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Aeon (updated 10/9/14)


First Post
Good question. That would be a logical deduction, given its status as the fourth "royal star." Its opposition to Regulus would also cement Shomei's role of Adversary, of course.

You'll have to wait and see.

looks like it could be breath to me!


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Rider and steed. It'll be a while before I have time to update the SH.

[sblock]Eadric after his enkindlement and self-emanation. At this point, the Divine Disciple levels are dropped and entirely subsumed by the outsider HD array; precursors to the Exalted template (and Perfection) begin to appear within his stat block – the Constant Smiting ability and Perfect Excellence (the bonuses afforded by the previous headband of the same name are simply absorbed into his stat block). Likewise, the Eye of Palamabron is dropped (actually, entrusted to Tuan Muat, the Inquisitor) as native divine abilities replace those bestowed by the artifact. Domain powers, turning effects and SLAs are calculated using Eadric’s total HD (+DvR); SLAs are (somewhat) streamlined, to prevent irrelevance or redundancy: thematically inappropriate SLAs from domains have been removed or substituted. Paladin spellcasting caster level includes outsider HD; also a precursor to Exaltation.

The meditations of Fultum and Anto (revealed by the Sela during Eadric’s death in the Viridescent Yew-heaven) come to fulfillment in his domains. The potential palette is narrowed down at the point of his first death to eight domains: Law, Inquisition, Protection and Courage (from Fultum); and Wrath, War, Retribution and Renewal (from Anto). The final choice – made at his ignition – was Protection and Renewal; these might be considered the two (out of the original twenty-eight) Sovereign domains which make it to the new Aeon via Eadric, along with Strength and Sun – which are “native” to him, via previous Divine Disciple levels. The final statement is actually a rejection of the more punitive side of the previous solar deity in favor of more redemptive qualities.

Salient Divine Abilities can be mapped onto Eadric’s luminescence or solarity (Divine Fire Immunity, Enkindle the Illuminated, Incandescence), and his “negotiated” state of equilibrium regarding Viridescence (Gift of Life), the Infernal Paradigm (Reason with the Damned) and the Chthonic Infinity (Mastery of Void); modes which are reflected in his relationship to the three ontic states as represented by Nehael, Shomei and Soneillon respectively. The Irresistible Blows SDA might be understood as either spinging from and an expression of the transmetaphysic of Saizhan, or as appropriated from the defunct Visuit – who also possessed this SDA. The Extra Domain SDA itself mirrors the Fourfold Dominion held by each of Oronthon’s Sovereignties and is best viewed as a precursor to (and promise of) that state.

Eadric at this point is afforded a CR of 65, and Gear value (89M) is predicated on a CR 65 build; the Perfect Excellence exceptional ability is nominally valued at 24M and offset against the total. Saving throws are extremely robust; as one emphasis of the Ahma’s portfolio is of resistance, this disparity is not incongruent with his overall CR.

Attacks made by Eadric may provoke up to four saving throws against various effects; these are detailed below (Hit and Critical Hit Regime within his stat block description).

Regency of the Ahma

Symbols: Sun; Tree and Sun; Three-Headed Phoenix
Home Plane: The World of Men
Alignment: Good
Portfolio: Life, Light, Protection, Renewal, Sun
Domains: Protection, Renewal, Strength, Sun

