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Adventures in Delve & Greerson


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thank you, I look forward to seeing you in two days.

Once Ayla has settled down and no one is around, she will read her letter. Then she will put it so no one can read it (unless they go through her belongings). After she is done, Ayla will roam around Greenson. After looking around for a little while, she will stop someone and ask where Sheila lives (maybe she should ask Li, he probably knows) and if they could giver her diresctions.Once she finds someone she will follow the directions to make sure she can find her way there.Once done with that, Ayla will walk around for a little while longer before retireing to the estate for the afternoon/night.
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Just a random question regarding training: Since I think Li will take both levels as a Psychic, and he is the only one of his kind that he knows of, will he need to find a trainer, or will his training consist of meditation, practice, and soul serching?

Basically, do I need to find a trainer or not?


I would expect that Li would get a little training to improve the basics (HP & BAB). Appropriate skills for being trained are probably things he would seek help on as well. Feats may or may not need training.

But really, I worry more about having a stable, relatively safe, location where you can devote the majority of your time to self-improvement. Having a legitimate "trainer" allows access to PC contacts and possible access to certain PrCs. I don't worry about hard & fast rules on trainers because not every discipline would, or should, require one. But when it is appropriate, it provides background and flavor. And as I said, it provides potential contacts.


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While the rest of the group is off in Greerson Tyrm will find a bright sunny spot near Delve and will spend much of his time there thinking and meditating as well as searching for new ways to increase his power in order to aid the group when they return.

While staying in the tavern Tyrm will read the small book that the head priest gave to him as well as take a trip outside of town and visit the local mage. Tyrm will keep the day of public admitance to see the governer open and he will arrive promptly after his morning prayer at sunrise.

Other then that Tyrm will spend most of his time in his sunny clearing meditating and humming his song.


Kultar said:
thank you, I look forward to seeing you in two days.

Once Ayla has settled down and no one is around, she will read her letter. Then she will put it so no one can read it (unless they go through her belongings). After she is done, Ayla will roam around Greenson. After looking around for a little while, she will stop someone and ask where Sheila lives (maybe she should ask Li, he probably knows) and if they could giver her diresctions.Once she finds someone she will follow the directions to make sure she can find her way there.Once done with that, Ayla will walk around for a little while longer before retireing to the estate for the afternoon/night.

It takes a little bit, but soon a firendly guardsman answers.

"Captain Honeybaker? Yes, her home is in the large Oak near the center of the city."
He points at the large Oak tree near the center of Greerson.

Ayla is able to make her way to the base of the tree. She can see that there is a house built up in the canopy far overhead. But there is no sign of a ladder or stairs or a door.


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Oceas will reply to the secretary. "I'm sorry if it seems to cause a misunderstanding. I am not really on the Greerson council. I have merely been given this tabard as identifying myself as a representative of Greerson in Lord Tannersons behalf. My companions and myself have been sent out into your surrounding lands to determine the threat of danger which surrounds this area. We have found significant reason to fear a gnoll invasion of everything this side of the river including your city. I have also had disturbing visions and been spoken to by my god Xanthos concerning the weakening and potential fall of a god. The omens all bode ill and I would like to not only warn your people but to see if there is something that I and my companions can possibly do to prevent this catastrophe. The evil we have seen and been warned of is coming to pass and we do not wish to see harm done to innocent men, women, and children. We have already witnessed the destruction of numerous smaller settlements and the deaths of thousands of people. Some stronger, greater force is unifying the gnolls in vastly greater numbers than ever seen before and has made them believe that they can carve out an empire here. It is extremely urgent that my companion and myself see the governor as soon as possible.


First Post
After some thinking, Ayla decides maybe it would be easier to find out if Captain Honeybaker speds her time off duty somewhere else, a little more, easily accecible. With that in mind she will ask where some places Captain Honeybaker spends her time when she is not patroling.


