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Adventures in Delve & Greerson


First Post
Tormal is obviously shaken by the moment. A silence overwhelms him and he hesitates for a moment when Wolf finally comes into the clearing. There is a slight delay between Wolf's question and Tormal's response. Finally, after several moments the silence is broken and Tormal boldly says "I have called upon you because I seek assistance. I wish to learn the true ways of the wolf!"

Wolf begins to laughing though, it is more a bark and a growl rolled together. With an intimidating demeanor Wolf leans forward over the fire. His lips peel back revealing all of his teeth as he grimly says "What makes you think a human can learn the true ways of the wolf? Humans have short memories and your Olfen Dahr is but a pale shadow of what I once taught humans."

Tormal sits in deep thought for a minute before continuing. "That may be true" Tormal replies "but you have taught humans before have you not? If that is not the true way of the wolf then what would it be?" He stops for moment then interjects again "What makes you think I can't learn?" Tormal seems to mentally brace himself for the onslaught. He thinks to himself, “I wouldn’t have asked you hear if I thought myself incapable.”

During the conversation Tormal sits tall and bold. He has a confidence about him that, even he, had not felt in a long time. While Wolf could easily dispatch him Tormal regards him as a peer more then anything else. Yet, on the same not he does seem to push Wolf a bit more then you would have thought he could.

Wolf's hair bristles and a deep growl resonates from the camp. His body tenses up and he barks "I have taught humans, in the past. But they forget their tutors easily! Where was the Olfen Dahr when humans hunted wolves? What good were their promises then? Humans turned their backs to wolves. They did not truly learn. What makes you different?"

Despite the intensity of the conversation Tormal stands defiant. Either he really fears Wolf and tries not to let it seem so or, he is trying to challenge him in some way. "While I do not know of the promises you speak of or the past of the Olfen Dahr I wouldn't have asked it of you unless I truly believed myself capable. If that is the case I only wish you to help me to redeem that which has been lost. I can and will correct the teachings!" Tormal stops to recall his past and all of that which he has read. "I cannot speak for those in my past. But you cannot allow history to deter you! I will change that; I will step against the current. I am different because I desire to learn the truth."

To Tormal the best way to reach across to Wolf is to try and impress him. Because of his nature Wolf would be impressed by his will to stand against him without backing down. In some obscure way he wanted to prove to Wolf that he was not weak. Wolf glares at Tormal for a while. "You are brash and I doubt that you truly know of which you speak. Tell me, in your rearing, were you told of the role you fill in the pack? Were you told of loyalty?"

Tormal recalls the academy and all he had learned. “Loyalty…” he thought to himself. It is apparent he was ready for such questions and he quickly answers "My role in a pack is to be the pack. I am apart of a unity that cannot be broken. I act a protector and a warrior both. I must devote myself to the good of the whole in all aspects. With such comes innate loyalty. I know of such. While it may mean little to you loyalty is the definition of the place I was learned. Without loyalty you have nothing no…” Wolf cuts Tormal off with a enraged snarl. "Then where was that loyalty when wolves needed the help of the Olfen Dahr!?”

Wolf sits there like an interrogator staring deep into Tormal’s eyes. "You say I cannot hold the past against you, but what is the past? It is a meaningless human thing. There is no past, no future. There is only action and inaction in the now." Still growling wolf continues "Those of the pack work for the benefit of the pack. Wolves know these things. We taught you how to hunt. We taught you to protect yourselves, and the pack. You turned against us. The Olfen Dahr do not understand loyalty. They turned their backs on the pack. You wish to know the truth? You wish to understand the true ways of wolf? Show me what you think you know!"

Tormal sits quietly listening to wolf. After a moment he stands leaving his quarterstaff on the ground beside him. He stares into wolf's eyes in question and yet with a proud aura about him. "I have shown you before what I know. If that is not what you speak of then I have nothing more to show you..." He takes stance against wolf " If there be more then I ask that you show me."

"That is twice you have not done as you were told. You are an insolent whelp and prove my point quite adequately.” Wolf stands and barks something to the other wolfs. They quickly melt into the night. Wolf grimaces. "This whole place stinks of dead cat."

Frustrated, Tormal begins his kata. He then pauses and looks to Wolf surprised by the disappearance of the other wolves. He reaches into his pouch and pulls out the claw he pried from the dead cat. He tosses it at Wolf's feet. "He entered my camp several days ago and tried to kill me. I obviously prevailed."

