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(Adventure) The bastards of XXXXXX Bluerun


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Rainca smolders at Therick's bleating over their victory. When she helps the others get Gath and the fallen bandit into the wagon she, grinning her wolfish grin, makes sure that they are inconveniently placed for Therick's comfort. She whispers quietly into Gath's ear, "Be sure not to crowd the Count Soul Man too much." She uses Gath's phrase.

After some time Rainca is done gathering her fallen weapons, praying over them. Done seeing to the dead, praying over them. But she is not yet done seeing to the living. She seems oddly cheered by the whole affair as she rejoins the group, but casts one troubled, searching glance off to the west. Where did you run to, little bandit? Chasing Brother Owl?

She nods at Dioran's words and claps him heartily on the shoulder. "Yes." She beams, "We fought as one. Rainca knows many blooded warriors who have not fought so well." Her brow furrows as she stoops and opens her pack, "But there are things Rainca thinks we must discuss before we next meet the bandits. Until then," she draws out her mugs and her wine skin, "Share a drink with Rainca, a taste of the Laugher's Blood! We live!" She throws back her head and roars a laugh. Of sorts. She passes out two mugs with a mere splash of wine in each - just enough to fill the nose and mouth with vapor, taste. She jumps lightly into the wagon with Gath, "You too, warrior Gath. Rainca did not forget you." She carefully administers her offering to her unconscious comrade. "Rest, and dream of battle."


Rainca stays nearer the wagon with Therick's assurances that his Bluerun is close. She takes the opportunity to introduce herself and the others to their prisoners cheerfully ignoring their fear, disgust or indifference.

"That one there," she points, "The one with the sash, is Therick. He is an honored man amongst his people."

"He," Rainca nods toward Redarn, "Is Redarn. A friend of horses. A brave man."

"This one," she points to the bald spell slinger, "The one with dots instead of hair. He is Dioran, a mighty weaver of magics."

She grins at Lupic, indicating his deadly spikes, "And this is Lupic. Rainca does not know where this one comes from, but it must be a very dangerous place. She has never seen anyone so fierce as he..."

"...not counting Gath. So eager for blood, he charged, without a thought for fear, right at your leader." She pauses briefly to scan the surroundings and the sky, ever watchful.

She inclines her head toward Joseph Dar'maryon, "The dark one is Joseph Dar'maryon. He..." She hesitates, "Rainca will not say anything of Joseph Dar'maryon save this: Where we go, people will listen when he speaks. And he speaks fairly. More than any other, your lives rest in his hands. Do not anger him." She pauses, considering her words, and nods decisively.

Thumping her chest with a clenched fist she, "Rainca of the Barav Kree greets you. There is more to Rainca's name, but that is for another time."

For the rest of the way to Bluerun she hums tunes to herself and speaks with the prisoners, her comrades-in-arms and Redarn.


When the group arrives at Bluerun she swells with pride at being greeted like triumphant returning warriors. But when the crowd turns ugly, she interposes herself between them and the prisoners, snarling at any who get too near. So much anger here. So much loss. This is not a happy place. She gives a solemn nod to Joseph Dar'maryon when Therick doesn't surrender the prisoners to the angry townsfolk. And she nods mentally at Lupic's words agreeing with the sentiment wholeheartedly, but she is wary.

These people are angry and thirst for blood. Rainca cannot blame them, but the time has not yet come for revenge. She studies the people quietly, looking for their individual reactions, trying to pick out any who are very angry as well as those who seem kind or sad.


As Therick addresses his people and Redarn begins to see to the horses, Rainca gestures the others over and in a quiet voice says, "Rainca has no trust in these people to protect or keep the prisoners. The prisoners are... what is the word... veshayin." She sighs, exasperated. "Important. Rainca will stay with the prisoners. Another will not escape."

When the healers come she unwinds one of her many sashes for each, the cleaner ones, of course, as an offering. "Amongst Rainca's people it is customary to present healers with a gift." She holds out the sash in both hands, palms up and open, smiling gently. "Rainca does not have much, and this is a poor offering, but if you like, she can play for you while you work." She touches the small, carved flute, her eyes unfathomable.

OOC: Sorry for the long post. I got a little carried away. ...please, anyone, jump in at any point in the above Litany of the Kree. I don't want to hog.
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Still the Same
Joseph turns his eyes away from the small cairn he was tending to in the shadow of a nearby tree to galnce at Therick. Nothing is said, but the storm brewing in Joseph's eyes make the intended point. Sharing Rainca's mischeivous grin, at seeing the council-man squirm Joseph's funeral dirge can be heard by all.