Paladin 15/Fighter 20

Medium Outsider (Augmented, Good, Native)
Divine Rank: 6
Hit Dice: 20d8+380 (outsider) plus 35d10+665 (class levels) (1555hp)
Initiative: +21
Speed: 60ft.
Armor Class: 117 (+18 armor, +13 Dex, +22 deflection, +6 divine, +16 insight, +19 natural, +12 shield, +1 Weapon Supremacy); flat-footed 104, touch 68
Base Attack/Grapple: +38/+74
Attack: +82 melee (1d10+46+3d6 radiant/15-20, Lukarn) vs. touch AC
vs evil creatures: +104 melee (1d10+76+6d6/15-20, Lukarn)
vs fiends: +108 melee (1d10+80+10d6/15-20, Lukarn)
Full Attack: +82/+77/+72/+67 melee (1d10+46+3d6 radiant/15-20, Lukarn)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Devastating Critical (DC 67), holy power, salient divine abilities, smite evil, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Divine grace, DR 20/adamantine and epic and evil, fast healing 20, SR 77, immunities (ability damage, ability drain, acid, banishment, binding, cold, death effects, dimensional anchor, disease, disintegration, dismissal, electricity, energy drain, fire, fear, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, negative energy effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, polymorph, repulsion, sleep, soul bind, stunning, temporal stasis, trap the soul), lay on hands, sacred defense +2, telepathy, tongues, true seeing, turn undead
Saves: Fort +86 Ref +80 Will +83
Abilities: Str 54 Dex 36 Con 48 Int 24 Wis 42 Cha 54
Skills: Balance +47, Concentration +63, Diplomacy +88, Handle Animal +72, Heal +54, Jump +92, Knowledge (history) +46, Knowledge (nobility) +61, Knowledge (religion) +61, Listen +55, Sense Motive +70, Spot +55, Perform (oratory) +52, Ride +83, Tumble +49
Feats: Cavalry Charger, Cleave, Combat Brute, Divine Might, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Great Cleave, Improved Critical (bastard sword), Greater Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Greater Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Melee Weapon Mastery (slashing), Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Shock Trooper, Spirited Charge, Trample, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Weapon Supremacy (bastard sword).
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Devastating Critical (bastard sword), Dire Charge, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Epic Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Great Smiting, Overwhelming Critical (bastard sword), Superior Initiative

Salient Divine Abilities: Divine Energy Immunity (fire), Extra Domain, Gift of Life, Enkindle the Illuminated, Incandescence, Irresistible Blows, Mastery of Void, Reason with the Damned

Other Divine Abilities
Create Portfolio Item: 30000gp limit. Eadric can create items connected with his portfolio even if he doesn't possess the necessary prerequisite feats.
Divine Aura: Free action. 600-ft radius; Will DC 67. Daze, fright or resolve.
Divine Realm: As Lesser Power; 6 miles.
Movement: Eadric may use greater teleport and greater plane shift at will as a standard action upon himself and his mount and any gear carried. These are supernatural abilities.
Portfolio Sense: Any portfolio-related event involving 500 or more people
Remote Communication: Standard action. Eadric may speak directly into the mind of any creature within 6 miles of his person, or to any celestial, worshipper of Oronthon, venerator of himself, or Saizhan practitioner within 6 miles of any dedicated Oronthonist site or site where his name was apoken within the last 6 hours.
Sensory Range: 6 miles. Darkvision, low-light vision and true seeing to the limit of his vision.
Remote Sensing and Blocking: Standard action. Self + 5 remote locations; 6-mile radius
XP Reservoir: 30,000/week