Wolf pauses before walking out of the clearing. He watches Tormal go through his kata. Tormal's execution is nearly flawless but Wolf shakes his head. "I doubt not that you have learned all that was taught you. You have potential. But you have much to learn. Do you really think you have that strength within you?"

"I know I have the strength" Tormal states proudly.

Wolf fiercely barks "Muscle will avail you little. If you truly believe you can succeed, then submit."

Tormal pauses and takes in the words with heavy thought. "Very well." He bows to Wolf and sits before him. The fire flickers and pops beside him. He takes a moment to clear his head of all thoughts. He then opens his mind...
Wolf pushes forward and shoves Tormal to the ground. Tormal can feel the muscles ripple beneath Wolf's fur before Wolf's jaws tear at his throat. In a low growl, Wolf asks, "Do you submit?"

Tormal is startled but maintains his composure. He breaths heavy but is able to calmly say "yes..."

Tormal can feel Wolf's breath, hot on his neck. Pressure from Wolf's teeth increases slightly and then is gone. Wolf is standing over Tormal. "If you ever try to force another wolf to your will, I will feast on your heart. Pups should not have to watch as another's will is imposed over their mothers.”

"I....understand... I am sorry." Tormal says in a low voice.

Wolf steps back. "You are not quite ready for that which I can teach you. You smell of human and it is clear that you cannot fend entirely for yourself. You must learn those basics first. We can surely teach you to hunt as we do, but as I remember it, humans prefer to burn their prey. It might be faster if you have other humans teach you those things." He stops for a moment as Tormal sits up. "Though, the basics of hunting are the same as for defense. If your prey is on his back, he cannot run, or attack."

Tormal lays back for a moment weary of sitting back up. As Wolf backs up tormal does sit forward. "I have friends... that could teach me those skills." Tormal listens quietly. "That is true, I understand. Disable your prey and stop them from getting away or retaliating"

Wolf nods. "When your prey falls and exposes his soft underbelly, then is the time to strike. We could teach you this as a beginning point. Once, people knew how to cast forth magical rituals that would allow them to bind closer to us, if we chose to accept them. Perhaps there are some that still hold this knowledge. If you can find somebody that knows this ritual, and if you have the will power, then you might join with Wolf more fully… I will hunt. Gain your rest and we can show you more in the day. Think on what you wish to learn."

With that Wolf melts away into the night with the rest. Tormal lay there wide eyed and certainly awake. He thinks on what he has and will do and what he may wish to learn from Wolf. Before he realizes it the day breaks through the trees above and onto his face. The morning has come and the fire in front of him still smolders. He takes a moment to breath in the fresh air and then gets up….”

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Also copied on the Yahoo Forum
Macbeth said:
With his time in Greerson, Li will train for most of the day, dealig with issues around the manor as they come up, and meeting with Lord Tannerson as needed.

As for the issue of the gnolls, Li will inform Lord Tannerson: "My Honorable Lord Tannerson. The gnoll situation is most grim. These creatures show a level of organization and strategy one would not expect from their kind. They display a knowledge of tactis and planning that, combined with their numbers, makes them formidable, to say the least.

Lord Tannerson greets Li and invites him to a smaller room in the manor. There, the two of them can speak quietly. He listens as Li relates the organization of the gnolls.

"Generally gnolls are chaotic creatures that prey upon each other nearly as often as they prey on others. That they work together is somewhat troubling."

In our experience, before they attack a village, they poison the villagers by using mercenaries to plant poison in food and drink. When the village is sickly they surround the village and close in, killing all that come in their way.

They seem to want land not just for mundane reasons, it seems something mythical or divine is driving them. Within the dreams of a leader of one of their divisions, Ceru saw a great beast, a gnoll of amazing power that seems to be a reaosn for all this. I cannot say if he was a god, or simply one with The Lady's favor, but reagrdless he seems to be a part of all this.

"This certainly displays strong leadership. It is an odd tactic though. I wouldn't expect gnolls to think in that manner. If they are using mercenaries, then whoever is leading them is an impressive individual indeed. Ceru saw within their dreams? That is interesting. He uses some strange magic."

Between raids, the gnolls break into smaller groups of perhaps 100 and move towards their next conquest. I think these bands may come together to capture a town, but I do not have proof of this, and I saw no means of communication between bands.

"Were you able to search the equipment of any of these gnolls? Perhaps they communicate with some sort of item? Or perhaps they use some other magic?"