All Men Bear Their Shadows
All Men Bear Their Secrets
All Men Lay Calm In Death's Embrace
Free From The Duties of Burden.

Rising an eyebrow at Rainca's joyful zeal, Joseph Darmaryon jumps at the chance to enjoy hearty drink, also warily clapping Dioran's other shoulder. " Indeed, many Burdens have been lifted, but that is talk for another time. for now it is enough to drink with a soldier's zeal and to honor the the valor of Gath a'tu Darmaryon, True Kin of mine and all who would bestow honor upon him. " With a smile Joseph sets a bottle of stark red beside Gath. "This I give to Gath, fierce and noble of heart, for risking death as only a man's brother would. This I proclaim in sight of the moon, as custom dictates. Rest, and allow me to take upon your Burdens for a time."

As Bluerun approaches, Joseph listens carefully to Rainca's words. Leveling his voice, Joseph speaks,"May the southern winds warm your soul Rainca of Barav Kree. Your modesty brings honor to your House and Kin. Few men can manage the Burdens you bear. Fewer still can hold as steadfast."


As he steps into the prison, following Gath and the others Joseph nods to Therick, once he is able to seperate the man from the crowd. "I would bear promise to oversee our honored guests, if ample bath water and food can be aranged for. My companions and I are sure to remain quite hungry, and travel has put our clothes and bodies into disarray." Joseph is firm, but not overly arrogant. "Some hunting knifes would also be appreciated, Mi'Lord."
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
The healers who come are two older women well supplied with stinky herbs and wooden talismans. They accept the gift from Rainca graciously but silently and attend first to Gath. After several murmered charms and light touches, the halforc stirs and comes out of his fever dreams (magicly brought up to 1 hp). He is confused momentarily by the change of venues, but one of the women quietly says "Your friends are here as well sir, please relax," and he sees the others looking on with concern. Putting away the talismans for the moment, they then attend to the wounded members of the group with poulstices, needles, bandages and draughts, and encourage you all to stay sitting or lying to the rest of the day. (everyone who was wounded regains 1 hp (including gath) and will be treated as under long term care and bedrest for regaining hp overnight.)

After they leave, redarn, who is looking much better, says "Most of those who develope any talent for magic end up leaving Bluerun for the city, but the Serin sisters have remained with us. Their magic is small - it will be tommorrow before they can use it further - but they have honed their talents at mundane healing as well." he experimentally stands, then sits again. "Though I think they make their draughts a little stronger than need be to make sure people actually follow their instructions on resting. Anyway, I didn't want to contridict my brother, but I don't believe the bandits we fought were truely in the employ of those who plague us. They had no true weapons, and little of a plan. They might have been trying to prove themselves to the leader of the raiders, or maybe just inspired by them, but I don't want you to get cocky based on them... Leave the cockiness to my brother, he has enough to go around. Anyway, I'll leave you to your planning, tommorrow you can find me if you need anything." he stands slower this time and makes his way to the door, after a wave to all and a smile for Rainca.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
oh yeah, XP thus far = 400 each for the fight plus 200 each for RP. it should get significantly more exciting as we go along. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me with the reduced posting.

those who are wounded will gain 3 hp/level this evening if they refrain from activity more strenuous than talking and looking at maps.


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Rainca moves swiftly out of the way of the Serin Sisters. She kneels, wincing as she jars the knot where the slingstone struck, and removes her pack. She settles herself and her layered clothing and reverently lifts the small carved flute to her lips. Low, mournful notes ghost from her flute and she closes her eyes taking deep breaths of the bitter, herb-scented air. That smell. The stayed hand of death. So familiar. She plays. Her tune is the wide wind-swept plain and the cry of hunting birds. It is longing. Loss. She almost imperceptibly shakes her head when the sisters turn to her and continues playing. She plays for some time as the days events flow in and out of her with her measured breaths.

When she is done, Rainca lowers her flute and sits quietly for a little while looking at the delicate flute in her rough hands. She takes a deep breath and, tucking the flute carefully away, stands. She walks over to Gath and smiles, surreptitiously inspecting his poultices and stitching, "Warrior Gath. Welcome back. What did The Laugher say?" The metered phrasing of her question speaks of ritual.

She checks also on Redarn... Rainca will not soon forget how Redarn won his injuries... as she checks him over she murmurs, "Your Serin Sisters are very good. Give them our thanks. Rainca is not sure they know what to make of... us." Her gaze is inscrutable, her tone earnest.

