'll grant you are a mighty party,and have seiged castle Yeilikagen as i know this i thusly offer an alliance,you may be the the first ladys and lords of my new land,who shall ensure our ways of keeping the other evils beyond even the Abyss are made noteworthy to all...an Orc hmm,good beast shall not the people see this if you return with a title and-"

"i am only half,beast as you say,and know i belive they should find it as disturbing as the humans and create more war,when simply stopping this reign of zombies is all that needs be done"

"done the Zombies shall go no further,from the eastern mountains to the Dungeon of Tethreceine and further borders yet stated to the east and west will be the claim,take this now and be my apostles or-i shall kill you" this statement ended with a riled boom and a swipe through the air,as it looked more angered and now was setting an ethereal electric glow cast at it's claws building energy,threatening the justified arguent vice.

"take us there if you're so quick with spell,and we shall see that the army is no more a threat,then we shall not have to slay you...now that is fair"the Elf derrived,as new icon for the band.

"then we shall go,the portal is this way....ms Stormrider and Chealsoroy,if you could be so carefull as to not activate the Elemest revocater"

"how'd you know our names,and about-"

"there are reasons i Kevithraktriee am the seeker of greater realms,and peoples to rule,those are mysteries none such as you will ever know"

"are we really following this Kevith'rat' through a portal,what's gotten into you Alliyah"Xeina compliained as they walked nearly single file,follwing the Wyrme to a wall with a rune marked stone circle,the portal adjunct.

"hush young ones...i must request passage...********.....i"(it spoke words of a strange nature Abysall,and more perhaps Uhntzufeihntien as well)...and broadening light now the only in the room,as the sliffs of poisen on the ground were now no more,soon was a swirl alive as mist,quite natural looking,and they all stepped through.
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First Post

Indeed the foray and bounds that held before their eyes seemed to be within Terhreciene,the forest of evergreens,and the burly yet cragged and true mountains were spaken of by each;and now as the air refurbished them,and added a plausation to the nervousa,the image of a campsite was found.Clearly the dragon had begun having structures built,perhaps even a small palace from the looks of a foundation,with all sorts of slaves at work securing original pilons,groundwork supports and other metal to earth trappings;some were of broken zombie looking flesh,while others were clearly demons,perhaps as tamed as Shieste in some regaurd though as made for a different keeper.

"ahhh,the land offers mercylessly trhe raguard of it's wrath and fopundation for those who travel it's birth looking for kingdom and wrought,hovels and homes,garrisons and castles....you see the simple work beiung done the fighting is no more" KEVITHRAKTREE,purgered the lingering inquisition of what may first be said,and did so with a dogma of reguard and kineption.

"so make you you're offer or we may have to foresake thee afterall" Alliyah was bound of the groups interest and in of it herself had made the claimed offer for their trust their first response.

"now,now,please follow me,and don't reach forth with any weapon or spell and caste lifelessness to one of my fine workers...ok....very well shall we?..."

The portal opening now closed in the entirety of it's fusion,of both material like majesty and the weaves of spell work,leaving them there now to blindly answer to this calling which had been agreed to on short notice.Chealsoroy turned,and the Myrtel darted next to him,and brushed against him finally as the distain for what may be a trouble,battle or trap was more than an ambivelance for each,and should so be for the others.

Strange cualdrens of pounded dimpled reflective black metal,copper; were being kept burning hot with the work of a spell saying demon,it's burly size and lack of intelligent looks however did not stop the fires from the eteheral lavish beam spread from it's mere fingertips,from being all too clearly a hellish work at the labour of constructions.Other Trolls and sorts of more simple 4 and 6 legged creatures carried stones,some brimed with a metal hold,others regular such quarry wonders cut fine and set for being layde.Soon they made past most the barers of village reform and foundry and walked next to a over tarp with several posts of smaller cut stones and a massive slab for the floor some 100 ft by 70 and 50 ft for the roof.

"now then my friends it is here that i will call forth my ledger Troll to make the means for witch you shall each be recognized as a fine apostle,or lord...hmph! or whatever it is you like,to my newly founded lands,as then you may go forth to you're dugerbats of human frills and let them see that i am only helping them fight even worse enemies....you see?"

"though i can not see the evil glow about anymore as was true with the first Legions we encountered,i do wonder what if they were to suddenly appear again,mister Wyrme with great respect these are not an army before us so the simple sails of peace is bound for the seas" Stormrider,was also crafting some opinion of the situation.

The dragon spent a wirl of talon,and refurling of wing as stepping away noting that they were unbelieving of at least some of the tune,then sitting and reaching to ring a bell,that made a summons apearantly,he rubuted the fealings of contempt as best as a fiendish power from the Abyss might.

