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Agents of the Gods


Tholnar appraises Xileph for several moments. Silently he queries both General Berothaemial and Captain Er, sifting through their memories looking for anything indicating that Xileph might lose faith and Fall. Finally, he is satisfied.

"Xileph, you will serve me well in this endeavor. I promote you to Sergeant." Captain Er slaps Xileph on the back with a broad smile on his snout. "Please, check in at the emerging fortress yonder," Tholnar points across the plain toward the small fortress being built "for your orders before I depart. I will see if there are any other appropriate volunteers that might accompany you. Congratulations Ramadeen, do us proud."

Tholnar claps Xileph on the back before he turns away. General Berothaemial salutes Xileph and then he too walks away. Captain Er watches the God and the Solar walk away before he offers his congratulations to the new Seargeant. "Do not lose Faith, I am sure your mission is important if Tholnar himself is seeking volunteers. Let me know if ever you need my assistance."

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"Thank you my Captain. I learned much under your eye. I hope to bring back more skills to help the Scouts. I will go gather my gear." He snapped a salute and set off when it was returned in Captain Er's Cherubim style of a raised paw. As he set off, the Captain, not for the first time, marelled that a creature so large could move with such an easy gait.


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A day in the necropolis

We landed for our second venture in the mortal realm and were very pleased to see many more people living in the towns that the goblins had tried to destroy the last time we were here. I don't think I saw the people we rescued last time. I guess they might be dead since it appears to be a long time in mortal years since we were here last.

What a walk we had to take to get to the necropolis. I had to walk through grass taller than me! Fuzzy, of course, was still tall enough to walk through it and Marius could fly. Not only was it difficult to see, but the wind kept nipping at my nose and ghouls found it easy to hide in. Of course, they were still no match for us, but it's annoying to be walking along and have a dead hand try to grab your throat.

I was relieved when we came to the river, even though it was cold. It was still easier to swim through then spending all that time walking through grass.

As we neared the necropolis, life ceased to exist. I felt coldness creep into my soul and wanted to rain down destruction on the city so that the gods could use the land to build something beautiful. Maybe a lush garden bountiful with plants, animals and fertility. I tried to picture the garden as we walked into the city. The gloom pressed into me more the further we got into the city.

Finally, Furry heard a horse. Rounding a corner came a huge armored rider whose ribs I could see through, on top of an equally huge horse. My companions hid like spies only wanting information. But I knew we were here to destroy evil and ran boldly forward to take them down. As I ran toward him, he tilted his head back and let out a tremendous howl that not only echoed throughout the city, but also engulfed me in a purple fog that tore away part of my life. Xileth came to his sinces and ran up to us. Fortunately the rider missed me when he swung at me with a pick. I was able to hit his horse's knees, but Xileth missed the rider. The rider charged through both of us as Marius flew over his head. Marius glowed like a shooting star and sent a charge of holiness that disintegrated the horse. Xileth tried to graple the rider while I tried to hit him, but we both failed. Marius landed, but only to be tripped by the monstrosity. Finally, Xileth is able to tackle him so that we can get our killing blows in. Furry and Marius picked through his stuff, but I didn't want to touch anything touching that thing.

Got on with our walk through the defiled city after some skeletons tried to take us down. Silly skeletons. We were able to locate the priest of Belmay who had been tortured for so many centuries. I was torn between weeping for his soul and wanting to rip the sanctuary down in order to free him. Even ripping it down, though would not have broken the enchantment. A wall of blood stood at the end, and it was not until Marius broke one of the pins holding the priest down that the blood started to dry up. We destroyed the three pins which destroyed the spell. We burned the body of the priest and hoped that Belmay was able to collect his soul.

Now we stand at a huge pit with what I am guessing is a lick sitting on a throne of bones and waving to us from the other side.


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It’s always painful. Every time I’ve seen it it’s brought a sadness to my expression. Losing a comrade and much more, a friend, is terribly painful. Knowing they sacrificed themselves for a greater good gives me shivers. It’s – so admirable. Even though he may not hear me, I thank Xileph. I thank him for everything he has done for our cause and I would trade places with him if I had the chance. But I don’t… What’s done is done.

