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[adventure]:The Search for Vlastoes (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


First Post
Prime! Prime! He's our man! If he can't do it....




Kamozy can!
Sharpe cheers.
Free last turn: Granting Drew 5 THP for killing the monster.

Move:Moment of Escape on Prime.

Standard->Move: I8-j9.

Minor: Majestic Word on Kamotz, he spends surge and gains surge+5+2 hp, and slides 1 square as a free action [MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION].
[sblock=Moment of Escape]
Moment of Escape. (Encounter Move Ranged 10; Arcane)
One ally
Effect: Sharpe slides the target 4 squares.[/sblock]
Sharpe Wellington- Male Half-Elf Bard 6
Init: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 16
AC 21 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 19, Spd: 5
HP 61/61
Bloodied 30 Surge Value 15; Surges Per-Day 11/11
AP: 1, Milestones:0

Basic Attacks:
Basic Attack +8 vs AC, Longsword, 1d8+2 damage
Ranged Basic Attack N/A

Staggering Note, Guiding Strike, Martyr's Saddle
Majestic Word X1, Shout of Triumph, Knack for Success, Words of Friendship, Thunder's Calling, Second Wind, Shield of Devotion, Moment of Escape, Noxious Breath (Dragon), Revitalizing Incantation, Unluck
Stirring Shout, Inspiring Fortitude (AKA Invigorating Presence), Song of Discord, Come and Become Sharpe's Pet! (Ring of Dragon's power 1 ), Dragon I Choose You! (Ring of Dragon's power 2 ), Armor of the Exalted +1

Misc: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.



Virtue of Valor: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.

[sblock=Malifixindalaunt The White Dragon]
Malifixindalaunt (Veserab) Level 6 Lurker
Large shadow beast (mount)
HP 60/60; Bloodied 30 Surge 1/1
AC 21; Fortitude 21; Reflex 18; Will 18
Speed 4, fly 8 (clumsy)
Immune noxious breath
Initiative +11
Perception +11
Blindsight 20

Combat Advantage
Malifixindalaunt deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.

Standard Actions
:bmelee: Bite • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.

:bmelee: Wing Claw • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.

:close: Noxious Breath (poison, zone) • Encounter
Attack: Close blast 4; +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 3 poison damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the
Malifixindalaunt's next turn. This power creates a zone of black, noxious fumes that remains in place until the end of the encounter. This zone blocks line of sight, and a creature that enters or ends its turn in the zone takes 5 poison damage. Malifixindalaunt is immune to this power's effects.

:melee:Diving Wing Rake • Standard, At-Will
Malifixindalaunt makes a charge attack, making two wing claw attacks. After attacking, Malifixindalaunt moves up to 1 square and moves in an unoccupied square.

Skills Stealth +12
Str 20 (+8) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 17 (+6)
Con 17 (+6) Int 2 (–1) Cha 4 (+0)
Alignment Evil Languages —


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First Post
Kamotz beams, yellowing teeth gleam even in the dim light, I CAN! the shifter springs from the three-point stance he had landed in and lands easily in Whiggin's saddle.

No touching. says the death cleric to the zed, the command is given weight as the dark light of Lauto envelopes the undead abomination.

Gravesite fixed, color changed to differentiate between Death Orb and Gravesite overlapping zones.

Did I mention Kamotz is delighted to have a nickname.

Before turn, Sharpe slides Kamozy Kamotz 1 square to I13 and Kamotz gains 19 total HP (Kamotz is now at 27/50 hp)

Move to Whiggins

Standard Mount up

Minor challenge Zombie

Effect: Kamotz marks the target, The first time the target makes an attack that doesn't include Kamotz, it takes 6 radiant damage. If Kamotz doesn't attack the target, or finish his turn adjacent to it, this effect ends. Kamotz can use this power only once per turn. (Hybrid, Mighty Challenge)

( @dimsdale the mark on the beholder Death Orb has faded, Kamotz has only done 10 radiant (incl. vul.) to the Death Orb. )


