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After the manor...


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Macbeth said:
"Also, I would like to discuss what we do witht the cylinders we found. From what I have heard from Felix and Oceas, these cylinders would be very valuable in the eyes of a scholar, so I would like to suggest that we donate these cylinders to the scholar of Merinthian history that Felix mentioned earlier. We have no use for them, and the cylinders would do much more good to a scholar then to the Seekers. However, if we do give them away, I would like to read some of the instructions on how to let luck flow through a house. Our manor on Lord Tannerson's land might use some redecorating.

I agree that we should return the cylinders to Ulnerious Featherwright. Felix mentioned that he was known to be in Stromhaven last. Perhaps we should return these to him so that he can add such a rare find to his tomes of knowledge and share them with others. Though I still think that we should make sure to copy them down and have a copy of our own.

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Tormal said:
"The final thing I wanted to address is of a personal nature. And since I want to uphold my own integrity I feel this needs to be brought up.(OOC: no, not that kind of personal thing - don't go there) Some time ago, i'm sure you all remember, I ventured off into the forest and preceeded to meditate prior to my training. If you remember I spoke of a Kimoni, or a vision, I had while I was out there. Then, soon after, the murders in Ft. Greerson began happening. Both Ayla and I were accused and so on. The problem is... I fear the accusations were not completely false... or that I know or have the capability of knowing what did them. On our way to that town outside of Ft. Greerson I had a distinct impression something was trying to take my body over. It scared me, yet nothing actually happened. Then, last night, I voluntarilly meditated on the kimoni and that feeling I had... I had a short distinct glimpse of a bloody heart. While I don't know what it means or what is wrong with me I do wish to warn everyone here of what I am experiencing. If anything were to happen to me, and I seem to not be myself, I would expect all of you to act in the same manner as if it were not me...." He stops.... and awaits any reply.

I am impressed at the courage that it must have taken for you to come forward with such information Tormal. Yet at the same time it make me wary as to what could happen. Yet I do not believe that you, if it is true, intentionaly choose to do what you might have done. As such I think that an investigation as to your actions at night might provide some insight as to how to defeat such and inner monster. Perhaps a nightly log of anything that might be considered out of the ordinary while you sleep and are on watch. I say written because then it is fresh in the memory of the person writing and not clouded by sleep and time. If you do not mind being under such observation I think that it could determine if such a case is true. How do you feel about such an undertaking? It will prove once and forall that you are innocent, or if it is otherwise then perhaps it might show us a way for you to release or control such a horrible curse.


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Oceas will speak beforwe the group. " I admire your courage Tormal, in coming forth with this information which may or may not be damning to yourself. I believe that if you are involved that it is not of your own volition and will try to help you in any way I can. But be assured that if the party is in danger from whatever form you assume, that I will feel obligated to possibly harm or kill you in order to defend the others. I wish you no harm and hope to help you if this is truly a problem we must face. I will stand with you until whatever end this madness takes. As to the other issues, I agree with Tyrm that we do not yet fight effectively as a team but that is to be expected as well. We have not been together long as a group nor have we faced many adversaries that have required that kind of cohesion. It will come in time as we come to know each others style and abilities. I'm afraid some of my other comments may have been misconstrued to be a matter of money or greed. The issue is not of money but of what people may have picked up that all of us may not be aware of. Any item may be enchanted or cursed and I think all possible items should be checked out, not for greeds sake but for the possibilities that the items may contain. I am, by mandate of my church, been tasked with the gathering of knowledge of all kinds during my tenure with this group. I also value knowledge and information of my own accord as it may increase my ability to perform more magics for the good of the group and it may somehow lead to personal answers that I seek about my past. I bear no animosity toward anyone for whatever they may have acquired, I merely seek for ALL possibly sources of power and knowledge. If I have offended anyone I apologize. You may accept that or not as you see fit. If this group is to continue then we should expect differences of opinion and strategies from time to time. We all have different strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and experiences upon which we draw. Grow up and learn to accept that this will happen. This is how we will experience each others actions and learn to trust each other when the chips are down in serious situations. I have been proud to be a member of this group so far through all of our good decisions and bad. We are young, inexperienced and in some cases rash and abrupt, Life is a continuous learning environment and either we grow with these experiences and thrive or we get left behind by our refusal to accept change. If we do not adapt then we will die for our failure. Master Li, do not be in such a hurry to give up on our little group after only a short time. Even flowers take time to blossom or trees to grow


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"Tyrm, your suggestions intrigue me. I agree that putting Tormal under observation could provide insight, but I would only due such a thing with Tormal's consent. I have a great trust in Tormal, and I am willing to take a chance in staying wih him even if he does prove dangerous. I will stay with him even if he does not undergo observation. I trsut him."