This mission brought on an array of emotions I’ve rarely if ever dealt with. Countless experiences I hope I never have to deal with again but expect to a dozen times more. This material plane is different. It’s much more raw and unforgiving yet, at the same time, just the opposite. I don’t know how to feel about it or if I should. Mixed emotions to say the least.

Regardless, the mission was as Clover had described it except worse. Never before have I seen a place so devoid of life. The land around us was brittle, dull and empty, so empty it sickend me. Even the hells, lacking in their life compared to the rest of the material plane, were nothing compared to this patch of decay. It was so terribly unnatural.

When we came across the trapped and tortured soul of that mortal I fell into disgust. What could drive a creature to do that to another? Why was such a an act allowed to happen? That. That very thing was what I wanted to prevent. This plane could do without the existence of such atrocities, such horrors and pains. If I can prevent it I will.

When we came to the creature our sages referred to as a lich was disgusting and pitful. The battle was definitely a challenge – but we obviously prevailed. Let me start from the beginning.

When we finally came upon the chapel we had already exhausted some of our resources. Each of us was injured in some way and many of our abilities were exhausted. And we still prevailed. This shows how pathetic our foes truly were.

The chapel itself was surrounded by a bone moat of some sort. At the front door a bridge extended out, allowing each of us to safely walk across if we so chose. Except there was a creature, of some sort, that blocked the way. A hooded figure holding some sort of staff challenged us! Hahahaha… *sigh* Behind it was the creature we came to destroy. Sitting upon some sort of throne as if he…. *IT* were a god the lich approached but hid behind his minions like the coward it is. It sat upon some sort of bone throne that moved him about. Bah! Worthless scum.

The battle was interesting and a definite challenge. Clover – the eager one – started by running straight up to that hooded figure on the bridge. As she’s running up it’s lets loose with some sort of magical lightning which catches clover off guard and seems to effect her first attack. Behind her Xileph works his way onto the bridge. Xileph – the beast – swings over clover’s head and some how misses this creature. I almost laughed but decided it wasn’t the time.

While the two of them danced around with the thing on the bridge I decided to actually try and do something about the guy on the throne. Before I can really do anything the lich called something out into the pit just before one of those lightning bolts came flying out of the door way and hit both Xileph and clover but I was too quick and moved out of the way in time. I almost thought I could smell burnt fur but I wasn’t sure. Instead of attempting to locate the stench I decided do something about that thing on the throne.

I flew across the chasm and landed on the bridge but was caught off guard when, with the flick of it’s wrist, the guy behind me suddenly had a scythe instead of a staff and opened me up good. But I wasn’t going to quit there, I landed fine and sunk my blade into the lich.

I must profess. I wasn’t sure how to hit these things. Unlike everything I’ve ever dealt with these things had no… anatomy. I couldn’t ever hit them ‘just right’.

This is where things started to click into place. There were so many things going on around me I had plenty of choices – Just the way I like it. It was also at this point where things started to get a bit fuzzy to. No, not Xileph – the situation in general.

Some sort of giant bone monstrosity rose out of the pit and clobbered clover good. It shook the bridge roughly almost knocking me down. That was just before I fell to the ground. All I can remember was an unimaginable pain and looking down to see a scythe cutting through my gut. Things went blurry for a moment but I stayed with it. Luckily Clover – the bright one – was nearby and let the winged creature know it. I remember hearing several thuds – probably her fists and staff pounding against this creature. That was before I looked back to see Xileph ream the same creature with one of his sickles.

That wasn’t it of course. The Lich did something to me. I felt weaker, far weaker then I should have. All I remember feeling was nausea before I span around and sunk my blade into the creature behind me. It must have been good. That one I could feel, it wasn’t like the other abominations in the area. My blade sunk deep – then the creature wasn’t there anymore. A could of dust is all that remained.

From this point on it was down hill for the lich. The huge bone thing hit hard, and knocked each of us out at one point or another but we found a bit of cover inside the chapel. The lich had managed to get out of its throne some how and burst into a purple flame. But clover and I made short work of it. Behind us a huge bone fist kept flying through the door and pummeling Xileph or clover. I managed to stay out of the way for the most part.