She listens silently to Redarn's words, "Rainca has not forgotten Redarn's description of their fine matched horses." She turns to the dark-clad warrior, "Joseph Dar'maryon. You should speak with the prisoners. Rainca will observe. Or, perhaps, Council Man Therick will permit them to be brought to here." She looks to the others, shrugging. "If the Serin Sisters are like Kree healers, we had all better stay put." She grins.

OOC: Congratulations! I read in another thread! A baby on the way! Hang in there with the yucky bits. And no worries about the excitement level, not from me anyway. I'm having a great time.
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After a curious glance at the talismans the Serin sisters use, Dioran quickly concludes that these are not his cup of tea. The symbols make no sense to him. Instead, while they attend to our wounded, he will go around spreading small magics to clean and repair where necessary (prestidigitation and mending as much as he can). The prisoners will not receive this treatment of course.

At some point he will be working in the vicinity of Rainca: "We had little chance to converse of this earlier, and indeed this might not be a proper time, but we were curious about your scarfs and cloths. Did you make them yourself? Or are they special in some other way perhaps? We have some skill at weaving and would appreciate to learn new techniques." Dioran is obviously making small talk to cover up some uneasiness. Probably the skirmish didn't settle entirely, but it may be something else.

Later on, he will speak to Joseph: "Ah, sir hunter, we have been thinking about Redarn's words. Even if our assailants were not true members of the Whore Sons, then they still must have been spurred on by someone. We feel undercurrents in this place, not all may be as it seems. This reminded us of a conversation with some merchants in the inn yesterday. Apparently the village he was to perform some trade in was deserted without obvious reason - including signs of struggle. We wonder what to make of it all.. perhaps you know of a way to get the information we require unnnoticed? Their name itself, Whore Sons, while probably just derived of local custom, may point in a good direction to start inqueries.
But not tonight we reckon. How about we open up one more of your delicious vintages?

OOC: Congratulations indeed. I too am enjoying this game very much. I keep wondering where it will go and how on earth I will ever equal the imaginitive descriptions you all conjure up .


First Post
Hof said:
After a curious glance at the talismans the Serin sisters use, Dioran quickly concludes that these are not his cup of tea. The symbols make no sense to him. Instead, while they attend to our wounded, he will go around spreading small magics to clean and repair where necessary (prestidigitation and mending as much as he can). The prisoners will not receive this treatment of course.

Lupic notices Dioran's magica cleaning as he attempts to clean the gore from the spikes on his armor. Given the combination of chain mail and armor spikes, the cleaning job is not a trivial one.
"Dioran, can you help me clean my armor? I like how these spikes work, but I did not think they would be so messy. I think they start to stink if I do not get it clean. "



"Let's make a deal then: You keep the living filth of our back, and we will clean the dead remains of your armor. How does that sound to you?" Then with a grin and a wink, Dioran magically cleans the spikes as requested.



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Rainca's lopsided wolf's grin is wide as she sweeps to her feet, grunting as she does so... ...wounds are really barking, Rainca believes those Serin Sisters have more powers than Redarn says... ...Dioran inquires about her scarves. "The Barav Kree make fine cloths do they not?" She spreads the trailing end of one of the many sashes she wears. The patterns are intricate and strongly geometric. The colors bright and garish. "Rainca did not make this one. But, she has one that she did make." She lets the scarf flutter back into place as she turns to dig into her pack.

After some shuffling she pulls out a small length of cloth perhaps a hand's breadth wide and an arm's length long. It is well, if not expertly, made and Rainca holds out for Dioran to inspect. Red, purple and yellow, mostly thin stripes, trimmed at the ends with a heavier silky tassels in deep purple. She beams, a model of savage pride.

The manner of its creation can be easily deduced from inspection, and the methods are common, if uncommonly applied. "Rainca of the Barav Kree would be honored, Dioran Uthelem, if you would take this as a gift." The caster's mood does not go unnoticed by Rainca's sharp instincts. As he looks over her work she asks quietly, "Are you alright, Dioran Uthelem? Rainca senses that you are unsettled."


Left to her own devices Rainca passes the evening in quiet conversation with her comrades. Textiles and casting with Dioran Uthelem (making a polite request that Dioran use any remaining magics to clean and mend the prisoners), spikes and brawling with Lupic, religion and meta-physics with Gath, The Hunt with Joseph Dar'maryon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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