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After Nockmort


Just trying to get everyone on the same basic page for what happened last night.
  • The group returned to Mt Ternell.
  • The folks at Mt Ternell are willing to return folks from the dead if the group can pay for the material components.
  • There is at least one cleric capable of casting Resurrection.
  • They don't know of a cure for Oceas's condition. They do suggest that finding out what Nockmort used on him would be a good first step in finding a cure. At least he doesn't seem to be getting worse for the time being.
  • While you guys were gone, Mt Ternell sent a platoon to Delve to help with the battles against evil goblins.
  • The group ended up pooling resources to bring Tyrm back, then had Tyrm negotiate for the best value for the mantle. Then you brought Tormal back and divvied up the profits.
  • You agreed to spend the time to train for everyone in the group. Luvaine and Kind both need to train for 3 months to be at full capability.
  • Kind also needs to find a higher level Druid to help him figure out how to Wild Shape. (OK, a suitably powerful Spirit would work as well.) He is hoping a trip to Mt Korliss will help in that regard.
  • Ceru is thinking of leaving the SOL.

That is where we pretty much left off. I need to cover a lot of narration before next weeks game. We might introduce a new PC to replace Ceru as well. The next session will cover the journey to Mt Korliss. That will involve some combat, but it will involve a lot of RP as well. Obviously Kind should get a fair bit of 'screen time' in the next session. Anybody else nature/spirit focused might as well. Finally, if anybody is looking for a god to worship, you will have a lot of exposure to Lune once again. :) If there is anybody that does not want to make the journey to Mt Korliss, you can stay in the Ternell Complex. My intention is to complete the journey to Mt Korliss in one session. It will begin approximately 1 month after you returned to the Ternell complex. That way Kind will have some time to train there once you guys arrive.

Further discussions & commentary should definitely be posted here!

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Sounds good. This is how our financial situaiton breaks down.

The mantle sold for 50,000gp.
It took 15,000 to raise both Tormal and Tyrm.

- So, after raising we're left with 35,000 gp split evenly among the group giving 5,000 to each person on top of what everyone would have had before. On average i'd imagine everyone in the group has about 6,000 gp.

- I'm not certain whether or not Oceas was selling the +2 large shield, the Silver gemmed gobblet or anything else yet.

- As a general plan what does everyone plan on doing w/ their character? Anythign the group should know just in case we have to plan?

- Was there anyone NOT going to Mt. Korliss?

- Was Tormal getting all of his gear back?

Tormal will be going on the trip to Mt. Korliss to see if he can get ahold of Wolf a bit easier on the way there or even at the location.


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As no one here seems to be able to help Oceas, he will make the journey to Mt Korliss as well but would like to hurry a bit as he's not sure how fast this transformation will occur. If he lives then he will train there. In the meantime he is going to try one last thing here in preparation for the trip. He will seek out a healer as he intends to hurt himself in this process and isn't sure what the after effects may be or if he will even be conscious enough to heal himself.


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Does the group intend to return and deal with Nockmort?

Luvaine is not set to just march off and visit a new town leaving those back at Twin Forks to their fate. He understands Oceas' need of a cure and other's motivations. But for him, his needs lie in the hills here. He is intending to scout the hills here and watch for signs of Nockmort's increasing strength and attempt to sway the goblins from throwing in with him. He will also look for signs of Rootshaker and see what help he can provide him. He will watch for the group back at Twin Forks in three to four months time.

(So hopefully Mt. Korliss is a one shot. As a player, I am interested in this adventure, but Luvaine has has his priorities. Plus, this fits very well with how I plan to advance him.)


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Just a reminder for everyone so you can get an idea of what the side trip to Mt Korliss will be like.
BardStephenFox said:
As you are already aware, the followers of Lune mostly head for Mt. Korliss. It is a rough journey through 100 miles of mountain range. A round trip journey takes most people a minimum of 26 days. Assuming they can carry enough food and are waylaid on the journey. A group foraging can travel lighter, but loses time foraging. A round trip journey takes over a month. Of course, for skilled Druids and Rangers (and Scouts) the journey is much quicker.

The point here is that once you guys journey off toward Mt Korliss, you won't be back for a month. Assuming you travel there, then turn around almost immediately. Also assuming nothing slows you down further. Of course, if you want to actually do anything at Mt Korliss, you will be there longer. And there isn't much point going if you don't intend to let Kind get enough training to finally use Wildshape.

It will basically be a one-shot thing, but in-game it is a serious time commitment.

EDIT: And there I go posting under Melinda's account. ;)


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longer in-game works just fine for Luvaine. The longer actually, the better. In real-time, a one-shot is preferable if I put him aside to go off and train.

Although the trip through the mountains could be his bag, I still think his priorities lie in these hills around the complex with the Nockmort problem unresolved.


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Tyrm really does not care about going to Mt. Korliss nor does he really care about staying at the Ternell Complex. But if we do go to Mt. Korliss Tyrm will insist that we come back and take care of the people at Twin Forks and Nockmort.


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One day after everyone has had a chance to rest and relax a bit after SOL gets back to town Tormal tries to get the entire group together at an inn or at some meal time to talk.

"I just wanted to say thank you for both fronting the money and bringing me back from... where ever I was. Dying... is an experience I surely want to avoid. It was awkward, painful and terrifying yet you, as true friends, sacrificed much to rescue me from my destruction. I cannot thank you enough."

"He looks to Luvaine. I'm glad I know I can trust you as well. Don't take this the wrong way but it's hard to just trust anyone on the roads that you meet. You have done much for this group already and I also thank you for getting us out of a situaiton with the Bug bears we ran into just before I was attacked by.... that... thing? I am curiouis though how it is that you learned their language. I'm sure that is a story for another time, however. Nevertheless, Thank you."

He pats Luvaine on the shoulder and buys everyone a round of drinks and a decent meal.

OOC: I imagine the group will eventually tell Tormal what had happened.

As Tormal sits there devouring his stew, he reaches to the center of the table and tears off another large piece of bread. He frantically dunks it in his stew and stuffs his mouth yet again. He eats like he hasn't seen food before.

"This is amazing. I though I would never get the opportunity to eat.... or even taste food again; Or breathe the air..."
He holds his ale up
"Or Drink!"

"Even though I had no opportunity to assist the group against this... Nockmort, I do support most everyone's decision to return to finish what we have started. We cannot simply jump from problem to problem and not actually correct anything. I feel it would be better to truly accomplish something and let something somewhere else fall through our hands. Such is life and we cannot be everywhere at once."

Voidrunner's Codex

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