  • Divine Fire Immunity: Eadric is immune to all attacks with the [Fire] descriptor, even if the attacker is of higher divine rank. Nominal fire attacks which otherwise deal divine, profane or untyped damage (such as Hellfire) do only half damage to the Ahma, or no damage upon a successful save.
  • Enkindle the Illuminated (Unique SDA): Creatures within 600 feet of the Ahma which possesses the half-celestial template are treated as a divine proxies with 1 divine rank and gain the following benefits:
    - All Hit Points per die are maximixed
    - The proxy gains a deflection bonus to its armor class equal to its Charisma modifier (if positive) and a +1 divine bonus to its armor class
    - The base speed of the creature doubles for all categories
    - The creature gains a +1 divine bonus to its attacks, skill checks and saving throws. Attacks made by proxies are considered epic and good-aligned.
    - The proxy gains the Divine Radiance and Divine Fire Immunity SDAs. It illuminates an area with a radius of 10 feet.
    - Spell resistance 33, unless SR is already higher
    - Immunity to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage; mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects); electricity, cold, and acid, disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects, and disintegration.
    - DR 15/epic
  • Gift Of Life: Eadric can restore a dead creature to life, no matter how long the creature has been dead or what the condition of the body. This ability works like the true resurrection spell, except that there is no material component and the amount of time the subject has been dead is irrelevant. This ability can restore a creature to life against its will, but only with the permission of whatever deity rules the divine realm where the mortal’s soul resides. This ability can resurrect an elemental or outsider and can resurrect a creature whose soul is trapped, provided the soul is not held by a deity with 7 or more divine ranks. This ability cannot restore life to a creature that has been slain by the Hand of Death ability or the Life and Death ability of a deity with a higher rank.
  • Incandescence (Unique SDA): Eadric may emanate an aura of brilliant light in a 120-ft. radius; the light is the equivalent of a double strength magic circle against evil and a minor globe of invulnerability which counters and dispels all darkness effects unless their source possesses at least 7 divine ranks. Eadric’s incandescence illuminates an area equal to full daylight out to a further 120ft. and dim light to a further 240ft. beyond that. Every round, undead creatures within 120ft. of Eadric must make Fortitude saving throws (DC 67) or be destroyed (as if disintegrated); evil outsiders must make Will saving throws (DC67) or be stunned. The aura may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. The Save DCs are Charisma-based and include a +2 holy power bonus.
  • Irresistible Blows (Bastard Sword): When Eadric makes a melee attack his weapon against a creature, resolve the attack as a melee touch attack (the weapon blow ignores armor and natural armor bonuses). If the weapon hits, the creature struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 64) or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. Eadric’s attacks are considered to be adamantine for purposes of bypassing damage reduction and hardness. The Save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 holy power bonus.
  • Mastery of Void (Unique SDA): As a standard action, Eadric may channel his divine power in order to assert his transcendence of nonbeing; Eadric treats chthonic entities or entities predicated on non-ens as undead with regard to either turning/destroying or rebuking/commanding: the Ahma chooses which at the moment when he channels the energy. Eadric makes his turning or rebuking checks as a 61st-level cleric with a +28 modifier to the roll. Chthonic entities receive effective turn resistance equal to half their spell resistance (round down).
  • Reason with the Damned (Unique SDA): Eadric may make a special check when dealing with any devil or fallen celestial from the Oronthonist schema. At the conclusion of the interaction, the entity must make a Will saving throw (DC = Eadric’s Diplomacy skill check); failure indicates that the creature’s attitude toward Eadric becomes friendly. Subsequent interactions with the creature result in the following:
    - A second failed saving throw moves the creature’s attitude to helpful and, if it possesses it, the creature loses the [evil] subtype
    - A third failed save moves the creature’s attitude to one of fanatic loyalty as the creature embraces the philosophy of Saizhan
    Time required for necessary interactions may vary.

Blinding Speed (Ex): Eadric may act as though hasted for up to five rounds per day; this need not be continuous. Activating Blinding Speed is a free action.
Constant Smiting (Su): All of Eadric’s melee attacks are considered smite evil attempts; against evil creatures, Eadric makes melee attacks with a +22 bonus and deals an extra 30 points of damage.
Detect Evil (Su): Eadric can use this ability at will to the range of his normal vision (6 miles).
Domain Powers (Su):
Domain powers are supernatural effects, Each domain power is usable six times per day.
Protection: As a standard action Eadric can grant a +61 resistance bonus to a target’s next saving throw. This ability is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour.
Renewal: If reduced to between -1 and -10 hit points, Eadric is automatically healed of 1d8+22 points of damage.
Strength: As a free action Eadric can gain a +61 bonus to Strength which lasts for 1 round.
Sun: Eadric may opt to make a Greater Turning check in lieu of a normal one. Undead which would normally be turned are instead destroyed.
Hit and Critical Hit Save Regime: Creatures struck by Lukarn must make Fortitude saving throws (DC 64) or be stunned for 1d10 rounds (Irresistible Blows SDA); in addition, chaotic evil outsiders must make Will saving throws (DC 68) or be subject to wrathful castigation (Lukarn special purpose power). If Eadric scores a critical hit, targets must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 67) or be slain (Devastating Critical); evil outsiders must make an additional Fortitude saving throw (DC 68) or be slain (fiend dread ability of Lukarn).
Holy Power (Su): The DC to resist all of the Ahma's special attacks, including spells and spell-like abilities, increases by +2.
Perfect Excellence (Ex): Eadric receives a +10 sacred bonus to his Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom. These are included in his stat block.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will: antimagic field, atonement, bless, bull’s strength, daylight, discern lies, dispel evil, enlarge person, fire shield, flame strike, freedom, greater restoration, hallow, heroes’ feast, holy aura, magic vestment, mass heal, neutralize poison, prismatic sphere, protection from energy, reincarnate, remove disease, repulsion, resistance, righteous might, sanctuary, shield other, spell immunity, spell resistance, stoneskin, sunburst, zone of revelation, zone of truth. Three times per day, he can use a holy word. Caster level 61. Save DC is 40+ spell level and includes a +2 holy power bonus.
Spells: Eadric can spontaneously cast any spell on the Paladin spell list (7/7/7/7 spells per day; CL33; DC 34+ spell level).
Imbue with Spell Ability (Sp): Eadric can imbue the ability to cast any Paladin spell upon a willing recipient by sacrificing a spell slot; the subject retains the ability for 24 hours. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell (CL61).
Turn Undead (Su): At will, as a standard action. Eadric makes his turning checks as a 61st-level cleric with a +28 modifier to the roll.


