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Adventures in Delve & Greerson


Let's see how our friends in Greerson are doing.

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It is mid-morning when the river ship glides into the dock. Refugees gather up sacks of grain, apples and dried rations. They are close to running out of food, but should be fine for a few days yet. They wrap their clothes a little tighter around their bodies. They are further north then they are accustomed to and winter is approaching.

The Seeker's of Legend disembark and look around. It doesn't seem so long ago that they stood at these docks seeking a ship down south so they could learn more about the Gnolls. Still, the last time they stood on these docks, their friend Felix was with them. Now he rests peacefully beneath the plains far to the southwest.

Li shakes the captain's hand before he leaves. Greerson is nearly two days travel on the road so they have agreed that Li will send word back to the captain on any potential cargo within a week. Once Li has done that, they will discuss when the ship should return in the spring to leverage the trade contracts they have discussed.

Soon, the entire band is moving toward the outskirts of town. The refugees look wary as they proceed toward the forest. These are old trees and dense forest. They are more comfortable with open plains. Kind finds the terrain to be interesting though. He can sense a deep undercurrent of harmony within the forest. There is also a sense of power. As the group enters the trees, Kind feels a presence watching them for a moment. Then the sensation passes.

Ayla and Ceru are also familiar with the terrain. They have trained in this place in the past. By their observations, the forest is still healthy. The deciduous trees are turning color, berries on bushes have ripened, birds are migrating south. Autumn is well underway, but it makes the forest seem peaceful somehow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The road to Greerson is roughly 40 miles and Li's manor is on the eastern edge of Lord Tannerson's holdings. It will be a hard two day journey to get to Li's manor.

There are 5 cleared camp areas along the road. They are roughly 8 miles apart and various organizations in Greerson make sure they are maintained and safe. Since the band arrived mid-morning, it will be after dark before you decide to stop for the evening.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There is very little traffic on the road today. The roads in Greerson are never as heavily travelled as the roads around Stormhaven, but it is quiet even by Greerson standards. Twice Skye tells Ceru that others have watched them, but they never interfere with the band as it travels northeast. Tortoise doesn't seem concerned so Ceru doesn't feel concerned.

Twice during the day, Tormal gets a strange feeling. He can almost feel something watching him. He isn't sure what, or where, but the feeling persists for several moments, then fades.

The band stops for a brief lunch during the day, but proceeds into early evening. It is a long, hard march and the refugees are pushed close to exhaustion before they stop. The hike through the forest has done much to comfort the refugees however. Early grumblings about a lack of farmland have given way to the comforting sounds of the breeze in the trees, the refreshing streams and the obvious fertility of the land. It is a difficult march, but most of the refugees are hoping that they are nearing the end of their journey.

Ayla quickly recognizes the latest campsite area. This is the one nearest Greerson. Still, it is nearly a three hour walk to reach the city. The refugees are simply too tired to go any further. Besides, after a quick consultation with Ceru, both are sure there is a path that leads eastward from here. If the band uses it in the morning, they will be able to arrive at Li's manor sooner.

The camp area has stacked firewood and several firepits. A stream provides fresh water. At the edge is also a small shrine. It is dedicated to the forest runners that protect Greerson. There is little conversation as everyone settles in near small campfires. Crickets sing their symphony in the dark. In the middle of the night, as Ayla is on watch, she finds the crickets to be mesmerizing. The cadence of their song lulls her for a moment. Out of the corner of her eye, she thinks she sees a porcupine shuffling in the undergrowth. But when she turns her head, she sees nothing and the song of the crickets breaks the stillness of the air.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the morning, Ceru and Ayla lead the group to a small path that diverts eastward. The band will have to proceed in single file to travel along it. Kind is not as sure as Ayla and Ceru. To him, it looks more like an animal trail than a road. He even notes some bear signs on the trees nearby. This causes a little concern among the refugees, but the reassurances of Ayla and Ceru, as well as the acceptance of Li, help quell their fears.