"niether work nor war is the needs for being the new magistar of these lands my friends,neither war nor disease of Abyssal creatures who will in fact against my own,/will one day arrive at you're material plane,these histories of attack,and mighty blights of Troll and worse,they shall not have their place along side the whirl of Abysall contagion,for i am here to prevent that,i have only taken what must be held to ensure we can work together,and define our territory before the Methasafeclese,Bemitzu,and others perhaps far worse take a grip and travel through....do you not yet see what i am telling you"

"ah haa! so you know what fiends are interested in making this fight for the realms about Athiena another terrible Trollish war!" the elf once more answered for the derrived problem of the situation.

"no!....we are listening to this as friends are we not,i know that i am but a fiend myself,however the interests for those parties and folk looking to stop what we know will be should find that an alliance is the truth,the answer needed,if so be it on paper as catatril and frailty yet lord and good doer" Shieste looked to Kreffiotor before speaking who knew she may need to make arguement for this pact.

The two trolls in a strange sort of courtly black and purple velvet costume,requested for,did so thusly arrive and walking blankly to the actuall master,they bowed once and each magically integrated some papaer and a qiull.After some arguement,and some silly ideas of what tital should really be bestowed they finally found themselves signing the writ of their concerns or more appropraitely wishes for a way to bring this campaign to a safe end.
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First Post

Those founded,whitherto and nonwithstanding,a judgement of lord and lady,the procession of dignitaries to follow the subfeesa of their deins;a world of wealth,alluring parties the namesake of those respected for more than voilence.Does this fall by the wayside,or bring about the malavolent last steps for these adventureres.Kreffiotor,and Alliyah each knew their place should be as the icon for the group,each wondering about this new pact with the scorn of the AByss's unwholly ones;but within them the sword and the spell was bound to greater holds than the dreams of disconcerting relations experts.And soon it was that they found the answer....

The brink of dawn found the group dinning on an illustrious breakfast,bacons,poultry,scrambled delights from beasts that may not have flown or walked,wheats pound by unrelenting slaves undoubtedly baked to perfections.Certainly if this was the way they were to live their worths on this side of the lands,then all was fine.

"well now,i've not filled my belly with such foods as then once a time a go when they looked upon me with grace in Atheina" Alliyah had her word for the fun of the mornings breath.

"and soon it'll be that they learn to treat us the same way,with regaurd as no other elf of the guild,i imagine" Chealsoroy commented.

"but this is too simple,what good there is in all this i doubt it does us any such favours as grande as this,i sense problems brewing" Kiazo watrned,speaking ina burly afterthought.

"awe....why don't you brew you're own peace,and grab an ale,or summon for a fine wine from one these fancy trolls in waiting" Xeina spoke,then curtsied a nod to one she spoke of.

"yes good Lady,fine one of Kevithraktriee's own rnks,is there a delight you wish for the meal?" the monster gurgled,tame,yet with a repeal of being not entirely honest if one had an eye about these musings.

"yes,of course i require ale and fine wine for me and the Orc friend,also a new lord",the troll half bowed and returned quickly with 3 pitchers 2 of ale,one of wine,and with little to speak of after a few more gripes about what was to be they were all immersed into a drunken joy to accomedate the status of their titles.

As they toured the sight they found great interest in one structure which was to stand as a church.It was done except for a roof and windows,ladeled with switching metal latchwork,and several gargoyles,the bounds of the 20 ft sides looked to swayne from the center as columns with poisen ivy etchings and several wards,those of anti-demonology, created,the facade,an admirable effort for evil.The steps at the front were adorned with bright copper rails,that had crecent moons carved into them,a chapel for the dark,not a place of 'solace'(pun).

"tell me Kevithraktriee,what litle faith their may be and the purpose of it for Aysall beings i do not understand" Alliyah the Stormrider of Doom,was the first to speak upon the issue to their foreboding host.

"no...please mok religion as you will,for though we are not all saints and you don't see the splendor of this image,i can not say that war tis'nt a closer home for the names of our places of warship!"

"what war?....the enemy that you have not told us of?" Sheieste found her stooper a good place for philosphy of this matter at hand.

"yes...foes so many of them,this place will channel the powers of my greatest sorcerers,and myself,a portal of wizdom to the Abyss if you will,but it is all as i said,only a way to ensure order"

"and those....are those portals you've persuaded the gods to open as well?" Alliyah spoke lookinh over a gnoll,of grass,there the stream of 10 swirling ethers had arrived.

"what! no!.....too soon,we are attacked at our own village,my palace garden,those wretchs,to battle my lords and ladies!"