Lukarn [Major Artifact]
Lukarn is an intelligent +10 keen, holy power, radiant blast, fiend dread bastard sword (AL LG; Int 14, Wis 25, Cha 26; 120 ft. darkvision, blindsense and hearing, Ego 69). Lukarn understands Celestial and Common and communicates through empathy.

When unsheathed, Lukarn evokes blinding glory (heightened to 30th level) in a 3000-ft. radius; evil creatures within this area are automatically blinded. This effect counters and dispels all darkness effects of 30th-level or lower within its area; if brought into an area of existing magical darkness, otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping area of effect. The effect moves with the wielder.

Lukarn has the special purpose slay chaotic evil outsiders; such creatures are subject to wrathful castigation (heightened to 30th level, Save DC 68) if struck. Three times per day, Lukarn can heal its wielder of up to 250 hit points of damage as a free action.

Caster Level is 30th for all abilities. The wielder's Charisma and DvR determine the Save DCs of special abilities. Lukarn is valued at 25 million gp.

Skin of Sarth [Major Artifact]
This +10 heavy fortification full plate armor grants the wearer damage reduction 20/adamantine. The wearer incurs no penalty to speed, no armor check penalty to skill checks, and suffers no maximum Dexterity bonus. (16M)

Shield of the Ahma [Major Artifact]
This +10 great reflection heavy steel shield grants a +10 resistance bonus to saving throws. It incurs no armor check penalty. (12M)

Visuit’s Bracelets [Major Artifact]
Visuit's Bracelets are bracers of relentless might which grant to the wearer the ability to perceive events on other planes. The wearer's senses extend into all coterminous planes to their normal limit (in Eadric's case, six miles). Natural weapons and weapons wielded by the wearer gain the ghost touch special ability, and any spell or spell-like ability used by the wearer is considered to be under the effect of the Transdimensional Spell metamagic feat. As a standard action, the wearer of the bracelets may make a grasping gesture toward a target on a coterminous plane within 100ft. of his position: a creature so targeted is subject to a make manifest spell (heightened to 30th-level), and is dragged onto the plane of the bracelets’ wearer unless he or she makes a Will saving throw (DC 68). Caster level 30th. The wearer's Charisma and DvR determine the Save DC. (10M)[/sblock]


Reconfigured Narh, less perishable and more suited as the steed of a lesser deity. Speed is outrageous due to liberal stacking of effects as a quasi-divine legendary paragon with magical horseshoes. At full gallop, Narh moves at a little under 600mph: he can cover a mile in a round.