There are no camp areas along the trail, though there are small clearings in several places. There is a large stream that crosses the path at one point, but the trail leads to a place where two trees have been felled across it. Several trout can be seen in the water from the bridge. Finally, the trail connects with an obvious road. Travelling slightly southeast, the band reaches the edge of Li's holdings by midafternoon.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Soon the roof of Li's manor is seen. A young boy calls out and rushes into the manor. Moments later, he emerges with his mother. Li easily recognizes the two and he can see that they have been busy clearing the worst of the overgrown orchards in the time that he has been gone. They approach before the woman stops in front of Li.

"Lord Gao, welcome back to your estate. I apologize for our lack of progress, but it is difficult with just the two of us."

She surreptitiously eyes the refugees. Whether out of hope that she will have more assistance with the manor, or out of concern for being able to feed this many visitors is difficult to tell. She pulls out two slips of folded parchment.

"Letters arrived for you and for Miss Ayla while you were gone. Will we be having guests?"

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First Post
Li smiles lightly as he returns to the manor. "Guests? Perhaps. THese people fled the gnolls to the south, and now I have offered them a chance to work on the manor. As soon as possible, I will see Lord Tannerson to ask for help returning the manor to working order. For now, we will let them rest for a day, since it has been a hard journey, then we will start work on the manor, and preparing for a new crop."

Also, he will take the mail for him, and read it.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dang, you replied fast. OK, cool. I was working on the letters already. But first a little more.

"These folks have fled from the gnolls? I hadn't considered the possibility that you would bring people back with you."

She immediately begins organizing the refugees and sets off for the manor. Just before she leaves, she hands Ayla her letter. Once the refugees are out of sight, there is a slightl rustling in the trees above and Sheila Honeybaker drops to the ground in front of the group.

Sheila is wearing some sort of armor that looks like the bark of the trees. She is wearing low cut boots with a soft sole and her legs are covered in a green and brown dye. On the shoulder of her armor are the ranks sigils identifying her as a Captain. It takes Li a moment to absorb that as her potential rank has never come up before. At her side is the hunting knife with the antler handle and in her hand is her bow. Sheila pulls her hood back to reveal her face. She smiles faintly at the Seekers.

"Welcome back Lord Gao. I see the rumors are true. You have returned and you have brought a good many people with you. Did I hear you correctly? These people were fleeing the gnolls? I also note that you are missing three of those that left with you. Have you lost companions in the battles or have they chosen to part ways with you?"


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
"Welcome back Lord Gao. I see the rumors are true. You have returned and you have brought a good many people with you. Did I hear you correctly? These people were fleeing the gnolls? I also note that you are missing three of those that left with you. Have you lost companions in the battles or have they chosen to part ways with you?"
"I am honored, my Lady. THese people did indeed flee the gnolls, and I hope to give them a better life here. Unfortunately we could not save more, but at the very least we can help these few. "

"As for our missing companions, it is witha heavy heart that I tell you of our friend Felix's untimely death. I feel a heavy responsibility for his passing, if I had not been taking care of these survivors I could have helped repel that creatures that slew him. Alas, we were not able to save him, and we layed him to rest in the fields."

"But luckily the other Seekers remain with us. Tyrm and Oceas stayed in Delve to try to rally support to attack the gnolls with a larger force. And we have a new one among our number. This is Kind." Li motions at the druid. "He is a protector of nature, and so has helped us against the gnolls. When we decided some of us would return to Greerson, he asked to come along, as the sound of this place interested him."

"But what of you Shiela? and Lord Tannerson? What has happened in Greerson during our absence?"


First Post
Ayla Will take her letter and put it away for later reading when she is alone. Once li and Shiela are done talking, Ayla will ask if Shiela would be kind enough to help train her, seeing as she would love to learn more with the bow.
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First Post
Shiela, might I have a word with you? I was wondering if you would be interested in helping me improve my archery skills, and maybe help me train. I would really like to become more proficient, and you are very good, so you were the first person that came to my mind to asking. If you are not interested however, would you have any suggestions on who might be able to help me, or even others that might help along with your help?