Kamotz (Cleric|Paladin)
Initiative +3 Passive Insight 24 Passive Perception 22 Senses Low-Light
HP 27/50; TempHP 0; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 7/9
AC 24 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 19
Second wind; Not Used
Action point; 0
Speed 5
At-will: Holy Strike, Lance of Faith, Divine Challenge
Encounter: Longtooth Shifting, Healing Word, Heedless Fury, Call of Challenge, Death Surge, Shining Symbol
Daily:Blood of the Mighty, Avenging Flame, Gravesite
Consumable; Fey Step Potion, Unguent of Darkvision, Vial of Darkness

Whiggins (-2 att)
Passive Insight 14 Passive Perception 19; Senses Low-Light
HP 62/67 Bloodied 33 Surge Value 16; Surges Per-Day 1
AC 19 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Resist 0 (5 all damage while ridden, Impenetrable Barding)
Speed 8 (9 While ridden, Riding Boots)
At-Will: Bite
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[MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION], there may be few things not covered by the rules, feel free to change the details (such as my last shift and attack - if there is no shift, last attack doesn't happen). If you forbid the move totally, I have to re-do whole turn. In that case Drew attacks bunched enemies around Prime (I'll decide what with if needed)

Drew soars up above the combatants, above the beholder and lands from above directly on the orb! Only Sharpe can hear *STOMP* that is left unfulfilled promise from such landing as the orb rolls under the monk.
"Dragon soars over the mountain!"

"Dragon lands on the mountain ridge!"

To adjust the monk quickly widens his stance and stomps his other foot down, straight into the forehead of the beast. His arms make sharp downward gesture, those familiar with the move know it would have hit more opponents, but as is, the orb is moved by sudden weight and drops down onto the battle ground squishing under the weigh of the monk who pushes hard moments before hitting the ground and softening his own fall on the beast.
"Dragon starts the avalanche!"
Frustration that was mounting in young monks voice gives over thriumph as he rides undead beholder down to earth

He tries quick strike with both hands as he lands, but due to rolling down the beast, he just slaps it as if in camaraderie.

"Malifix, get over it so it cannot escape! Take the bard with you!"

Move: Swift flight: fly 8 squares diagonaly to O8 5, 6 or 7 squares up as needed to land on the orb from above avoiding OA

Standard: Mountain Fall Stomp vs Fort(Death Orb); damage (1d20+11=20, 2d6+7+1=13) - miss

AP: Eternal Mountain vs Fort (Death Orb); damage (1d20+11=28, 2d8+7+1=21) - HIT, orb is PRONE! :D Drew gains +1 AC & Ref, Orb is slid to
N8-O9, takes 8 ongoing damage
and falls down 4 squares

Fall damage (Orb; Drew) (2d10=11, 2d10=11, 2d10=14, 2d10=15) - got something wrong, first two rolls are both 11 so orb and Drew take 11 damage from the fall
Acrobatics to reduce falling damage (1d20+14=18) Drew takes only 2 damage

Minor: stand up if needed (not sure if Drew is also prone after acrobatics?) and shift (since I'm standing up over the enemy)? to N7

Free: Ki focus property daily: make at-will attack vs enemy you hit this round
Crane's Wings vs Fort (orb); damage (1d20+11+2=18, 1d10+7+1=9) - ARGH! three attacks, only one hit! we need to debuff this beast. This last attack was supposed to push it next to Prime.