Narh was originally conceived as a simple :)/) paragon warbeast monster of legend equine quasi-deity; it soon became clear that he wasn’t cutting the mustard – specifically when compared to Nehael’s horse, Sura, who I’d statted as a legendary paragon monster of legend with 18HD. As Narh was supposed to be – by definition – the greatest of all horses, this necessitated some back-engineering and a little handwaving, as usual. This is the final, final version. Narh’s horseshoes are set against Eadric’s predicted wealth.

Narh Fully Advanced Elite Legendary Horse (Paragon, Warbeast, Monster of Legend, Quasi-Deity)

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Augmented Animal, Native)
Hit Dice: 37d8+999+444 (1739hp)
Initiative: +20
Speed: 1030ft.
Armor Class: 71 (-1 size, +8 deflection, +16 Dex, +1 dodge, +12 insight, +12 luck, +13 natural); touch 58, flat-footed 55
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+82
Attack: Hoof +77 melee (2d8+45/15-20x3)
Full Attack: 3 hooves +77 melee (2d8+45/15-20x3) and bite +76 melee (1d8+32/18-20x3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Augmented critical, Devastating Critical
Special Qualities: DR 10/epic, evasion, fast healing 20, greater damage, haste, immunities (ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting effects, poison, transmutation), low-light vision, resistances (fire 10, cold 10), scent, SR 63, tireless
Saves: Fort +66, Ref +50, Will +37
Abilities: Str 61, Dex 43, Con 65, Int 19, Wis 36, Cha 27
Skills: Balance +90, Escape Artist +66, Jump +499, Listen +64, Spot +64, Tumble +90
Feats: Cleave, Dash, Devastating Critical (hoof), Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (hoof), Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Improved Overrun, Multiattack, Overwhelming Critical (hoof), Power Attack, Run, Weapon Focus (hoof)
Challenge Rating: 38

Devastating Critical (Ex): A creature struck by a critical hit from one of Narh’s hooves must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 66) or die. The Save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +13 paragon insight bonus.
Hasted (Su): Narh is supernaturally quick as though under the effect of a haste spell.
See Invisibility(Su): Narh is constantly under this effect, as the spell.
Immortal: Narh does not need to eat, sleep or breathe. He does not age.
Tireless (Ex): Narh is immune to the effects of fatigue and exhaustion. He does not incur any penalties or suffer damage when spurred, and is always considered spurred.

Narh's natural weapons are considered epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Horseshoes: These horseshoes were forged by the god Jaliere and combine the effects of boots of swiftness and horseshoes of a zephyr (300K).[/sblock]
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Eadric's getting pretty über on his own :)

Can't wait to see what's going on in the Cheshnite camp, especially the remaining Immortals :p

I wonder if any of them is going to present even a moderate challenge to our protagonists, seeing as they are now...??


Wow. I stand in awe at how you put things together. A couple of quick queries, though.

Would Eadric's Enkindle SDA be more thematic if it affected those with a certain number of Exalted feats instead? After all, as is, it doesn't affect full celestials, and does affect evil half-celestials.

Does Eadric's Void Mastery affect his interactions with Spheres of Annihilation and Umbral Blots? Could he Resurrect someone annihilated?

Quartz said:
Would Eadric's Enkindle SDA be more thematic if it affected those with a certain number of Exalted feats instead? After all, as is, it doesn't affect full celestials, and does affect evil half-celestials.

The only creatures in the campaign with the half-celestial template are those Saints previously resurrected by Eadric, and the Illuminated of Morne resurrected by Nwm's Reversal of the Storm of Blood - dormant Flames, which can be effectively further awakened. Full celestials are sooo last aeon...

Does Eadric's Void Mastery affect his interactions with Spheres of Annihilation and Umbral Blots?

Such things are not.

Could he Resurrect someone annihilated?

If you are talking about an entity which becomes nothing, it would depend on who was annihilated and who did the annihilating. Cheshne's approval (or at least, non-denial) is implicitly required.


The only creatures in the campaign with the half-celestial template are those Saints previously resurrected by Eadric, and the Illuminated of Morne resurrected by Nwm's Reversal of the Storm of Blood - dormant Flames, which can be effectively further awakened.

So, there's potentially a whole city of DvR1 beings? :D

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