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[Adventure] The Sibylline Idol (Judge covaithe)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation pulls out the found journal and offers it to the sage. This was found in the home of the deceased, before this vermin working for some organization called 'the Shards' found it. Note it mentions some idol that was not found in the house; I believe this was something you talked about. I also do not like the fact that these Shards lowlives are in the same sewers as the dead searched.

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The elderly sage takes time ushering you all in. He doesn't pay much attention to the little halfling but does say, "Make sure he doesn't touch anything then. What do you intend to do with him?"

After guiding you all to the sitting room that you had originally discussed Rosvodiz's fate with the sage, he sits in front of his desk and lights a small stick of incense. It's smell is overwhelming even over the other thick scents in the room. He then lights a lamp and turns back to you to continue.

In a phlemy voice he says, "Sorry, lungs are acting up again today. You say that you found a journal in Rosvodiz's hovel have you? Let me have a look." reaching out to take the book from Incarnation he peruses its covers, reading the entries carefully. "Hmm yes he had spoken of some of these events. These last ones are particularly interesting. There is something about them that I can't put my finger on, but you can see how the stress of that trek into the dungeon had put on such a mighty warrior. I had thought we were making progress and it appears that I was correct. If only he'd have made it to me that day."

"He never showed me the idol, but he does talk about having it translated, its too bad that I couldn't see it. The presence of these young ruffians in his place is disconcerting. The Shards you called them? Now that is an interesting name for a gang. Reminds me of a legend, what was it now." he says but begins coughing.

After a few moments of rest he begins to speak again, "The Five fought against a group who were trying to raise an ancient entity from the depths to devour all of Daunton. They were successful in containing that entity as many of you probably know the story. It is said that the cultists believed that the entity was birthed from a shard of pure evil within the Elemental Chaos. The connections between not only this idol, but with those old cultists and this new group calling themselves the Shards cannot be a coincidence."

"You say that these ruffians were in the sewers too? If its not too much I think that you three might want to head down there. From what Rosvodiz has said you will need to be careful. I should have a few things around here somewhere that I can give you that might help. I had intended these as payment, but they'll do you no good if you don't make it back out." he says.

He stands slowly and asks Riardon to give him a hand. He then moves back towards the kitchen and stops in the hallway. With a practiced motion he opens a secret panel under the stairs. On a rack within the cupboard Riardon can see a set of sylvan armor resting on a cloth dummy. The old sage asks you to bring it out. Once that is out of the way he retrieves a slender wooden box finely carved in a reddish wood.

Returning to the main room he says, "That armor will provide you with the stealth and movement of the elven peoples. While not of the high nobility of the Imperium, it is very useful. It is called Verdant Whisper, may it serve you well. Incarnation I also have this. I've kept it for many years, but I gift it to you now. It is called Malgrith or Malign in the common tongue. Legends say that it once belonged to Mauros, to whom I believe you have an interesting connection."

ooc: the armor is Sylvan Hide +1 and the rod is a Rod of Deadly Casting +1


First Post
Rurdev, covers his mouth and nose with his sleeve. The scents were too strong for his keen senses. Once the sage was finished speaking, the shifter speaks. "We should t-t-turn the little assassin o-over to the guard. Then we can g-g-go after the c-c-cult."

[sblock=ooc]Should we try and get another PC? A defender?[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Up to you guys. I'll NPC Amicus and Dalzim until you decide to abandon them. They are not getting XP or loot any more but they can serve as back up in fights. I think it would be a good idea though to have some new players in here to liven it up.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As Incarnation takes the rod, there is a flickering of flame beneath his cowl. A sigil flares up on his shadowed brow, but it is gone too quick to readily identify. There is a slight tremor in Incarnation's grip, but it is quickly quashed.

You have my thanks, Master Sage

Turning to the others, he sees strain already in the wizard's eyes. Yes. Let the little one and the holy one take him. But first... we have business to attend. A visit to the Hanged Man.

But can we find those that can be trusted?[sblock=OOC]Woot, loot! Recruit, I say![/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Did you want me to do it? or did you want to handle it IC? On the one hand its easier for me to jump in and say we need 1 defender and 1 controller stat but on the other it might be a nicer to remain in character to do it.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
"Thanks, master sage. May I use your backroom to change clothes. Maybe we are diffrent now, we still regard the elves as our cousins.

What about you? Ready for the sewers, or do you want quit?"
Riardon asks the others.


Perhaps they sould leave us IC first, before we start recruiting IC.

Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 14 Will 13
Hit Points: 24 / 24 Bloodied: 12
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 7 / 8
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Scorching Burst, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Lead the Attack

Condition: -


"My interest in the Imperium has yet to be perked, I think I shall retire to the Hanged Man and seek my fortunes elsewhere." replies Amicus.

"I'm sticking with him. He's more amusing to poke fun at anyways." replies the gnome.

"We'll take care of this little runt, make sure the watch keeps him out of your way for a good while." continues Amicus as he grabs the halfling by the scruf of his neck and leads the two small people out of the sages house. You hear coughing outside as their lungs are re-aquainted with clean air.

[sblock=ooc]Okay they are gone. The sage will not come with you into the dungeon, but if you want him to go to the Hanged Man he certainly will.[/sblock]

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