First Post
[sblock=DM Notes: Please Ignore]
Prime and Dox hit their respective targets. Another priest is unable to speak. Sharpe, the so called evil bard, provides much needed healing to Kamotz. Drew pulls off an incredible move, jumping high into the air and landing on the top of the death orb. Twice the Monk attacks the orb, missing due to the orb trying to shake him off. But one more attack hits home with a major wound, causing the orb to fall from the sky to the ground. Both the orb and Drew take additional damage. The orb, unable to gain altitude for the moment, shifts spins, shifting its center eye gaze to Prime. The construct detects the flow of necrotic energies ingulf him. One of the smaller eyes locks onto sharpe's dragon. An unknown force projects the beast backwards, with its rider holding on for his life. Another eye does the same to Vermitrax. And one more eye gazes at Prime. A patch of living skin located on the construct's right arm turns black and begins to crumble away. Three other foes surge towards prime. However, their attacks can't penetrate the fighter's armor. The priest continue their chants, but again, nothing happens. The orb grumbles You are weak. Your failure brings you pain! A burst of black energy surges from the orb ramming into both of the remaining priest. Only one screams in agony, but it is short live as the the priest succumbs to the pain, failing to the ground motionless. The other priest is currently unable to. Dox feels the muscles of the priest spasm into convulsion. A gurgle is all that escapes the priest mouth.

[sblock=Hero Actions]
Heros Turn
Dox: 18 to CP4, can't speak
Vermitrax: absorbs attack, save vs effects,
Prime: mark cm2, miss, ap spent: hit cf2 for 12, uses sharpe moment of escape
Drew: miss, AP spent: hit death orb for 21 and prone, 11 more for fall damage (drew take 2)
Sharpe: majestic word on Kamotz: heals for 19 hp
Sharpe Pet Dragon:
Kamotz: heals for 19, challenge z1, save vs death orb effects
Kamotz Familiar:

Total Damage to Enemy:
death orb: -21 and prone
cp4: -33, grabbed and can't speak
cp3: -15
cf2: -12

[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Enemy Turn
Death Orb:
Free attack: Eye of the Death Orb: aura 5: random attack vs ally within 5 with a random ray:
Possible targets:
1. Kamotz
2. kamotz pet
3: Vermitrax
4. Drew
5. Sharpe
6. Sharpe
7. Prime
8. Vermitrax

roll: 1d4 = 3: Verimitrax
random attack:
1. fear ray
2. necrotic ray
3. telekinesis ray
roll: 1d3 = 3

eye stalk attack 3: telekinesis ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Vermitrax reflex = (Hit 23) Vermitrax thrown to current location on map

Minor: Central Eye vs Prime
Ranged 8; the target gains vulnerable 10 necrotic, and any attack that
deals necrotic damage to the target also deals ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends both).

Movement: see map

telekinesis ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Sharpe's Dragon reflex = (Hit 29) Sharpe's Dragon thrown to current location on map

Sharpe saves vs falling off dragon: acrobatics check
(lost this part of post and can't remember what I titled the ic roll: I know it was a 20)

eye stalk attack 2: Necrotic ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage vs Prime Reflex: (Hit 20) for 14+10 (vulnerable) -1(resist all) for 23 damage and 5 ongoing (save ends both vulnerable and ongoing)

Priest 1 through Priest 6: Summon Undead
Note: This round the chance of summoning an undead creature is 4 out of 6. CP2 can't speak. CP3, though prone still continues to chant.
A roll = 6 causes a summon failure. This causes 10 points damage to all priest involved in the ritual. Perhaps there is a way to lesson the chance of the priest summoning the foes.

Roll = 3 summons an undead
Roll = 1, 2, 4, 5 Nothing happens
Roll = 6 (see above)

This round the summoning roll is: 4: nothing happens

Beholder AP attack: Not against allies but against priest: all still alive take 15 points damage.

attack: 1d20+16, 2d8+7 damage vs Prime AC: miss

prime marked by CF1

attack: 1d20+16, 2d8+7 damage vs Prime AC:
miss: (24)

scimitar attack vs prime: 1d20+9 vs Prime ac, 1d8+3 +5 necrotic damage = miss

move to current location
Attack: attack wolfy 1d20+6 vs wolfy AC for 2d6+2 = miss

Total Damage to Heros:
Pirme: -23 vulnerable and ongoing 5 (save ends)

Heros Stats

AC: 25 (26 w/ TWF), Fort: 23, Reflex: 22 (23 w/ TWF) Will: 18 — Speed: 6
HP: 64/64, Bloodied: 32, Surge: 16, Surges left: 9/9
Resist 3 ongoing, 4 all vs target last hit
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0