THat is my report, Lord Tannerson, and this is my recommendation: if Greerson wishes trade to continue on the river, we must move a larger force against these brutes. Brother Oceas and Tyrm are in Delve, trying to gather support, and I would ask your consideration for Greerson doing the same. The threat may be distant as of yet, but before long the gnolls will take the river, and then the boats that sail it become pray. I would ask that you allow me a chance to appeal to the rulers and people of Greerson for a small force to accompany us back, some larger group to add to our own might. The gnolls are, for the most part, not individually powerful, but in a great numbers we do not stand a chance. With a few warriors at our side, I have no doubt we could take on many more gnolls, and make a larger dent in their numbers.

Thank you, My Lord Tannerson, for letting me speak my piece. What do you think of the gnoll situation?"

"I appreciate your assessment. You really believe they pose a threat to river trade? If so, then perhaps Stormhaven would have some interest in helping to protect trade as well. I don't know though, they are apparently engaged in war with the sea devils. I doubt not that Two Rivers will be distressed if the gnolls threaten trade. But they might be just as likely to see profit in working with the gnolls. It would really depend on who was in charge of the country at the time. Delve might have some potential. But I doubt they will be willing to devote many resources to such a threat unless the constant threat of the goblins in their mountains has waned lately."

Lord Tannerson sighs deeply.

"I have spoken with Ceru and Ayla to hear their thoughts on the gnolls. To take control of the river, the gnolls would have to be accomplished at a different set of warfare. The goblins have harassed ships on the river for centuries and they still have not achieved any domination. At some point in the past, the blood of fiends was brought into one of the goblin tribes. Many of the goblins still have a touch of that bloodline and those are harder to overcome. As well, the goblins have always been organized, with the occasional war chief that seizes power of many tribes for a while. The gnolls would have to be more numerous and better led than any of the goblins has ever been. Even then, they would not pose a direct threat to Greerson. The easiest way for the gnolls to reach us would be to pass north on the plains and travel between the mountains and an ancient necropolis. Evil still lurks in that necropolis and I would fear the potential of an undead legion being created from the gnolls if they passed that way. To come from the south would put the gnolls in competition with Two Rivers, Delve, and the goblins. Two Rivers is a wildcard. If the wrong person were currently in control, they might try to strike a temporary bargain with a strong opponent. That could be inconvenient.

I am dubious that the gnolls could really control trade on the river. They could certainly make it more troublesome though. But you seem to think that the potential exists for the gnolls to seize control. I would be a fool to ignore that possibility. It sounds as if you are determined to return and deal with the gnolls. As your leige, I have a certain amount of responsibility to you. Before you can return to this endeavor, I would like to hear at least the core elements of your plan for how you plan to deal with the gnolls. You are certainly free to appeal to the people of Greerson to join you. But I will caution you that few of them have the desire to deal with them. With the battle against the giants flaring up again, most of our people are inclined to assist in that conflict. We know the legends of the giants trying to destroy the world, the Thurgon are long-time allies, and the gnolls seem far off right now. But if you can fire their hearts with anger and indignation, you may be able to call upon some assistance.

Now, beyond the threat from the gnolls, what are your intentions regarding your companions? Soon they will have completed their sentence and they may not have goals that are in line with yours, or mine. Do you believe the group of you will continue to work together?"


Picking up from where we left off...

Li stood at the top of the hill, gazing at the mist shrouded mountains to the East. The air was heavy with the acrid smell of death. Corpses lay scattered about him and the grass was slippery with blood. He had lost friends here. Scattered among the bodies of his friends, he could see the bodies of the serpent folk. Most of them looked human, with small differences. Almost imperceptible scales, a forked tongues, lidless eyes and other such features marked the accursed. There were even a handful of half-bloods. Humans with a serpent's head, and perhaps a tail. The battle had been furious and Li had almost fallen before reinforcements had arrived. Once again, he wondered if he had erred.

Li was familiar with the scene. He visited this place often in his dreams and nightmares. It had been in this place that the secret door in his mind had been unlocked and he had discovered power. But he had left to find discipline. And hope. Hope that the serpentfolk might be thrown down one day. Hope that the eternal battle against the serpentfolk could be won. This place, this dreamland that represented such tragedy in life, held hope in dreams.

Li turned and walked down the hill, toward the river. Flies rose from the dead as he passed. There was an island in the river where he could see the mountains better. It was a brisk journey, but soon Li was sitting on the sandy beach of the island. Rain was falling in the rainforest and jungle of the mountains. The peaks were obscurred behind clouds. The stories said that the priest of Shang Mu had crept down from those mountains. The priest and his friends who dared to challenge the serpent god. They came from a land far, far away and they too brought hope. For a time at least. Li vowed that the hope he would bring to his people would be as strong as the priest's, but last an eternity. He and Wu Cho held the hope of winning the war against the serpentfolk. Well, in the very least they would carry the battles to the serpents instead of always fighting to protect their lands.

