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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge: THB) - Part II

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Thinking quickly - and moving even faster - Feall scrambles up a nearby tree, scooping his crossbow up as he climbs. Settling himself on a branch, he takes a split second to flick a shroud over the approaching mass of vegetation even as he lets loose a Firestorm Bolt at it.

"I'll work on the Mound . . . maybe I can weaken it some before it closes!"

[sblock=Actions]Move: Climb (1d20+2=18) tree at D09.
Minor: Draw Repeating Crossbow
Free: Assassin's Shroud on Shambling Mound
Standard: Attack (1d20+11=28, 1d8+7+1d6=10) vs. Shambling Mound with Firestorm Bolt.[/sblock]

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Kortauhk, frantic to protect all of his allies from the enemies who were quickly closing in on them, feels a tug in his gut as he moves to the water's edge. Summoning his armor in a great thunderclap of sound, the goliath focuses his thoughts on the idea of a giant thundercloud. Responding to his primal call, storm spirits materialize above the warden in the form of an enormous, swirling black cloud. Thunder rumbles constantly beneath the cloud as storm spirits condense into physical form around Kortauhk and his companions. Their translucent bodies of solid sound swirl around Kortauhk and his allies, forming a protective barrier.

"Kortauhk and peoples be under cloud! Storm spirit protect peoples what be Kortauhk friends!

- Move: Move from J6 >1> I6 >2> H6.

- Minor: Summon Armor

- Standard: Nature's Abundance: Creates a zone in a close burst 3 (7 x 7 square centered on Kortauhk) from Kortauhk that lasts until the end of the encounter. Kortauhk and his allies have cover while they are within the zone.

[sblock=Kortauhk's Stats]
Kortauhk - Goliath Stormheart Warden 5
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 22 (no shield), Fort 19, Reflex 14 (no shield), Will 15
HP 65/65, Bloodied 32, Surge Value 16, Surges 7/14
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind

At-Will Powers:
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Tempest Assault
Earth Shield Strike

Encounter Powers:
Stone's Endurance
Gale Strike
Violent Bolt

Daily Powers:
Form of Mountain's Thunder (Form of the Mountain's Thunder Attack)
Storm Strike
Nature's Abundance

Item Powers:
Summon/Banish Hide Armor
Command Sun Globe (bright/dim/no light; close burst 5/10 from globe)
Resist all 5 (Cloak of Resistance)


First Post
I'll give the Pok-ster until tonight to post, then he'll use an at-will on the swarm (Chilling Cloud to trigger the vulnerability) [/sblock]


First Post
Valahad has heard of shambling mound and the bugs, but he still takes his allies warnings in stride.

Valahad sends a telepathic message to the crocodile, marking it as his enemy. He speaks in the mind of Pok and Kortauhk. "Pok, keep the shambling mound away from us! Kor, I'll help with Chomp-Chomp, but let's stay out of the water. I'll draw it to me!"

Stepping out of the thick air, the kalashtar levels his longsword at the creature. He swings his longword at the creature, a spray of acid striking the reptile, burning along it's scales. The acid causes some minor wounds on the crocodile.

Pok struggles against his self-preservation instinct to blast the bugs and get away from their threat or attempt to slow the mound down. He eventually decides it's better to keep himself safe and conjures an ice cloud over the foes. Some of the little bugs seem to be frozen in place, the water covering them becomes a prison.

Sorry Val, just trying to RP Pok best I can. Cast Chilling cloud on swarm.

vs fort (1d20 8=27) hits for 15 damage and it takes -2 penalty to attack rolls TENT[/sblock]

Thinking quickly - and moving even faster - Feall scrambles up a nearby tree, scooping his crossbow up as he climbs. Settling himself on a branch, he takes a split second to flick a shroud over the approaching mass of vegetation even as he lets loose a Firestorm Bolt at it. The bolt strikes the creature and some of the vines look a little more blackened as a result.

"I'll work on the Mound . . . maybe I can weaken it some before it closes!"

