Adventures in Cormyr - The Doorway from Everywhere.

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Thodan smiles slightly at his companion's terse responses. "Well met, Vardrin Theese. I am Thodan of Tempus, cleric of the Lord of Battles. Forgive my companion's terseness, but trust does not come easily in these troubled times. And it is easier to judge one by actions, than by words alone."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rhun said:
Thodan smiles slightly at his companion's terse responses. Forgive my companion's terseness, but trust does not come easily in these troubled times. And it is easier to judge one by actions, than by words alone."
Vardrin smiles. "No offence taken, Thodan, friend Jack. I understand the difficulties of trust, and the memory of your lost friends still haunt you. Never fear; once we reach Lord Hawklin, you should see that both he and I are worthy of your trust."


First Post

“I'm Leonara, archer and tracker from Cormanthor. And this is Stalker.”

The large hound at the side of the dark-haired elven woman growls, it doesn't exactly sound like a hearty welcome.

“His trust is gained even harder, than that of my companions, I'm afraid, but I can assure you, he will do you no harm without my consent.”


First Post
After chatting with the group for a few minutes Vardrin advises that you'll have to travel to Arabel to meet Lord Hawklin in person, bidding each other good night you find accommodation for the night after agreeing to meet Vardrin at first light.

Waking early in the morning you meet Vardrin at the gates, mounting up on the horses that he's requisitioned, you bid farewell to Captain Stern and spend approx the next seven hours in the saddle, an hour after noon you get your first glance at Arabel.


Even from this distance it's clear to see the signs the invasion has left on the bustling trade city, most of the walls appear to be newly rebuilt and strengthen and it's easy to see that large sections of the city was destroyed and are in the process of being rebuilt.

As you get closer you can see that the 'Caravan City' lives up to it's name, streams of caravans are both entering and leaving the city, while many more wend their way thru the city heading for the large sections of warehouse throughout Arabel.

After about 40 minutes of travelling you arrive at the busy gate, the guards after glancing at Vardrin and his royal writ allow you to enter with relative ease, leading the way thru the city Vardrin heads in a northerly direction heading towards the wealthiest part of the city.

In the shadows of the imposing Citadel (Barracks for the Army of the East) is the Arabellan Palace.

The two lend a contrast in taste, the Citadel is a solid defensible working mans fortress while the palace appears to be taken right out of a fairy book, this fancy slim-towered nobles castle, with it's elegant, sweeping turrets and conical roofs on the five towered palace, betrays it's showy design.

Vardrin leads you all to a nearby well appointed manor which seems to be a balance of the two larger structures, gaining access to the manor you are lead to the visitors room where you're allowed to briefly freshen up before being escorted (sans weapons) to a gazebo in the beautiful gardens.

As you approach you get your first glance at Lord Falzo Hawklin. Dressed impeccable in black Lord Hawklin is a stunningly handsome man in his early thirties, standing up as you approach you can see that Lord Hawklin is a tall well built human with dark hair and eyes.

Giving you all a charming smile as you approach he greets you all warmly, shaking hands with the men you notice that his grip is both firm and strong and he has the calloused hands of a swordsman or common labourer, bowing elegantly to the three ladies he greets both Leonara and Glandred in the customary fashion for their races.

Bidding you all to have a seat he fusses for a moment making sure that you're all comfortable and have been offered something to eat and drink.


Leaning back casually in his chair he looks at you each in turn in an appraising manner, speaking in a deep cultured voice "We have a little problem and we thought you might wish to help us out. If you don't mind travelling, a bit of dry air and giving some brigands a good drubbing this might be a nice outing for you"

"As you're probably aware the crown is short on man power, and we received a report three days ago, of some brigands or troublemakers north of here, near Tilverton."
he grimaces as he pronounces the name.

"What used to be Tilverton, anyway. We need you to go there and get rid of the problem in whatever way you see fit, give the local area a look around , then come home. That's all there is to it. Shouldn't put you out overly much. You'll be well rewarded and all that. So are you in?"

OOC: Sorry to cut the introductions short, but I thought you might like to get into the meat of the adventure.

Amazing Triangle

First Post
"So wait you want us to go to an invaded city, kill or fix them so they die or leave, then you want us to return here? Or is this strictly survellience? Sorry I didn't quite get the whole brigand thing, how many able bodies took the city?" Jack pauses for second.

"How big is this town we have to "take back"? My geography of the world is a little rusty...Can we have a little more intelligence on this, no offense intended, but what you gave us seems a little on the thin side."
Jack says looking between his companions avoiding the Wizard's eyes. He seems to be trying to get his friends reactions as he speaks. You see Jack's tactician coming out, and you see the gears turning in his mind.

"If you can guve us answers or point us to someone who can, I will sign on."
Jack sits back folds his arms and fidgets with the straps on his pack waiting for an answer.


First Post
Thodan turns his head to Jack. "Actually, my friend, the rumor is that the town of Tilverton is completely gone. Vanished. Nothing but a pit in the earth left where it once stood." The priest of Tempus turns back to Lord Hawklin. "Do you have any idea how many of these bandits there are, and where they are lairing?


First Post
Rhun said:
Thodan turns his head to Jack. "Actually, my friend, the rumor is that the town of Tilverton is completely gone. Vanished. Nothing but a pit in the earth left where it once stood." The priest of Tempus turns back to Lord Hawklin. "Do you have any idea how many of these bandits there are, and where they are lairing?
Turning to look from Thodan to Jack "Your friend in right Tilverton is gone, and all that is left the black crater, which is is strictly off limits, on pain of death."

"The brigands were sighted north of Tilverton on the outskirt of the stonelands, I apologise if I haven't been exactly forthcoming with information, but you're being offered a mission by the crown, it's the sort of mission that makes you an agent of the government, and we need people that have the best interest of Cormyr in mind when they take it"

"There is more to this mission than I've said, yes but we are reluctant to disclose anything further until we have your sworn agreement to take up this cause. We have appointments with two other adventuring parties after this, but you were our first pick, so are you in?"

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