Li stared up into the mountains. Ancient ruins were said to be there. The serpentfolk held valleys on the far side of the mountains. Though it was long past memory when the serpentfolk fought in their lands. Who could say how accurate the stories were?

The smell of smoke carried on the wind. An acrid smoke that burned the nose slightly. Li turned to see an old man standing on the sand near him. His hair was wild, unkempt. His fingernails were long and dirty as he clutched at his thin pipe. He wore a dark green robe and smiled as Li turned to face him.

"Nice dream Mr. Li."

The man shuffled forward and blew smoke from his mouth.

"You wanted to know how the Yuan-Ti were doing with enslaving your people correct? From their perspective, the battle is going well. Not as well as it could, but satisfactory nonetheless. They seem to view your people as a resource, the same as lumber, or iron from a mine. Perhaps like cattle? In any event, the Yuan-Ti I have investigated are annoyed, but not worried. I sense the threads of a new plan forming, but nothing complete at this time. There is at least one new leader that thinks differently, that has a different perspective. A new generation in leadership that will take the battle to your people in a different way. This will not be anything that will happen in the next season or two, but it will happen. I think, I think you will not be happy with the result when it does."

The dreamwalker stands there a moment longer before gesturing around.

"So what is the story of this place? It must be significant to you."


Cross-posting from the Yahoo Forums on Macbeth's behalf

Some other buisness Li will take care of:

First off, Li will ask Lord Tannerson about how trade agreements are
amde within Greerson, and ask him to directly help Robert Paulson and
his crew. He will explain that in order to arrange transport we told him
that we would arrange future trade contracts. He will also mandate that
all trade coming from his manor use Paulson's ship, if at all possible.

Next up: Li will sit down and compose a formal letter to Wu Cho:

To The Most Honorable Wu Cho, High Knight of Shang Mu, My Esteemed Peer
and Bringer of Hope for Lang Taoh
I regret that I could not respond earlier, I have been assesing the
threat posed by the gnolls in the West. We have lost Felix from our
numberm but saved a goodly number of people from a girzly fate at the
hands of the gnolls. The bestial brutality and lack of honor these
gnolls display reminds me all too closely of the yuan-ti of our home. I
must keep in my mind at all times that these are my enemies, and
therefore they will be honored as such, despite their bestial nature.

I am sorry to hear that your quest to gather forces has not preceded as
well as it might. I too an finding myself trying to raise a force, since
the gnoll threat is greater then what the Seekers of Legend may handle.
With any luck, if we do succeed in assembling a force to fight the
gnolls, I may be able the convince some to stay with us and fight
against the Yuan-ti. I will inform the people of Greerson of the change
in your plans, and I hope that they will give you much support.

But you also requested a tale to lighten your heart, and I believe I
have one you may enjoy. While scouting around the gnolls, the Seekers
came across a large band, well over 100 gnolls, with at least a dozen
captives.We decided we would take action to save the survivors, but
their amazing numbers gave us little hope. When Tyrm and I moved out to
try to put one of our plans into action, we were captured and restrained
with the rest of the captives. I know this seems dire, hardly a story to
lift your spirits, but as I am writing you this letter, be assured it
ends well. While my friends worked from outside of the camp, Tyrm and I
broke the strong bonds the gnolls put us in. However, we could not take
any obvious action, for fear of the gnolls around us. Luckily the other
Seekers acted quickly, and set fire to the grass around the camp, giving
us the distraction we needed. I used my mental powers to insure that the
sleeping gnolls would not awake, and when I was sure that all around us
were no longer a threat, Tyrm and I made our move. In the half light of
the flames we broke out of the rest of our bonds, freed the other
captives, and fled into the night. We found the other Seekers and moved
on. Indeed we saved every survivor the gnolls captured, and I am happy
to say those survivors are now making a living here on my manor. It is
honorable to abstain from boasting of ones own deeds, but I must say, I
feel a certain amount of pride in my deeds.

If I might ask a humble favor of you, Most Honorable servent of Shang
Mu, would you tell our story to those you meet in Stormhaven? By telling
of our endeavours, and then telling folk that we support you (which I
assure you we do), you may be able to draw more to your cause.

Please respond when you recieve this, I would greatly like to stay
appraised of your progress.