Kortauhk, frantic to protect all of his allies from the enemies who were quickly closing in on them, feels a tug in his gut as he moves to the water's edge. Summoning his armor in a great thunderclap of sound, the goliath focuses his thoughts on the idea of a giant thundercloud. Responding to his primal call, storm spirits materialize above the warden in the form of an enormous, swirling black cloud. Thunder rumbles constantly beneath the cloud as storm spirits condense into physical form around Kortauhk and his companions. Their translucent bodies of solid sound swirl around Kortauhk and his allies, forming a protective barrier.

"Kortauhk and peoples be under cloud! Storm spirit protect peoples what be Kortauhk friends!

The crocodile's scales seem to be repairing themselves as it moves forward and the thickened air envelops River, Valahad, Korthauk, and even reaching Feall. The monster bites down on Valahad, but somehow the enchanted full plate of the paladin protects him although you feel the tremendous strength the massive beast possesses.

The mound shambles closer, it moves through the swampy water with ease, hardly slowed by the terrain. It rushes the last few steps and swings a tendril towards Pok, but the drow easily dodges the clumsy strike.

The bugs swarm past Pok, moving towards Korthauk, seeing the large goliath as a particular tasty meal. Pok attempts to stab at a few of them when they pass, but he misses. The tiny bugs begin biting Korthauk and although their initial bites are minor, the wounds soon throb with pain as their poison courses through your veins.

When you start your turn you are both hit by the swarm. Shava takes 9 poison, Korthauk takes 12 more and both have ongoing 5 poison. [/sblock]

[sblock=Perception DC 14]
You see a large, serpentine form slowly moving your direction from the Southeast, just arriving at the far island.

ooc - O20-ish right now[/sblock]

[sblock=Nature DC 15]
Shambling mounds roam swamps and marshes. The common variety envelops its prey and crushes it with its rootlike tendrils. Shamblind Mounds recover their vitality quickly.

The insects are known as Swamp Striders and they carry a deadly poison when they bite. They are considered a delicacy for some nobles when properly roasted.
[sblock=Nature DC 20]
Shambling mounds are healed by lightning. They can envelop lesser sized creatures and drain their strength. [/sblock] [/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana DC 20]
The crocodile is known as a Feymire crocodile. A feymire crocodile hails from the untamed marshlands of the Feywild, although they inhabit worldly swamps as well. The crocodile constantly extends roots and tendrils into its surrounding environment to draw nourishment from it. The creature also has regenerative abilities, although the application of fire will stop it for a few seconds, similar to a troll [/sblock]

[sblock=Unlocked stats]
Crocodile - AC is lower than 25
Mound - AC is lower than 28
Bugs - Fort is lower than 27

Red Square around crocodile is difficult terrain, even out of the water.

Water squares are difficult terrain, the tree will provide cover, can be climbed with DC 15 athletics. Rocks provide some cover also.

Valahad - 22
Pok - 21
Feall - 20
Korthauk - 13 - 61/65 - ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Bad guys - 10
Sheeva - 10 <- you're up
River - 7

bad guys, feall, River, Val, Korthauk, Sheeva, Pok (1d20 7=10, 1d20 7=20, 1d20 2=7, 1d20 3=22, 1d20 3=13, 1d20 6=10, 1d20 5=21) [/sblock]
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First Post
"Arawai, ward us from our enemies." asks River. Suddenly a light burst from River holy symbol and englobe the battlefield. The massive crocodile seems unaffected but the Mound and Swarm are pushed back.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Standard: Moment of Glory (vs Will on Crocodile, Mound, Swarm) (1d20+10=15, 1d20+10=25, 1d20+10=22) Blast is E4,I8

If Crocodile hit: Pushed to I1,K3 and prone
If Mound hit: Pushed to D10,E11 and prone
If Swarm hit: Pushed to L9 and prone

Sheeva, Valahad, Korthauk and River all gain resist 5 all damage (that include ongoing poison :) ) until the end of next turn (Sustain Minor).

Move: Only if Crocodile is pushed, shift to D4
Minor: -[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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