AC: 22 Fort: 20 Ref: 22 Will: 22
Others Saving Throws: Resistances: 5 Cold, 10 Force Immunities:
HP: 54/54 Surges value: 13 Surges/day: 9

Prime: Vulnerable and ongoing (save ends)
Defenses: AC: 27/27, Fort: 22/22, Ref: 19/19, Will: 20/20 Damage resistance 1
HP:54/83 THP: 5 Bloodied: 41, Surge value: 20, Surges/day: 14/14 Speed: 5 squares
AP: 0 Power points 4/4

AC: 23 Fort: 19 Reflex: 22 Will: 20
HP: 19/54 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 13

AC 21 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 19, Spd: 5
HP 61/61Bloodied 30 Surge Value 15; Surges Per-Day 11/11
AP: 1, Milestones:0

Sharpe Pet Dragon:
HP 60/60; Bloodied 30 Surge 1/1
AC 21; Fortitude 21; Reflex 18; Will 18

Kamotz: -2 to attacks (save ends)
HP 27/50; TempHP 0; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 8/9
AC 24 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 19

Kamotz Pet: -2 to attacks (save ends)
HP 62/67 AC 19 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16 Surges Per-Day 1
Resist 0 (5 all damage while ridden, Impenetrable Barding)
Speed 8 (9 While ridden, Riding Boots)

Enemy Stats
Death Orb: 190/200
F1: 130/156
F2: 129/158
P4: 17/50
P5: 50/50
BS1: 42/77


[sblock=Enemy Descriptions]
Priest: (Special)
HP 60 F 10 R 10 W (Not possible due to trance)

HP ?? F ?? R ?? W ??

Death Orb
HP 200 F 24 R 25 W 26
Special attacks: ???

BoneShard Skeleton
HP 77; Bloodied 38; see also boneshard burst
AC 17; Fortitude 16, Refl ex 16, Will 15
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 6
mScimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic, Weapon
+9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage (crit 1d8 + 11) plus 5 necrotic damage.
mBoneshard (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
+9 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save
C Boneshard Burst (when first bloodied and again when the
boneshard skeleton is reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Necrotic
Close burst 3; +8 vs. Refl ex; 2d6 + 3 necrotic damage.

HP 40; Bloodied 20; see also zombie weakness
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Refl ex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 4
mSlam (standard; at-will)
+6 vs. AC; 2d6 + 2 damage.
M Zombie Grab (standard; at-will)
+4 vs. Refl ex; the target is grabbed (until escape). Checks made
to escape the zombie’s grab take a –5 penalty.
Zombie Weakness
Any critical hit to the zombie reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.

Cult Fighter
HP 156; Bloodied 78
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 25, Will 20
Fighter Mark: An enemy adjacent to the fighter is marked until
then end of the fighter's next turn. The adjacent enemies does
not receive CA when flanking the fighter when marked.

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First Post
Prime and Dox hit their respective targets. Another priest is unable to speak. Sharpe, the so called evil bard, provides much needed healing to Kamotz. Drew pulls off an incredible move, jumping high into the air and landing on the top of the death orb. Twice the Monk attacks the orb, missing due to the orb trying to shake him off. But one more attack hits home with a major wound, causing the orb to fall from the sky to the ground. Both the orb and Drew take additional damage. The orb, unable to gain altitude for the moment, shifts spins, shifting its center eye gaze to Prime. The construct detects the flow of necrotic energies ingulf him. One of the smaller eyes locks onto sharpe's dragon. An unknown force projects the beast backwards, with its rider holding on for his life. Another eye does the same to Vermitrax. And one more eye gazes at Prime. A patch of living skin located on the construct's right arm turns black and begins to crumble away. Three other foes surge towards prime. However, their attacks can't penetrate the fighter's armor. The priest continue their chants, but again, nothing happens. The orb grumbles as a result of the priest inability to preform their task. You are weak. Your failure brings you pain! A burst of black energy surges from the orb ramming into both of the remaining priest. Only one screams in agony, but it is short live as the the priest succumbs to the pain, failing to the ground motionless. The other priest is currently unable to. Dox feels the muscles of the priest spasm into convulsion. A gurgle is all that escapes the priest mouth.