Your Humble Servant,
Li Xian Gao, Honorable Samurai in the Right Service of Lord Tannerson of


First Post
*Intent to post story about stay in delve upon talking some things out with dave*

Things to involve



Macbeth said:
Some other buisness Li will take care of:

First off, Li will ask Lord Tannerson about how trade agreements are
amde within Greerson, and ask him to directly help Robert Paulson and
his crew. He will explain that in order to arrange transport we told him
that we would arrange future trade contracts. He will also mandate that
all trade coming from his manor use Paulson's ship, if at all possible.

I touched on this briefly on Friday night. But more detail and an overview isn't a bad thing.

Greerson is fairly freeform. This is a holdover from the history of the tribe of humans that comprises the majority of people in Greerson. Historically, the Greersonites do everything they can to act in the best interests of everyone in the city. They are relatively democratic about things with rank, honor, priveliges and responsibility going to those who have earned them. There are the basic trapping of feudalism in Greerson. But in practicality, it isn't real feudalism. Every "commoner" remains on a manor because they choose to. When they lose respect for the "lord" they move to another manor. They might also move if a newer lord needs help and the current lord has plenty, and to spare. This means that somebody who carves out a new manor and proves that he or she can run it, will find a slow trickle of people moving in to work the land. There is very little "recruiting" that needs to happen, it is just a natural event.

Greerson does have a council. The council is composed of the wisest members of the tribe, er city. Lord Tannerson is on the Council. As is Madam Grulzak. Sheila is not. There are other NPCs that sit on the council, but the Seekers do not have much reason to interact with them. I have chosen to focus on the important people to the Seekers rather than inundate you with names of NPCs that you are unlikely to ever deal with. Right now, Li is probably peripherally aware of the council. The Seekers did see most of the council on the dais during the Festival. So many of you could recognize them if you saw them. The point of the council is to make big decisions when they need to be made. They meet once a season or so. The various council members might interact with each other more often if there is a need. But the overall purpose of the council is to guide when needed and stay out of the way otherwise. Local lords take care of the overall well-being of Greerson.

As a result, there are few long-term trade contracts with Greerson as a nation. Individual merchants arrange trade with individual lords. In some cases, a lord will dictate trade for herself and all of her vassals, but that is rare. In theory, Lord Tannerson could tell Li whom Li could trade with. But he would only do so if he had reason to believe it would benefit all of Greerson more than any choice Li would make individually. The problem that Paulson has is that he hasn't been able to attract enough notice yet. There is not a compelling reason for an established lord to work with him over an established merchant. His best bet is to get in with new lords (like Li) and establish himself as trustworthy. As openings appear due to bad deals, merchants retiring, or trouble on the river, then Paulson would have an established reputation to attract attention from.

Does that give Li enough information to work from?

Next up: Li will sit down and compose a formal letter to Wu Cho:

Very nice. How are you going to have the letter delivered? There isn't really a post service. most letters are handled by courier. Oftentimes using river trade if you can give a merchant or sailor enough information on how to find your recipient.


First Post
Ayla after her training is complete is going to go to temple of Lune. When she walks in she looks for a priest that is not very busy and walks up to him/her. "Hello, My name is Ayla Isodin, and I am looking for some help. Can you help me or direct me to someone that might be able to help? You see I would like to learn a little about the followers of Lune and of the religion. Also I am looking for help on interpretting dreams. I was hoping someone here could help me, but if not, if there was anyone you think might be able to help me."

I have been working on a story to put in here, but it might take a little while with school and work. Also I need to work out some stuff with Tormal before I post the story. (did you get my email Brandon?)

Anyways here is the summary:
Kind is training Tormal in the art of survival. Tormal obviously is not very good at it alone.
Tormal notices some interesting things about Kind. Kind teaches Tormal how to hunt, seek shelter, gather non-poisonous berries, and, as for which plants make you itch, Tormal figured out for himself.


First Post
In the dream:

Li seems slightly distraught at the news that has been brought to him.

"You wish to know where this is? This is thw wreckage left by the Yuan-ti. The monsters that even now wish to take over my homeland, this is what they leave in their wake: death, suffering, dishonor. This is the wake of the battle where my friends, and a little bit of myself, died."

Regaining his composur, Li continues "I... I'm sorry. That kind of emotion is most dishonorable, for I bear you no ill will. It is just that the news yourbing is dire. If it is as you say, which seems quite likely, it may be imperative for me to return home soon. I thank you for the information you have brought me. Is there anything else I can do for you? I feel I owe you a debt, for news from home is rare indeed."

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