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After the manor...


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Oceas addresses Li's concerns about the leadership problem. " I have no problem with having three people chosen to perform the leadership roles for our group. We as a group can still give advice and input to the group, we are only letting the one person involved act as our spokesman in those situations that are more in line with his or her area of expertise. I for one am not very proficient in diplomacy as I tend to speak my mind rather abruptly. But I would offer my opinions and let someone with more skill in that area represent my thoughts and that of the group. I am not a military genius either and would hope to have someone with that kind of knowledge offering their leadership potential in that regard. I am a healer, a seeker of knowledge and foremost - a priest of Xanthos. We can always select a new person to represent us if we feel that a change is in order. No position should be for life.Initially our selected leaders can serve for the duration of whatever adventure we are pursuing or until we desire a change for whatever reason. A person does not have to make bad decisions in order to be replaced. If we were to encounter a culture where women dominate then Ayla could be our best person as she would have their interest, in your homeland Li you would be our best as you know the people and the culture. We must remain fluid enough to change and not attach too much importance to this unofficial position.

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As far as I can tell Tormal, Oceaus and myself are all for trying this out.

Li you have reservations.

Ceru you are against it.

Does anybody know what Felix and Ayla feel about this?


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OOC: At this point with neither of them responding (And having told my sister to post several times) I say that we move along with whole thing and just decide to go with the tribunal as that seems to be the majority of the votes for those of us who seem to care. If all who are here are in agreement then Tyrm will say the following.

"It has been supported by multiple members of the group that Tormal become the military official and Li the contact with Lord Tannerson. As for the diplomatic advisor Ceru does not want to be so organized and I am unsure if he would be willing to take on the role. Not to mention that his "criminal" reputation could proceede him during talks if we are back in Greerson. Oceaus feels that he is not up to par to handle the posistion efficently. As for Felix he seems not to be interested in the posistion. The group could elect to have Ayla as the diplomatic person but I am not sure if this would be a wise decision based on the rumors that I have heard about her disposistion. I am ready and willing to step into this role if there are none opposed.

Reguardless of who is in the diplomatic advisor role it is time that we draw up a constitution of sorts. All members should have input on this and until it is acceptable to all then it shall contenue to be reworked.


As a word of caution on constitutions, articles of company, whatever...
Be as specific as you need to be. But keep it a little loose to quickly and easily make changes. Also figure out what the biggest points of contention are likely to be, then create a standard method of dealing with those. Amongst the group, I think you guys have enough experience with edlpomacy, etc to work from that mindset.

For the group I play in, we had a Company Charter that was great. Except for the fact that we had to dissolve the group and reform to make any changes to it. Including the addition of new members to the Company. Our revision allowed us to dynamically vote on necessary changes without dissolving the Company and reforming it. ;)


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Did Tyrm say I have a criminal reputation? I'm the most likable person in the party.

I suggest that it be the policy of the Seekers that if a situation arises where certain skills are needed, such as diplomacy, than the people who can be diplomatic should handle it. Likewise, if we have to be in combat, I suggest that anybody with any sort of combat skill (be it fighting, casting, healing, whatever) be the ones to handle it. That sounds like an awesome idea.
Wait, isn't that what we've been doing...


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injuredwyvern said:
Did Tyrm say I have a criminal reputation?.

From what I have heard around Greerson, You, Oceaus, Ayla, and the big guy Keldorn were all brought to trial and sentenced to servitude. Therefor you have a criminal record.

injuredwyvern said:
I suggest that it be the policy of the Seekers that if a situation arises where certain skills are needed, such as diplomacy, than the people who can be diplomatic should handle it. Likewise, if we have to be in combat, I suggest that anybody with any sort of combat skill (be it fighting, casting, healing, whatever) be the ones to handle it. That sounds like an awesome idea.
Wait, isn't that what we've been doing...

As for what we have been doing is we have been arguing with each other, getting little accomplished, and we have ended up haphazardly wandering about. In the way of diplomacy I dont think that there is much of that going on, and what little does is conducted in a manner other then which you speak of Ceru. Perhaps you need to take an objective look into how the group functions.
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You say we've been haphazardly wandering about (who'd a guessed with a wanderer in the party), but you just see things different from me. I think we've been led to this place. By this place I mean the seven of us together, alive, adventuring. It was this spirits that willed us to here and I'm pretty happy with the job they've done. Creating unneccessary structure removes much of the opportunity for the spirits to direct us. When everything is planned, we lose instinct and spontaneity. Ceru starts dancing around the group.


First Post
Did you ever consider that perhaps it is the spirits that are directing us into forming the tribunal? Perhaps they see that we need to focus our energies in order to be more effective in dealing with and surviving the situations that they see us approaching. Would you be right in denying this message from the spirits? Great deads and action require great focus and the spirits see this. That is why that are trying to get us to form the tribunal and concentrate our energies.


*throws popcorn from the balcony*

Great conversation. Give me more! :)

One little aside though, just in case it hasn't been clear before. Ceru's Spirits function in a fundamentally different manner than Gods. In fact, it is impossible to multi-class a Shaman and most other divine classes. You either turn your back on the Gods and accept the Spirits, or you turn your back on the Spirits and accept the Gods. Now, this doesn't prevent people from offering their reverance to both. It just prevents you from truly being gifted by both. It's an odd thing and it has little impact in _play_ but it has huge repercussions on _character_. Just an aside so everyone has a firm grasp of where everyone else is coming from.

Now, back to the discussion. Oh and for everyone participating, remember to mark it down on your experience matrix for the next session.

Voidrunner's Codex

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