First Post
Anyone that is at li's manor will notice that Ayla is not there during the day. She comes back later only to pack a few of her things and then leaves. If anyone cares to look on the door to her/anyone elses room ,there is a quick note scribbled down, it says: I will be back later . . .Ayla

During the day Ayla heads to Lord Tannerson's manor where Sheila might be training, With no luck of finding her there, she talk to Lord Tannerson about the Gnoll situation. She tells him that they are organized and that they have magic, such as teleportation. Ceru might want to go and tell him about getting into the Gnolls dream. Also Anyonw migh want to goa nd add their own tid bits on the situation. Once Ayls was done talking to Lord tannerson she heads off toward Sheila's house. After looking around for a little while she sees no easy way up. So she decides to climb a small tree and walk/climb among the trees until she reaches Sheila's house way up in the tree. After a few hours she finally reaches the house and gets in. After talkign to Sheila for a while, she decides to leave on a trip. Going back to li's manor to gather anything she might need she leaves, writting a quick note to anyone who might care. You can ask her questions once she gets back seeing as she is leaving no details, because she seems to be in a rush.

I might post a little more tommorow, I am tired right now and cannot think of anything esle to write. Maybe some important quotes tomorrow.


Kultar said:
Oceas will reply to the secretary. "I'm sorry if it seems to cause a misunderstanding. I am not really on the Greerson council. I have merely been given this tabard as identifying myself as a representative of Greerson in Lord Tannersons behalf. My companions and myself have been sent out into your surrounding lands to determine the threat of danger which surrounds this area. We have found significant reason to fear a gnoll invasion of everything this side of the river including your city. I have also had disturbing visions and been spoken to by my god Xanthos concerning the weakening and potential fall of a god. The omens all bode ill and I would like to not only warn your people but to see if there is something that I and my companions can possibly do to prevent this catastrophe. The evil we have seen and been warned of is coming to pass and we do not wish to see harm done to innocent men, women, and children. We have already witnessed the destruction of numerous smaller settlements and the deaths of thousands of people. Some stronger, greater force is unifying the gnolls in vastly greater numbers than ever seen before and has made them believe that they can carve out an empire here. It is extremely urgent that my companion and myself see the governor as soon as possible.

The secretary looks at Oceas somewhat dubiously, but remains polite.

"Very well sir, I will take this matter up with the Governor at my earliest opportunity. Once he has made a decision as to whether he wishes to speak with you, we will contact you."


Letter to Li

From the humble domicile of Wu Cho, High Knight of Shang Mu, and hopeful liberator of all the peoples of Lang Taoh to the Samurai Li Xiang Gao, humble servant of the Honorable Lord Tannerson of Greerson.

Greetings Samurai Gao,
I hope this humble missive finds you in pure spirits and strong health. Though it has been but a short time since we met, it seems far longer. My efforts to recruit honorable warriors to join the fight against the hated serpent folk languishes as I seem to have difficulty overcoming the tremendous apathy and inertia that pervades the people of this city.

Perhaps that is for the best though. The battle with the sea devils has escalated to the point that sea travel is dangerous. Stormhaven has redirected the efforts of all shipyards to repairing war vessels and building new vessels so they may contest for mastery over the oceans with the sea devils. I suspect that I am disadvantaged by my lack of mercantile activities as I still see workmen providing services for other non-combat vessels.

I do not yet possess the skill with tongue and negotiation to effect a change in this regard, so I am forced to wait. This has caused some delays in my plan and I am shamed to report that I do not believe I will be departing on a two year schedule as I promised the honorable folk of Greerson at the autumnal festival. It appears that my departure date will be pushed back at least two seasons, possibly longer.

If my shame will not reflect poorly upon you, could I prevail upon you to make this known to the honorable folk of Greerson? I do not know if my words have fired their hearts any more effectively then they have moved the people of Stormhaven, but I would not choose to mislead them if any do choose to help me liberate our homeland.

What deeds and honor have you gained since we last spoke? I am sure that your Honor and skills can help improve this world, especially in these troubled times. If you are willing to share, it would help lighten my heart to hear of your deeds. As well, if you find yourself in Stormhaven, I would be honored to have you as my guest.

With Sincerity and Respect,
Wu Cho, High Knight of Shang Mu

Voidrunner's Codex

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