Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

Kazadi pauses a moment in thought. "Military signifigance indeed. Keep in mind, our only objective is the Key." He looks off into the horizon, and remarks "However, it does seem to be the only civilized area around. Mayhaps we should see what we can find out in the Oasis." He nods to himself, and takes a point position, awaiting the others.

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Erran takes a glance back towards Xid, appraising him for a moment. "A soldier, I am not. But..." His voice trails off as the guardsmen speak and turn around to return to the Oasis. "... I think you're being a little too paranoid myself."

Rae's flight only earns a shaking of Erran's head.

He watches the guardsmen a moment longer before looking at Kazadi. "And where better to place said Key? It's definitely worth checking out, so let's go. If nothing else, we can get a good lay of the land here."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Chk'tec tk'a. We must go. The Key will not be found with us standing here. Most humanoids hide their things of power close to civilization. The Oasis is the best place to start," Pik-ik-cha says with a wave of one clawed hand. He will act as a scout, ranging out from the group, showing surprising agility on the soft sand.


Xid grins as he listens to the group's conversation. "Well, I guess I must be getting luckier in my old age: I've been saddled with a smart group, for once!" Xid then looks around and coughs. "Hey, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm startin' to get sand in my throat. How 'bout drinks are on me when we get to this Oasis, eh?"

Meanwhile, Xid is thinking to himself, Hmm, these guys are perhaps a little too smart. I've got to be careful not to draw too much attention to myself--I don't want any of them noticing that crusty ol' Sergent Xid isn't quite who he appears to be...

Rae ArdGaoth

After about 10 minutes of soaring, R'ae realizes that there just isn't much to see in the desert. The only notable feature is the city ahead. Disappointed by his lack of results, yet glad that their destination is obvious, he flies back to the party. "My scan of the surrounding area has not revealed very much, but only because... well, there isn't much to reveal. It appears that the urban area ahead is the only notable feature on the landscape. Sand dunes stretch for miles around us. I suppose with such singular locales, our employers do not need to give us much information." R'ae walks with the party most of the time, occasionally jumping into the air for a quick circle of the immediate area, keeping his guard up, though he doesn't really expect any kind of attack.

ooc: Dr., I just kind of assumed R'ae's observations from your lack of response and original description of the area. Hope that's okay. The thread has been sitting still for a while, I thought we could get things moving again. Chastise me if I'm out of line.

Kazadi grins at Xid (as much as he grins, anyhow). "I will take you up on that offer. Just remember the law here. All weapons you plan to use," at this he sweeps back his cloak behind his hammer and pick and holds his bow aloft, "Keep in sight. And try not to kill anybody in town. Jail time could hinder our mission. D.E.L.V.E., standard quick march formation, and... behave yourselves," he finishes with that slight grin again.


First Post
Rae ArdGaoth said:
ooc: Dr., I just kind of assumed R'ae's observations from your lack of response and original description of the area. Hope that's okay. The thread has been sitting still for a while, I thought we could get things moving again. Chastise me if I'm out of line.

No, I was waiting for Ferrix and lost track of time.. My new job takes most of my time. I've got two days off starting tomorrow. I'll see if I can't get us moving.


First Post
Last post.

I tried to get to this over the last couple days, and discovered my time has suddenly gone to an effective zero. So in fairness, I'm closing the game down for good. I wouldn't mind if someone took it over in my stead. Sorrow can let me know if you decide that's what's happening, and I can fill in the new GM on the details of what was up, if necessary.

Sorry, everyone. Real life has once again taken me away from gaming.



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