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[Adventure] The Race of the Five Horns (DM: stonegod, Judge: THB)

OOC: hm, faerie fire wouldn't look natural but would definitely draw attention. But it lasts only two rounds...can we cross the square in that time? And besides, if we have to cross between guard groups one group will look in our direction if we attract their attention. Must we?

Make it to the other side without the alarm being raised at our "garrison". Any questions?
stonegod: was there any target specified (I mean we're trying to go past the garrison, theoreticaly we can go far on the side so we can get on same side of the guards, right?

I suggest the following (and am ready to hear better ones, I go to sleep now):
1. Bellegon, Ryk and Spring go over quiet like and see what there is to see. If there are no additional guards or we can bypass them we signal and the rest of you charge through. You might make it before they raise the alarm...
EDIT: new idea: stealthy ones go and TAKE THE FLAG OUT (if it's literal flag) and then we all tag it. end of challenge.

2. We still go first, but widely separated and ready for distractions in case the rest of you are noticed. Then Rikka goes in dog form. Then hmmm...Is Rikka strong enough to carry armored medium creature? It wouldn't be comfortable, but it would be silent.

What I really wanted to suggest is to use Bellegon black robe (he's slight, but it is voluminous so it should cover any glint of metal - we try stealthy approach (again)

3. Mask as a judge and annonce to one guard group that we failed and they should inform the other group - probably won't work because these are constructs and not real guards :( but I give it as an idea, maybe someone can do something with it
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First Post
OOC: So, would one more 'stage' get us into the garrison, or just past this set of sentries? Is there any way we can tell, without actually getting past this hurdle?

For what it is worth, Rikka has a couple of burst/blast powers (Chill Wind and Swarming Locusts), but I don't know how well they would work as distractions. If I want to burn my Utility daily power, Rikka can cover a lot of distance very quickly (single move action/run of 14 squares), but this is not stealthy.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[You are now within 50 ft straight, 100 ft by the roofs, to get into the garrison (which, as far as you know, is the end of this challenge).]

On Puget Sound

First Post
50 feet, 10 squares, is a single turn (double move) for everyone. So anything that pulls the guards out of position for even one turn will suffice.... Spring chasing a rat down an alley, for instance. Or a swarm of locusts (especially reflavored to be wasps or bees, more common in an urban environment) would probably not be seen as an attack right away - they might well be too busy swatting and ducking to raise the alarm.


First Post
OOC: The main drawback to the Swarming Locusts is that it is a Close Blast. Rikka could use it to create a cloud that was a visual draw, but can't really drop it onto a guard group unless they are already right next to her. Chill Wind is ranged 10, burst 1.

How about this: Get everyone down to ground level, near the opening of one alley, ready to run. We grab a pile of spare laundry from one of the lines, and dump it right inside the mouth of another alley- Rikka can stay on the roof above that alley, out of LoS from the square and guards. Once we're ready, she can fire off a Chill Wind burst, targeting the laundry pile. On a hit, that includes a Slide 1- so a pile of stray cloth would sweep out of the alley, make a swirling cloud and collapse. I'd say that prompts a closer look, but no obvious alarm- not even a shred of human visible. If they take the bait, everybody make a run for the door- as noted, 10 squares is a double run for everybody.

Failing that, we can try the old Stray Dog trick. Rikka can enter the square in dog form, maybe limping a little, maybe wrestling with a tattered backpack (probably got food in it...). She can move along the perimeter of the square, drawing the guards (either physically, or at least their attention). The rest of the party can use that distraction to close in on the garrison. Once the others are in position, Rikka can speed around the guards and in.

OR Option 3: just try to sneak across the roof- the distance is longer, but hopefully easier to cross without being seen. 20 squares is 2 full rounds, even for those in armor.

OR Option 4: get everybody at the mouth of one alley, ready to run, as with Option 1. Rikka can draw one guard group to another alley (possibly the Stray Dog trick), then Nova them in the confined space (Most likely Thorn Spray/AP Swarming Locusts)- this ought to draw the other group in, leaving the other to move across the square. Once Rikka has made her attack, she can go up the alley wall and across the roof at full speed- most likely she is inside before ths econd guard group actually gets into the alley to investigate.

So, who has a vote?

OOC: I just realized Rikka can bypass everything without trouble by changing into flying form (or, if she cannot fly as medium bat, she can change into snake). Snake may be medium and very long, but is also very stealthy and has minumum visible profile.

We can try laundry, but I'd prefer Bellegon and Ryk to take positions first...that way we, as a group, can use both stealth (for hiding) and athletics (for running) and we get more chance at distraction(s) if needed (Spring at one side and darkeness or Darkfire on the other).

On Puget Sound

First Post
Or we could set a fire. One that would take a minute or two to get big or smoky enough to notice. The guards will run to investigate, might even call for help... but they should all have their attention focused in the direction of the smoke, allowing us to slip past behind them.

Fire could be dangerous, we're in the city (true, Sharn in usualy drenched :)) and there are (unseen) spectators about

Is there enough water on the pavement to make ice? Do we have enough cold powers? Could we freeze the path toward the door and slide keeping low profile?

Or at least create difficult terrain for our enemies?
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