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[Adventure] Trouble in Daunton (DM: Nebten, Judge: Currently Looking)

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Howler cocks an eyebrow at Vayne. "One of those warlock types, eh?" he quips, before the spider runs away. When it escapes him, Howler spits on the ground in frustration. Growling, he sheaths a sword and picks up bones from refuse pile, throwing them one by one at the spider's web in an attempt to foul the webbing.


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As Howler starts to pick through the bone and refuse, he does notice some items of import. A beat up, but still usable suit of leather armor, a whetstone, two vials and about 40 gold pieces scattered out. One of the vials is clearly marked "Antivenom."


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Howler cocks an eyebrow at Vayne. "One of those warlock types, eh?" he quips, before the spider runs away. When it escapes him, Howler spits on the ground in frustration. Growling, he sheaths a sword and picks up bones from refuse pile, throwing them one by one at the spider's web in an attempt to foul the webbing.

"No." Vayne answers simply with a small smile.

She offers 'Joe' a hand to his feet.

"We'll probably have to face more where that came from. Or at the very least that one might come back. Watch the ceilings and walls as we move on."

Vayne looks over the refuse.

"Antivenom. Didn't do this guy much good. Better hold onto it howler, you tend to get up in people's... things... faces a lot."

(assuming with permission) she takes the other vial and pops it open, taking a whiff of the contents, looking for anythign which might give a clue to its purpose.

"We can divvy up anything else of value later..."


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Nave smiles weakly as Joe thanks him with true gratitude. He leans against the cave wall as Howler and Vayne pick through the bone-pile, finding a small fortune. As the gold coins are found, Nave's eyes sparkle and he stands straight up, a crooked smile on his face.

"Ah... I can hold onto those coins for now. Wouldn't want anything to happen to them, right?" Without pausing for a possible answer, he continues right away. "Right. They're safe with me!" he says, as he pushes his way forward and scoops up the pile of coins.

Looking to Vayne quizzically, he raises an eyebrow and asks her, "What's in the vial, sweet vixen?"


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Howler ignores the good in the pile and focuses on the destruction of the spider's web, certain he can simply beat his share out Nave later. He does raise an eyebrow when Vayne denies being a warlock, but lets it go as a simple denial of the obvious.


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OOC: can I wear the armor? (i.e. will it fit?) if so, I think I shall adding 2 to my AC - assuming we are in short rest mode.

Joey the Kid will gird his loins in a manner of speaking, putting on the newly found armor while Howler unleashes his fury on the spider's webs. The youngster will then check out the shelf from which the spider appeared. Figuring there is only one way left to go now, and the trail is most likely cold.

OOC: if we ARE in a hurry to get back after the kidnappers, then the armor will wait


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GM: The Leather Armor is fits & is in working condition. It can be put on during the Short Rest.

Inspecting the spider shelf does not show anything more then spider droppings. The tunnel that is covered in spider webs narrows down to a space that only be comfortable for a child. The only other exit is the entrance from which you came.


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"Well, dead-end, I guess. What say you lot show me to the next arachnid hell-house so that I can watch you become spider-lunch?" says Nave, half-joking, half-mocking.

Nave sees Howler staring at him as he says this, whilst shoving the last few coins into his pack. The cleric swears he sees a strange, menacing smile cross the half-orc's face for a brief moment, and feels slightly intimidated. "Ah, don't think that I was trying to... y'know... run off with your gold or anything! I mean, I'm not like that... You didn't think that, did you?" He stutters.


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GM: The Leather Armor is fits & is in working condition. It can be put on during the Short Rest.

Inspecting the spider shelf does not show anything more then spider droppings. The tunnel that is covered in spider webs narrows down to a space that only be comfortable for a child. The only other exit is the entrance from which you came.

"I don't think a group of people would have tried to drag a hostage through this. Lets head back the other direction." Vayne finishes gathering whats left of the valuables and gestures for the group to move back the other way quickly.

Quietly she wonders to herself, "I bet I could squeeze through there... it if were really important..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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