[sblock=Hero Actions]
Heros Turn
Dox: 18 to CP4, can't speak
Vermitrax: absorbs attack, save vs effects,
Prime: mark cm2, miss, ap spent: hit cf2 for 12, uses sharpe moment of escape
Drew: miss, AP spent: hit death orb for 21 and prone, 11 more for fall damage (drew take 2)
Sharpe: majestic word on Kamotz: heals for 19 hp
Sharpe Pet Dragon:
Kamotz: heals for 19, challenge z1, save vs death orb effects
Kamotz Familiar:

Total Damage to Enemy:
death orb: -29 and prone and 8 ongoing damage (save ends)
cp4: -33, grabbed and can't speak
cp3: -DEAD
cf2: -12

[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Enemy Turn
Death Orb:

take 8 ongoing

Free attack: Eye of the Death Orb: aura 5: random attack vs ally within 5 with a random ray:
Possible targets:
1. Kamotz
2. kamotz pet
3: Vermitrax
4. Drew
5. Sharpe
6. Sharpe
7. Prime
8. Vermitrax

roll: 1d4 = 3: Verimitrax
random attack:
1. fear ray
2. necrotic ray
3. telekinesis ray
roll: 1d3 = 3

eye stalk attack 3: telekinesis ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Vermitrax reflex = (Hit 23) Vermitrax thrown to current location on map
(I forgot to link this: I will if you want me to :O) )

Minor: Central Eye vs Prime
Ranged 8; the target gains vulnerable 10 necrotic, and any attack that
deals necrotic damage to the target also deals ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends both).

Movement: (hover from prone position)

telekinesis ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Sharpe's Dragon reflex = (Hit 29) Sharpe's Dragon thrown to current location on map

Sharpe saves vs falling off dragon: acrobatics check
(lost this part of post and can't remember what I titled the ic roll: I know it was a 20)

eye stalk attack 2: Necrotic ray: Ranged 8; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage vs Prime Reflex: hits (20) for 16 +10 (vulnerable) -1 (Resist all) = 25
roll lookup

save vs ongoing damage : fail

Priest 1 through Priest 6: Summon Undead
Note: This round the chance of summoning an undead creature is 4 out of 6. CP2 can't speak. CP3, though prone still continues to chant.
A roll = 6 causes a summon failure. This causes 10 points damage to all priest involved in the ritual. Perhaps there is a way to lesson the chance of the priest summoning the foes.

Roll = 3 summons an undead
Roll = 1, 2, 4, 5 Nothing happens
Roll = 6 (see above)

This round the summoning roll is: 4: nothing happens

Death Orb AP attack: Not against allies but against priest: all still alive take 15 points damage.

attack: 1d20+16, 2d8+7 damage vs Prime AC: miss

prime marked by CF1

attack: 1d20+16, 2d8+7 damage vs Prime AC:
miss: (24)

scimitar attack vs prime: 1d20+9 vs Prime ac, 1d8+3 +5 necrotic damage = miss

move to current location
Attack: attack wolfy 1d20+6 vs wolfy AC for 2d6+2 = miss

Total Damage to Heros:
Pirme: -25 vulnerable and ongoing 5 (save ends)

Heros Stats

AC: 25 (26 w/ TWF), Fort: 23, Reflex: 22 (23 w/ TWF) Will: 18 — Speed: 6
HP: 64/64, Bloodied: 32, Surge: 16, Surges left: 9/9
Resist 3 ongoing, 4 all vs target last hit
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0

AC: 22 Fort: 20 Ref: 22 Will: 22
Others Saving Throws: Resistances: 5 Cold, 10 Force Immunities:
HP: 54/54 Surges value: 13 Surges/day: 9