Sheila's eyebrow rises when Li calls her Lady. But she listens as Li speaks.

"You have my condolences Lord Gao. It is always difficult to lose a boon companion. I am sure he fought well. Your success at bringing these people here reflects well on his heroism."

Sheila greets Kind with a strong handshake.

"You look to be a follower of druidic beliefs. We emphasize the harmony between the people and the land in this country. If you see the benefit in that, you will be welcome indeed. Contrary to Lord Gao's generous greeting, it is inappropriate to address me as Lady. Please, call me Sheila."

Sheila sighs and strips off her gloves. Running a hand through her hair she looks at Li once again.

"You asked what has happened since you left. To tell the truth, the time seems longer than it has been. The news from the north is not encouraging and I think the people you brought with you will be welcome indeed come spring. Too many of our people will not return I fear. This seems to be a major offensive. Perhaps larger than anything seen since Lord Greerson himself fought them over a millenia ago. The Thurgon and Durgon are fighting well, and our people are helping greatly. I have even heard that your former companion Keldorn is doing well. But there is something missing to weigh the battles in our favor. There are rumors that the giants have something powerful aiding them. I would almost seek to relinquish my commission here and join them. Except things here in Greerson are not as they should be either."

Sheila examines Tormal and Ayla for a moment.

"Since you left, the attacks by the apparent wolves slowed. But they return with some full moons. Not with each full moon, just enough to keep people tense. As well, I have lost three of my Forest Runners since you left. I presume they are lost since they never came back from patrol and we could find signs of struggle. I cannot leave because my duty is to protect Greerson and if I abandoned that duty to fight the giants, then others might as well. It seems there are many ways that the world is darkening and it weighs on my heart."

"You say that Oceas and Tyrm are in Delve and that they are seeking to rally support to assault the gnolls? I must assume that you and your companions will soon be off then. It seems there are many wrongs that must be set right. Good luck to you all."

Sheila shakes her head slowly.

"I should be off. I have a patrol to continue. I am sure Lord Tannerson will be able to catch you up on anything I have missed. I had heard that you were returning and I wanted to see for myself. I am glad I did. That all of you have helped this handful of people warms my heart somewhat. If you are still in town when I return from patrol, perhaps we will have more time to speak."

Sheila pulls on her gloves, nods to the Seekers and begins to walk into the forest.


Ayla said:
Shiela, might I have a word with you? I was wondering if you would be interested in helping me improve my archery skills, and maybe help me train. I would really like to become more proficient, and you are very good, so you were the first person that came to my mind to asking. If you are not interested however, would you have any suggestions on who might be able to help me, or even others that might help along with your help?

Sheila stops at Ayla's question. She regards Ayla for a long time. Finally she speaks.

"You have changed somewhat haven't you? I am sure there are some interesting tales to be heard from all of you. You have more self-confidence. I can certainly instruct you in the use of the bow. You have a great deal of talent and if you honed that, you could be very good indeed. But I will be honest, I do not have as much free time as I did at the end of the summer. I must focus much of my energy into assuring the people of Greerson are protected. There are new Forest Runners we are training right now. How will it benefit Greerson for me to take the time to train you?"


First Post
While we are here, I could help with the forest runners in any way i can, and I can help patrol. But if you are too busy I understand. Is there anyone else less busy that I may ask for assistance?


Kultar said:
While we are here, I could help with the forest runners in any way i can, and I can help patrol. But if you are too busy I understand. Is there anyone else less busy that I may ask for assistance?

Sheila shakes her head.

"There isn't anybody available that you could learn from. At the end of the summer, you already demonstrated significant talent. Everybody that could really teach you something is involved with duties similar to my own. I am not sure you could keep up with many of us on patrol without training. There are many secrets that only Forest Runners are taught. But I'll tell you what. I should return from patrol in two days. Visit me at that time. If you are serious, you will figure out how to visit me. Then we can discuss your request in detail."

Voidrunner's Codex

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