First Post

With no abdtsain the warrioirs lurched into battle as drunken wizdom was now
the role for a charade that was to be their best fighting,as they defended themselves and the village.The ether's pealed away,and the brutal array of demons was tere before them,Quaziliths,demi demons,Methasafacleze,....others some with brazen horns that curled and twisted with more than one,making black images of deathly might.Several foes cast spells as their armour spoke of mage and caster blessed with unwholly charms,they had arrived to settle this fight indeed.Kevithraktriee slammed one about to let loose a strange barrge of ice and acid that had formed in front of it,breaking the spell and leaving a tremendous gash.Alliyah looked to the Elf as she approached two Qauzi's,and he cast an icing of 'ice flurry' upon them,seeing this acion,and understanding that Chealsoroy had remembered their weakness she plunged into them alone,staying swipes,and making quick work of one.

The area soon turned to a battlefield,as the servants for the ,Master's, worksite,also felyt the sting of the spellwork and deminly slashes of the foes.As an acid spell created by Kev
found its place across mostly7 the enemy,some of it unfortunately fell on the ally,and Kiazo being one iof them staggered in dismay,clearly having a good hand of ot with the mighty axe,towards Xeina,who looked about and motioned him to stand closer to her and Alliyah and Kreffiotor,who's dome like sheild had finally failed and was alo needing the Cleric.

"we've a great number of foes ....please be carefull this will help,but we must use our...braingezs...our minds rfgh thsz" she stammered and did what she could,as suddenly the Zeliotrope spoke out to them.

"who so ever has looked upon this useless Wyrme is our enemy,and i shall slash you into the grave,leaving the wounds of my mighty scythes,as you wish you had never taken arms against my Legion,the true might of the Abyss....the Dark Ones!"

"Dark Ones!....so it is,you think you have found a channel for you're pittifull needs through what i have made with the Material world,this shall never be,i shall never be insulted by the likes of thee,go now back to the bowels of hell or forever be doomed to find a fate far worse!" Kevithraktriee heard tyhe commanders call as well as each,and turned from a buthcering chomp on a lesser foe,taking the time to let the prey from his maw,and allowed a magi glow bond begin within his talons as projecting the answer.

"ha haa ha ....so be it 'storm of demonites!'" the blast of the dragon,screamed passed the foe,as suddenly a swarm of 10 demonites each setting to cast their whips of poisen spells,flew at Kev and unleashed the furry.

The others moved to help,for as they looked upon it now this was a situation easily in reguard of the words that the beast had preached to them,and proving their worth sho9uld satisfy their names,and destiny as lord's and lady's thought of with reguard.

Sheieste tackled two demonites as Kev writhed with multiple trappings unleashing their poisens upon him,and soon the floudered stance was no more and he had fallen.Kiazo jumped aside,as Chealsoroy stabbed one demonite precisely through the skull,sending a sqwuaking message to the others who turned and attacked the Elf.However with one eye open and just reaching the distance Kev slapped two of them away,and allowed the Elf enough safety to cast a spell and make that attack end with a servant Troll settling the final
sword strike.

The Zeliotrope was vicious beyond anyh ever faught before,striking with 2 weapons,and having a defensive darkness barrier that made the fight alltogether too difficult.Though this soon ended,as the 'demonites' fell,the way to their summoner was open,and Kreffiotor had made time to ensure a spell that may lighten the area,and make the surge truiphant for the adventurers,who soon found that their village help were dying like flies.

Alliyah picked a sheild off the ground,as the Myrtel made an effort to attack the foe,whence the first sight of the dark evils dissipation took hold.The magic breacelts,seemed to effect the situation her favour,and as the foe flinched,she struck one arm so well that the weapon left the grip upon it,and within a second she had swiped it and run aback,now making the momentum for the group to push for the kill.


First Post

Return to the value of the strong fighting group was soon algemated as within their
stooper of alcholic favour they had defended as well as should be,amoring the worth
of Kevithraktree's own original war group.The dragon scoured in displeasure the beasts of
unclean scurvy into the bloodstream had done their toll,but it was with great accolades that the approaching final kill was to take place.The Trolls were not taken,the demon attack group scuttled about realizing their waning numbers,sure to find death pealed back the wisdoms of an ancient evil downfall,exception to the rules of combat frought with
seekers of richeousness with the charsima of saints teaming about them,at those they loved,or even those they may have been comissioned to take the claims of lord and lady with.The Zeliotrope slashed about as Chealsoroy,Alliyah,Kiazo,and Sheieste moved for an appropriate attack of opportunity.The sky blankened the groove of mid days palet,with wisips of unconventional magics sluffed about,and clouds that scrathed the air formed of
tendrils that belay swordwork within itself....doth the axiom of hope make vanity and the enevitable defeat the fiest and tail whipping for this Abyssal master....

The Stormrider bit the gambit of demure,and swagged a claim before her sword did the same.