Prime: Vulnerable and ongoing (save ends)
Defenses: AC: 27/27, Fort: 22/22, Ref: 19/19, Will: 20/20 Damage resistance 1
HP:58/83 THP: 5 Bloodied: 41, Surge value: 20, Surges/day: 14/14 Speed: 5 squares
AP: 0 Power points 4/4

AC: 23 Fort: 19 Reflex: 22 Will: 20
HP: 19/54 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 13

AC 21 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 19, Spd: 5
HP 61/61Bloodied 30 Surge Value 15; Surges Per-Day 11/11
AP: 1, Milestones:0

Sharpe Pet Dragon:
HP 60/60; Bloodied 30 Surge 1/1
AC 21; Fortitude 21; Reflex 18; Will 18

Kamotz: -2 to attacks (save ends)
HP 27/50; TempHP 0; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 8/9
AC 24 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 19

Kamotz Pet: -2 to attacks (save ends)
HP 62/67 AC 19 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16 Surges Per-Day 1
Resist 0 (5 all damage while ridden, Impenetrable Barding)
Speed 8 (9 While ridden, Riding Boots)

Enemy Stats
Death Orb: 151/200
F1: 130/156
F2: 117/158
P4: 17/50
P5: 50/50
BS1: 42/77
Z1: 40/40


[sblock=Enemy Descriptions]
Priest: (Special)
HP 60 F 10 R 10 W (Not possible due to trance)

Death Orb
HP 200 AC 25 F 24 R 25 W 26
Special attacks: ???

BoneShard Skeleton
HP 77; Bloodied 38; see also boneshard burst
AC 17; Fortitude 16, Refl ex 16, Will 15
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 6
mScimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic, Weapon
+9 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage (crit 1d8 + 11) plus 5 necrotic damage.
mBoneshard (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
+9 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save
C Boneshard Burst (when first bloodied and again when the
boneshard skeleton is reduced to 0 hit points) ✦ Necrotic
Close burst 3; +8 vs. Refl ex; 2d6 + 3 necrotic damage.

HP 40; Bloodied 20; see also zombie weakness
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Refl ex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 4
mSlam (standard; at-will)
+6 vs. AC; 2d6 + 2 damage.
M Zombie Grab (standard; at-will)
+4 vs. Refl ex; the target is grabbed (until escape). Checks made
to escape the zombie’s grab take a –5 penalty.
Zombie Weakness
Any critical hit to the zombie reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.

Cult Fighter
HP 156; Bloodied 78
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 25, Will 20
Fighter Mark: An enemy adjacent to the fighter is marked until
then end of the fighter's next turn. The adjacent enemies does
not receive CA when flanking the fighter when marked.

Drew needs to roll an athletics check DC 14 next round to stay atop the orb. The round there after require DC 17, DC 20, and so forth, increasing by 3. If Drew fails the roll, then one of the eye attacks will be used to project the monk of the top of the orb. NOTE: As long as the monk stays on top of the orb, it can't gain altitude. Good luck Drew...may you stick to the orb like glue :)
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OOC: Dimsdale, did the orb stand up from prone with it's move? if not, it had a -2 penalty to attacks and the ray actually missed Prime.


First Post
OOC: Dimsdale, did the orb stand up from prone with it's move? if not, it had a -2 penalty to attacks and the ray actually missed Prime.

GM: Well played Someone. ;) I'll give you that only because you are surrounded by three foes and one evil orb :)...thus, damage negated. Prime is still has the ongoing and vulnerable effects.


With Drew on top of it, the undead round thing must akwardly roll over to target Prime. The construct can see it despite being surrounded by enemies and at the last second he's able to interpose his shield. The ray bounces on it, dispersing it's energies upwards, but even then some of the necrotic power clings to him, creating an almost unnoticeable coat of rust.

Not spending any more time, Prime steps foward, hammer spinning in wide arcs hitting all nearby enemies, and grabs the stalk thet tries to target Drew.