Xileph – the fuzzy one- could take a lot of hits! He just kept on going.

It was obvious at that point we couldn’t stay in the chapel. The huge bone thing would just punch us through the doorway or bring the building down upon us. Clover seemed angry at this point. She moved out into the doorway and started unloading on this thing’s shins! Only a few seconds later this thing had fallen apart and pieces of bone tumbled into the chasm below. We had done it – really quite simple actually.

We then found a set of stairs that lead down into the chapel underground. We followed them for awhile taking our time to watch Xileph try and squeeze his way down. It was entertaining!

The last notable thing we came across was some sort of Symbol or Rune that, when I looked at it, caused me terrible physical and… other pain. It had the same effect on clover but when Xileph – the tumbling ramadeen(sp?) - tried to walk passed it he fell. Some how, this symbol had killed him…. If only he had tumbled. If only…

Clover – the aggressive one - and I took our time to collect his gear, found the pedestal and collapsed the chapel before departing. After a long walk, and a bit of flying we finally returned.

Now we wait and see if Xileph wishes to return….


First Post
Xileph awakens on a cold slab. He imediately notices all his wounds have healed but there is still a dull ache about his body. Whether that is from his time upon the slab or the ordeal he just experienced he is unsure. What he is sure is that it is good to be back. His time beyond was in an idylic realm far from any strife or war. Thankfully he was saved from that. To go go under the bone golum's claw would be an acceptable fate, but to have one's soul ripped away by a symbol scratched in the dirt. It is a cruel fate for any to suffer and even crueler for a warrior.

He is given time for retrospection.

But all this does go toward what I always suspected. Perhaps I have over reached my station. The others treat me with a joking respect but in our travels I have seen the differences. They are nearly children of the Gods, each bearing his or her heritage. They have powers beyond my comprehension, the girl can smash objects that bruise his fist and the near angel can kill with a word. Me, I'm big. I have been around the planes a few times. Enough times in fact to know that my companions are true powers in the eternal game. Me, I have been lucky. I remember when to duck. I am a beast of war. Made for that. Made to love that. But it still means I come with no flash.

It was not a word or a glow that choked the gatehouse Kyton with his own chain. I did what was needed at a time that was crucial. I took a heavy toll that day as well, but we opened the gates. I did not get to celebrate that success either, they found me the next day encased in chains but my grip still holding the one, the one forced to resist its master.

If anything I am tenacious. As I see my campanions rush head first at evil...

Xileph sits up from his repose...it is always amazing to behold the powers of the Gods as he examines the lack of scars or bruises...and he does not want to dwell too much on his body left behind.

-But that is it, isn't it? Just like a scout redirects an army, perhaps I am here to guide my friends. We all love to fight, it is what we are all good at. But if I could teach them to duck at the right moments....

He slides from the slab and faces the sunlight streaming through the rooms open portal. He is of cource in his room. The two chairs by his slabside indicate that his friends were here. A feather and fruit pits on the floor bear the proof. The book shelf was disheveled as if someone took down each book and gave it a quick perusal before returning it. He took a moment to return them to their proper order. His gear was neatly stacked on the tabel. He makes his way to the opening that faces out into the yard. Marius and Clover were standing with a stranger. They turned to look as he emerges.

"My fellow Ramadeen always thought I read to much, but I did not think it would kill me."

"Fuzzy!", and in a flash, Clover covered the distance and was swallowed up by two big,..fuzzy..arms.


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Can I get the treasure amount total again? So we build to that amount and subtract comsumables that we have used, correct? And these totals won't include any of the items that we picked up correct? SO if we want to keep say the pick, that counts against my total correct?


First Post
The total before used consumables is 66,000. Anything that we have found and you wish to keep does count against that total - so keep that in mind! :)

IC: As Xileph clears the door's threashold and Clover dashes to him, Marius interrupts his present conversation and makes his way over. After Clover and Xileph finally seperate Marius steps up to Xileph and says with a grin.

"It's nice to see you back. I felt vulnerable without your shadow cast upon me! I assume you feel better, no?"


Keep in mind that consumables count against your total.

So how do you want to handle the consumables for True Res?

Voidrunner's Codex

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