"As for your idea for a triumvirate of leaders, I can see the value of such a system. I am willing to take the role of liason to Lord Tannerson, and indeed I believe I am best qualified for that role. I have stood in combat with Tormal many a time, and I too think that he would honorably fill the military role. As for the diplomat, I have respect for you, Tyrm, but I have known you only a short while. I would rather see Felix or Ceru as our diplomat."

"However, if we do adopt such a system, we must be sure to write a formal document deatiling how the leaders will be elected, what their powers will be, and how they can be removed. I am hesitant to adopt such a tyranical sounding organization, but it does have some merit. I had thought of suggesting a single leader of only nominal power, or a completely democratic system, but I am willing to go with your tripartisan idea."


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Um, that all sounds like way too much effort. I think we should just handle things as the come. Geez, do you guys always have to be so organized? As far as Tormal goes, I could try to enter his dreams and see what I could find out in there. I don't know how much help that would be, 'cuz I've never tried it before, but this could be a good opportunity.


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"I too have reservations about being too strict an organization, but I think some formalties are needed. The triumverate idea still bothers me: I think we need some kind of leadership, or at least a formal process to make decisions, but having three people deciding the fate of the Seekers just seems too dangerous."

"Ceru, you said you might be able to enter Tormal's dreams. If you were to enter his dreams, could some of us come with you? I think this may be our best option, with Tormal's consent, of course."


METAGAME: The idea of entering Tormals' dreams is very cool! If you guys want to pursue that, please give me a little time to prep something. If you were doing just an NPC, that would be easy. But since you are talking another PC, I will need to have a chance to hash stuff out with Brandon. I'm not saying you should scrap the idea. I'm just saying that if you want to pursue that, the sooner you decide, the better. :)


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Macbeth said:
"I too have reservations about being too strict an organization, but I think some formalties are needed. The triumverate idea still bothers me: I think we need some kind of leadership, or at least a formal process to make decisions, but having three people deciding the fate of the Seekers just seems too dangerous."

If you feel that it is to dangerous then what suggestions do you have that would make it less so? Or perhaps you have another idea that would work better. I would interested to hear what you think would work best. Reguardless of the outcome some form of leadership must be decided upon and soon. Perhaps the rest of the group has other ideas.
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I haven't even tried entering another's dreams by myself, much less taking people with me. I would imagine that will become a possiblity at some point, but right now I don't think I can pull that off.
OOC: The version of that spell that allows you to take others with you is higher level than I can currently cast.


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Tormal does sit back while the debate rages on. When ceru steps in the first time Tormal decides to step forward.

"Ceru, I don't speak for everyone but I feel that we need to be organized in order to function most efficiently. I only say this because I do not wish to be there for any of your deaths. If I can I will try to stop that at almost any cost. Like i've said before, I only speak for myself. I can simply tell you from my training and expereince that organization is usually the key to winning a combat. It doesn't always rely on brute force or power..."

"Concerning the observations... I wouldn't mind a bit. As a matter of fact It may be the best thing for the group to do. Just don't treat me like a circus attraction though!" He laughs loudly. "I feel there may be much to learn from observation. Especially on the nights bearing a full moon..."

He stops for a minute while ceru continues to explain that he may enter his dreams.

"Interesting. I was unaware you were capable of doing such a thing. I just have a few questions. What do you mean you can enter my dreams? What can we expect to see in my dreams? and... Can it harm me?... "

He stops to listen to ceru's answers.

(OOC: if it is possible either now or in the future I am all for it!)

Voidrunner's Codex

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