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Adventure: The Power of Knowledge (DM: Fragsie, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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"My name is Mikara. My group is trying to find out why a young orphan girl is sick. After being hired by a very powerful Oni to find and recover his Minotaur Gladiators, I came back to clean up my mess at the temple that I followed you from. You entered a portal, so I followed to find out more. You caught me off guard, and now I am tied up here. What are you doing to the people of Daunton?"

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"It was not I that you followed, but one of my generals. He wants your head for what you and your merry band did to his brother, but you are fortunate that my Lady spared you... you have something she covets you see, and I am of a mind to indulge her."

The woman squeals with delight and she eyes Mikara possessively as the hooded figure approaches the drow. A young looking hand emerges from the dark folds of the figure's robes and gently caresses Mikara's face. The hand glows with a strange beauty; the same that infuses the giggling woman, the skin is perfectly smooth without a single blemish.

"As for what I am doing to the people of New Daunton? It does not concern you, they are my people by right of blood and I may do with them what I please...
... Now, feel me dark elf, breathe in my presence, my love.

The figure's voice once more takes on that strange quality, as though it were a choir whispering in Mikara's ears. She fights it for a while, but as the cadences glide through her mind she feels the truth of his words take root within her.
Mikara closes her eyes and rubs her cheek against the still outstretched hand, a single tear runs down her face because she is in the presence of her true love and master.

"As you love me, so do you love my Lady, for she is my queen and stands at my right hand."

The woman takes a few steps toward Mikara and proffers her hand also, Which Mikara kisses in deference, she looks up into her queens face and feels humbled to be there before her.

The hooded figure reaches back into his robes and pulls forth what looks like a cross between a branding iron and a warlock's rod, it is entirely of a strange incandescent material except the brand on the end which looks to be simple iron. The figure detaches the end and replaces it with a different brand, then he begins to sing; quietly at first, but steadily growing in volume. The words are not of a language that Mikara understands; or even recognises, but their power could not be mistaken.
As the songs volume grows the brand begins to glow with heat, the melody changes and becomes more clear, out of the choir of this hooded man's voices a single soprano emerges and the brand suddenly flares brightly, it's end white hot.

Mikara doesn't recoil as he raises the rod to her shoulder, after all he is her love and master, it is his right to do with her as he pleased. But the moment the brand delivered it's painful kiss, the spell was broken and her mind returned to her. The intense pain seared through her entire body, so overwhelming that although she opened her mouth, no scream could issue forth.
As her vision blurred and she began to feel her body slipping into unconsciousness Mikara saw the figure carry the brand from her arm to his Lady's, his song continuing until the second he pressed it upon her flesh. Yet where Mikara had felt pain, this woman seemed to be convulsing with pleasure at the brands touch.

And then darkness...
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[sblock=Fragsie] I had a feeling something like that might happen... Now how in the world is she supposed to get out of this...!? What effect is that brand having on Mikara? If you wanna keep it secret for now, that's cool, I just wanna know if I need to add a "disease" track to Mikara's character sheet or something similar for mechanical reasons. [/sblock]


[sblock=Kalidrev]I won't say for now, but it won't be long until the reveal! The mechanical effect will be minimal.[/sblock]
[sblock=Everyone else]Is anyone going to be doing anything else at the shrine? How long will the group wait for Mikara before they think something might be wrong?[/sblock]


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OOC: we should be able to search the shrine in 5 minutes, then we should go.

Skalisss pulls a sunrod from his pack and tries to finish his search of the Shrine.

"Anyone find anything interesssting?" he asks the others.

Perception (1d20+4=18)
Light seems to help considerably!
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Shane breaks his contemplative silence. "We should move quickly. She is deadly in a fight, but she seems to often break off more than she can handle."


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Shane breaks his contemplative silence. "We should move quickly. She is deadly in a fight, but she seems to often break off more than she can handle."

[sblock=OOC] LOL, you're lucky she's not around to hear that or she might have tried to break off YOUR handle :devil: Of course, Shane is completely right, lol. With only 24 HP at lvl 2... ANY badguy other than a minion is pretty much more than she can handle if she doesn't put him down in one or two shots :p[/sblock]


Skalisss activates his sunrod and it's golden yellow light sweeps across the shrine chasing the darkness to the corners of the chamber. With the new light it becomes apparent that the unusual green mist is clinging to the dead bodies of the gang that you have previously dispatched, only Tomas' body is missing.
Standing next to one of the braziers, Skalisss notices that they are filled with wood ash as well as coals, suggesting that something has recently been burnt there.
[sblock=Arcana DC 18]The mist is most likely a symptom of a weakening of the planar barrier, these men must have been somehow tied to a different plane of existence, whether that connection was a physical one or a metaphysical one is impossible to tell.
[sblock=Arcana DC 22]The magical energy of the mist has an an unnatural aura that is reminiscent of the far plane, an alien plane that exists beyond the reach of the gods and titans both, and some say even beyond their ken.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Nature DC 15]The ash is the remnants of a small sack of herbs and a fine mineral dust.
[sblock=Nature DC 18 or Alchemy feat]you recognise three of the herbs that have been burnt, together they would have had a very strong euphoric affect on the mind of anyone that breathed in the smoke. The mineral powder would have acted as a catalyst and would have helped disperse the offending smoke into the air quicker.[/sblock][/sblock]

After the group have been looking around the chamber for a few minutes, one of you looks up and notices a translucent hooded figure standing in one of the dark corners of the shrine.
[sblock=Ceryx Only]You immediately recognise your mentor; Thalia.[/sblock]
The figure's feminine chin moves in the darkness of it's hood and you all hear it's eerie whisper clearly.

"Your friend is in need, they have left her by the nine headed serpent."​

It's message delivered, the figment quickly fades and is gone. leaving you each wondering if you were the only one to see or hear it.
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"That was... strange," Growl comments. He then shares with the others, "There were herbs meant to cause euphoria burnt here recently."

Voidrunner's Codex

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