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(Adventure) The Monestary of Saint Feragon <Judge:Macbeth>

Kahuna Burger

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Aranel said:
Frowning at them all she walked over quietly. "Perhaps you would like to take your conversations and discussion where it does not endanger all our lives?" she asked them. Perhaps it would be best to find a room to barricade ourselves within and rest a while. Perhaps a meal and a while to plan our next moves would be..." The young elf looked between the group and the direction of the chanting. "Healthier for us."

Kirin nodded, she seemed to have honestly not heard the dwarf's latest rantings. "Perhaps the upper levels would be safest for that... that would be where I'd expect any surviving monks to have fled if they couldn't make it out... Between your elvish eyes and a bit of magic knowlege, we also might find a hidden storeroom..." She give a lighthearted smile up at the elf "for a safe place place to hide, of course..."

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Guilt Puppy

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Sturm, who hasn't been conversing or discussing much (mainly because of Finals, but, you know) -- he got a chuckle out of Rurik's aside, but for the most part he either didn't understand or didn't care.

"Ne'er 'ad much thought fer 'barricadin' up'," he comments, "In count o' surprise 'n all, but it's lookin' what 'ere's things fer discussin'," -- his disgust for that word is evident -- "'n how 'at's goin' 'bout makes us what as easy prey's a yowlin' babe in a squeakin' crib..."

He still keeps his body facing the door as much as possible, in case of assault, but his head at least is finally turned away.

"Goin' up fer safety seems'n make no sense, but nei'r sense makes ridin' giant 'ounds 'r turnin' inna vexin' mon'steries, so if'n 'at's how a job's done unnersky, I'll not 'ave a bit o' speech foul fer it."

Sturm moves toward the stairs leading up, motioning to the others to follow her -- most strongly toward Aranel, in case havin' that point actually does somethin' for the ear.

(OOC -- correct my memory if I'm wrong, but we're currently in a room next to the kitchen, or whatever room it was that had stairs leading both up and down, correct?)

"I almost do not want to say this...but..." Telerin spoke quietly and seemed to trail off into his thoughts for a short moment, "I do not believe going back and resting is a good idea. If we leave now, even for a short time...and they come out here and find bodies, we will have lost our chance at surprise. At the moment...surprise is our only advantage."

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Sturm looks at Telerin for a moment, dumbfounded.

"What'n names?" he mutters. "Does tactics mean 'disagreein' with everythin' a dwarf says' then?" He shakes his head, and sighs. "But right, then! Let's surprise, let's smash s'm faces in, 'n let's get s'm innacents saved 'n everythin'."

Sturm now stands in the middle of the room. Not sure what the plan is or what's happening, he's defaulted to having his scythe ready.


First Post
"Aye." Aranel started to loose her temper with them. "And if we rush in with the dozens of them chanting magic. Who is going to be the most surprised when we all end up dead?" She said in an overly calm and reasonable voice.

"We have a tired wielder of the divine who cannot heal us if we are hit. Two fighters who could surely use a good meal to bring up their strength before battle, an honourable knight who I am sure needs time to think of a suitable plan for us, no doubt his armour is heavy and his shield arm tired."

She looked around. "Myself. I am only tired of hearing us bicker." Her ground out calm gave way to a more thoughtful tone of voice. "If we dispose of most of the bodies then the others may assume that their..." she waved her hand "Whatever, have gone upstairs or down to find more to eat." She grimanced. "If we rest, we would still have the element of surprise as though they may know we are here, they would not know where or when we would strike at them."

She turned to look at each of the small group in turn. "Forgive me if it goes against all your ideals but this may require trickery and stealth to draw out a few at a time to thin out their numbers. Perhaps we should even encourage them to look for us. They may know we are here, but we are few and they are many, we still have our wits." She half paused and again looked over the group as though wanting to add more to that. "And they have just savagery as they search." No doubt there was some higher intelligence behind them, as it would take a little brains to have taken the monestary in the first place...

Aranel's ears twitched as she realised she was being a hypocrit by standing there and 'discussing'. Still she was on a roll.

"What I say is, we let them know we are here, if they send creatures out to look for us, we pick them off group by group. We are small in number and I'm sure each of us can be quiet. They are large in number and in size, they don't hide. It doesn't seem to be in them." She hoped they were following her words and her train of thought.

Some days it felt like she must have forgotten to start speaking common...

Hoping that it got through, as a plan and a way of keeping them from killing each other she looked to Telerin. "However, if you want to go on in there without aid of the gods, nor aid of fresh strength and will that is your choice. I do not choose to die so willingly at their claws."

At the end of her speech she seemed to deflate slightly and draw back. The more she thought of her plan the more she liked it, and even if they did have to charge in, better to charge in well rested and well fed, well prepared...

((OOC...sorry thats so long ^^; ))


[I'm guessing it's about an hour - I'd really like to hear A-M G's question answered - but we have been in three fights.]

Rurik, noticing that there's a discussion going on, meanders back toward it. As he catches the tail end of the conversation, he looks around at each of the party. It begins to dawn on him that even though he's fine, others aren't quite ready to go, and round about the time this gets said:

Does tactics mean 'disagreein' with everythin' a dwarf says' then?

Rurik catches himself nodding in agreement that indeed, tactics does mean disagreeing with the dwarves, and that it's going to be go time soon, and so he turns toward the fray again, only now Aranel's angry, so wait...

However, if you want to go on in there without aid of the gods, nor aid of fresh strength and will that is your choice. I do not choose to die so willingly at their claws...

"Ah, fer godses sake... Yer woon't KNOW what anyun's chooses were, cause yer never LISTEN to 'em, anyhow, an' e'en if yer do, yer just picks out the lil' bitses and twists 'em how yer want. Vexin 'ell: None o' yer ain't intrested in DISCUSSIN' hef as much as yer want ta holler at summat.

Wake me when it's o'er. I dun care anymore whe'er we go at 'em now er later. Take us a month to come up ta any kind o' concensus, anyhow, after ever'one's got ta share 'ere feelins...

Rurik walks off away from the fray, toward the other side of the room, muttering to himself, in Dwarven:

"Bixis 'bout to give a brother ulcers... Day-um, g, too much drama up in this muaahfaa..."


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Back all. It has been just over an hour.
You folks seem to have been busy,ahem, discussing while I was gone...

Aranel clearly hears the sound of chanting and the pound of drums now, growing louder with each passing minute.
Opening the far door, she sees a short passage that ends in a far door, this one open. As the other Companions crowd around, they too can make out what is clearly chanting and drumming. Something is happening down that passageway, something unnatural.

Creeping to the far end, the Companions can see a short flight of steps down, perhaps ten feet, these leading into an open chamber from whence difusseed light seems to be eminating. From the angle at the top of the stairs, it is impossible to get a look at what is within the chamber.
The sound of the drumming is quite loud at this point,pounding a primative tattoo throughout the air, rattling the teeth in your heads.

OoC:Awesome drawn map to follow. The dotted line represents the extent of what you can see of the chamber from your position at the top of the stairs.


Voidrunner's Codex

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