Immediate interrupt: On the orb's turn, Unbreakable to reduce damage taken by 10. Prime takes 13 damage, 10 of those negating his temporary hit points.
Start of turn: Take 5 damage from ongoing necrotic damage.
Move: Shift to current position. since he's shifted, he gains the boot's benefit TENT (+1 to AC and Ref, noted in ministats)
Standard: Crushing surge on death orb, with bonuses from combat advantage (from prone) and Warforged tactics feat. It fails to hit, but Prime gains 5 temporary hit points and the orb is Marked TENT.
Minor: Use Rain of Steel. All enemies adjacent to Prime take 6 damage at the start of their turns.
End of turn: Save Vs vulnerability failed. Save Vs ongoing damage (+2 racial) successful.
After turn: Gains 14 THP from Sharpe's power, doesn't stack with current. Noted in sheet.

Out of turn actions
Immediate interrupt: Drew failed his check to avoid beign targeted and the orb surely will target him with a ray, so Prime will use one of his interrupts to redirect the attack to himself. You may as well attack Prime in that case and save retcon time.

Notice that if the orb or CM2 shift, Prime can do the same as a free action.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Prime Warforged Fighter|Battlemind 9

Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 23, Passive Insight: 18
Defenses: AC: 28/27, Fort: 22/22, Ref: 20/19, Will: 20/20
Damage resistance 1
HP: 67/83 THP: 41 Bloodied: 41, Surge value: 20, Surges/day: 14/14 Speed: 5 squares
Languages: Common
AP: 0 Power points 4/4
Bull's Strength, Crushing Surge, Lightning Rush, Battlemind's Demand, Blurred Step, Combat Challenge
Shield Edge Block, Warforged Resolve, Unbreakable, Guardian’s Counter, Boots of the fencing master, Second Wind
Living Fortress, Rain of Steel, Shattered Time, Endure Pain, Moradin's Blessing of Iron, Knockback Warhammer[/sblock]

[sblock=A guide to Prime's out of turn actions]
With all the immediate action Prime is gathering, he’s becoming a complex character to have in pbp. In order to reduce the amount of retconning, do not hesitate to use one of these actions at the first chance it could be reasonably useful, in the following order of priority. Notice that many though not all are immediate actions and are mutually exclusive (you can take only one immediate action per round):

  • Blurred Step (Battlemind feature, at will). Prime can, once per turn as a free action, shift 1 when an adjacent marked enemy shifts. Use this along with Combat Challenge for maximum benefit.
  • Combat Challenge (fighter feature, at will, immediate interrupt), a MBA he can make against a Marked enemy who shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Prime. Notice that he can push enemies up to 3 squares with this attack: since combat challenge is an interrupt, this has the potential to completely negate an attack if it pushes the enemy beyond melee range. Otherwise use the push to disrupt the enemy strategy as much as possible.
  • Guardian’s counter (Encounter power, immediate interrupt), If an ally within 2 is being hit but the attack wouldn’t hit Prime or the damage to the ally would be severe. Prime exchanges positions with an ally within 2 squares, becomes the target of the attack and can retaliate with a MBA.
  • Fully augmented Lightning Rush (using 2 power points, immediate interrupt): Same case as guardian's counter, when guardian's Counter can't be used. Prime can move 5 squares, becomes the target of the attack, and deals a +13 VS AC, 2d10+8 damage attack.
  • Shield Edge Block (Encounter power, immediate interrupt), when he’s hit by a melee or close attack and a -4 penalty to hit would make the attack fail.
  • Unbreakable (Encounter power, immediate interrupt), if hit by an attack that can't be negated by Shield Edge Block that deals 11 or more damage (he’d negate 10 with the power -which isn’t described as damage reduction-, then 1 from armor property)
If you roll any attack granted by any of these actions, don't forget Prime's Warforged Tactics feat: +1 to hit enemies adjacent to at least one ally.

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[MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION]@, you forgot ongoing damage for the orb? Or added damage and forgot saving throw? Also, since I'm not beside but on top, I didn't spend ki focus daily as I described earlier, right?

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