"send word follysome glout,that you're realm is never to send another war party to
our lands ,about Aethina,Tethreceine,or these under the rule of Kevithraktree"

"more than you know,this world is not yours to claim",the deathly assasins own remark a witty gullet slice,as too did it sciscor into Chealsoroy,fending with Alliyah's favour.

But as was certain,they pounded and relieved the foe of the final scythe,and Kevithraktree was there to slam it's skull into the earth,as from a standing position it incured the
kill,for most to witness as the battle had final been won,a promising stay foretold of valiance in the followers eyes.

"i must cure my poisens,we must discover the glyphes of antimagic that will
detrain the flow of crumblseome foes,with of course as you know un as myself,preach and live only the ways of chaotic evils.....hrmph,rest well friends for we begin the
charm of ambassadorial work by the 3rd days nitefall"

Xeina was immersed in the momentum to return her powers,soon after as they slept and gorged on pig and boar and beats and salads of the finer natural weedish greens found about the region.Praying in thought she fell to a sleeping vision,one of perhpas her own fate as well as the groups destiny.A castle unseen ever,surrounded by gulleys with vultures,broke down from it's highest turrets into the appelate of it's depths and dungeons,and as so she found herself making precariousely across the brims of the holes in the earth unable to commit sight to the interest,a flurry of souls,some human some demon,scratched their way toward the sky,as if fighting the effects of the simple air she took for granted.Then Kiazo followed by Alliyah ,jumped down to her as she turned to find
a swooping black dragon,who cawed a vicious bellow,and landed upon the site of ruin.

"they walk to our defense chiorzo,stolen of magics,the queen falls ill,we must
take to our vows,we must find help.....there is only so much a Cleric can undo"

Awakening in a sweat,Alliyah soon entered her room,and sat upon her bed,knowing that the
ways of alter wisdom control had presented a vision to their vestibule.

"Chealsoroy has fallen ill,in need of great spellwork is his soul,i fear the Abysall advesaries
were holding an evil that has made their scars upon us,all of us,much worse"

"it will be done,but we must return to Aethina,and i must go to the church"

The march of plowing Trolls,unger trousted warriors;the adventure group,and a mighty black dragon,was a sight to behold,and making to the general fairways trifled with the insane,but
with the word of honour,and Alliyah's reputation they hoped they should pass on through the
roads and onto Aethina as quickly as needed.
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First Post

The enchanting sight of the march of the Great wyrme's enteruage soon met the
clammer and interests of Aethina as the city walls fell within first sights.As expected
a group of the half together half unrefined current city gaurds rushed to the
dilema of the Trolls and dragon approaching,but words of Alliyah's return,for some had
milled over her absence with some thought of a wish for her return,had reached
interested parties;this of course including the Wizard's whom had answered with
their elf mage upon inquistion of a quest.Kiazo and Alliyah the strongest recoverers
from the evils course of malignancy approached the irked front group making to them,unsure as to weather weapons aloft or spells set to cast was a formidable or actuall resposnse to this villany before them.

"hail dear Aethinians,i return with conquest and wounds,my friends are in need of
great Clerical care,and i have....befriended this Dragin and his Legion,they wish
to comssion a land for their protection against any Abysall evil doers" the Stormrider,wasted
no pleasantries on behalf of the oddity.

"and Chealsoroy,i sense a disturbance,he has fallen to a poisen,or magic" an
elder of the Guild called,before the Lead gaurd made a remark.

"yes i wish to use the Church for prayer,for i have witnessed the advesaries that
did this and can plead a corigible word from the Gods,..but if you can use
wizadry for or wounded then i trust you"

The gaurd stepped forth plying with sword and grouchy composure.
"wait just a moment,what is this Trolls and a Dragon,we'll not have them in our
city,you must be under a spell of charm to fall to their deceptions"

"if that were so,then the wizards should have done good of it,and spoken for the city,
but scince that is niot the case and this Wyrme...Kevithraktre is now an
ally who will fight any further wars with the Abyss,i ask you to let us unto the
grounds and to cleanse our staled from the evil we faught" once more the Stormrider
proved her wit and resiliance to composed ill relations.

"yea...let be what lays,we know of no war with a people or Troll party simply becuase
of the past,Alliyah's word is gold,please we will go to the church and our
best casters will be there shortly to solve this illnes" a second mage spake of the
need,against any furtrher words with an impact,as they were further called to be
agates to the principle of reason with the sight of the Elf,the Myrtel and
Kreffoitor,each layne to a specal rest by Xeina.

Several citizens answered with the interest to be hosts to the group,and as the
gaurds looked about as confused as their leader,the Trolss Dragon and others simply
passed into the city,with cheers from some,foretelling that a pact must have been reached,
and that some of their own were bringing a strength for them to rely on.

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