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AGoT - House Steadfast


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Spring is finally ending it has been little over a year since the last snow and the lands have started to dry out, finally. Winter is gone and summer has arrived. The fields have been prepared and soon it will be time to plant the seeds of life. And not a minute to soon. The storeroom's at Summerhall have almost been depleted. While the last winter was short, it took a toll on many unprepared.

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About three days ago word was recieved in Summerhall that a bandit uprising was take place north of the old castle. 'Self-proclaimed Lord' Aaron Caron could not be bother to attend to such trivial matters. It finally took the coaxing of Ser Bryn Morrigen, Caron's friend, and Ser Paul Wensington, leader of the outriders, to push Aaron Caron to ride north.

Even then Caron demanded to have a baggage train of large proportions. Ser Paul tried to have Caron mount only a light expedition with a quick force. But Caron refused and even demanded that nearly 3/4 of the 'Outriders' accompany him.

It took a whole day for Caron to prepare. And then under a cool miserable rainy day Caron refused to go, saying he 'would not ride in the rain'. When the sun finally came out on the third day, half way through the day, Caron ride out imagining himself the champion of Summerhall.

Most of the people at Summerhall ingnored him as he left but a few watched. To many people's suprise a few hours later Osric Steadfast arrived with a contingent of men on foot and a patch of other people behind.

At first the guards loyal to Caron refused to open the gates. But upon seeing there were still loyal people and soldiers inside Summerhall they opened the gate. Most surrendered to the Steadfast loyalist, but a few made it out before they could be rounded up.

An assembly was called in the makeshift 'Great' Room of the Summerhall. While neither Great not dismal, the Great Room in reality is the main/dining hall at the castle. Off to oneside is a raised platform where a well crafted oak chair sits. The chair was a gift from King Robert Baratheon when Ser Simon was raised to Lord of Summerhall. The chair is unique in the fact that it is made from a Black Oak tree, very rare and only known to grow in the King's Wood.

Above the chair hanging on the wall are two shields one with the Sigil of House Steadfast, sitting next to it is a shield of House Caron. Two banners also hang from the ceiling again one of House Steadfast and one of House Caron.

As the assembled house, servants, and guards gather in the hall Ser Harrick Grove, the grizzled old Master of Arms, walks halfway up the stairs and turns "All Hail! Osric Steadfast, Lord of Summerhall and our true Lord!"

The crowd breaks and Osric walks out and stands upon the dias. Septon Sarah, the beautiful Septon of House Steadfst, walks out. She preforms a brief ceremony swearing Osric as Lord and Protector of House Steadfast.

The assembled house is dismissed. All that is left are those asked to stay. Those being Lord Osric, his bastard brother Jonas Sand, Maester Harwyn, Ser Harrick Grove and his granddaughter Viviene, Septa Sarah, Ser Rickard Sharpe, Ser Allister, and Ser Tirron Bright a new hedge knight in service to House Steadfast. Standing in the back of the room is a short musclar man with a scar running up and down the left side of his face, his left eye has turned pure white from the wound, some know him as Aleksyndr Sand, a mercenary captain.

When the others have left, Ser Allister makes a small fire. Ser Rickard brings out a few bottles of wine and passes them around, along with mugs. Ser Harrick finally speaks "What is the order of business?" he states looking around to the assembled group.

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Jonas Sand has been back at Summerhall for only three weeks. In that time, and much to his surprise, he's been welcomed back by his half-brother Osric... ahem, Lord Osric... and involved in the secret plan to retake Summerhall from those Caron dogs.

Now that they've succeeded, Jonas still can't believe it, and he's continuously watching all the doors with his hand on the hilt of his slender Braavosi blade. Every so often he does glance briefly at "Loyalty," the fine, razor-sharp blade he surrendered to the care of his younger lord.

A masterful stroke, brother, but now we've left Aaron embarrassed, furious, and with most of the Outriders under his command, he thinks to himself.

Jonas will wait for Lord Osric to speak, as is his right as not only Lord of Summerhall, but mastermind of the plan to retake his rightful place on the Black Oak Chair.


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“My dear friends, a great challenge lays before us. Almost, our House was strangled in it crib, we have endured pestilence, poison, and long years of betrayal by those to whom we have offered loyalty. Our day of opportunity has come, but our tribulations continue. These trials also we shall also endure ... and triumph over.”

Osric eyes each of those assembled with gravity. His eyes are a gray storm, made more intense, almost disturbing, by his lack of hair or eyebrows. “There is much that needs be done. Summerhall must be made defensible. A dry moat and a temporary wall of earth and timber will have to do. And the surrounding lands must also be made ready. The forest need be stripped of forage, and nearby farmers prepared for the possibility of an onslaught to come. Although I have thought long about the steps we must take, before now I have not had the opportunity to speak with you of it. All of you, who are the hear and soul of House Steadfast, I would hear your counsel.”


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Viviene Grove sat to the rear of the counselors and slowly sipped her wine. She wasn't sure what to think of what was going on. Personally, Os--Lord Osric, meant little to her. But her grandfather loved the family and hewed to the odd-looking noble, and so she played her part in stirring the bandit rumors. She wasn't sure how she felt about that deception, and so she kept quiet, and let the turmoil in her mind continue. She spared a glance at Septa Sarah and thought, A talk with her perhaps. Maybe that will help clear my mind.

She glanced around at the others in the hall, several of them being knights and trained advisors. Some she knew, and regarded well (like Sir Allister, who she gave a coy smile and nod to), others not so well, and some who gave her shivers (as she spared no effort to avoid looking towards Aleksandyr). With people such as these, she kept quiet and listened.


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The smell of firewood burning spreads throughout the room.

Aleksyndr Sand is the first to speak. His voice is deep and low. Most have to turn and listen as he almost sounds as if he is whispering. A slight Dornish accent also is present. "Before we go celebrating too much, we indeed need to be prepared. We will need a count of all foods and goods. If they plan to siege us we indeed will need to be prepared. A stone wall would be better, but a timber one will have to do. As for the other tasks I will have my men start immediately. They are mopping things up as we speak."

An aged and older Ser Richard speaks "Most of the men that left were mounted. They will have a difficult time dealing with a seige. They have neither the tools or men enough to complete the task. Our worry is going to be Lord Caron. He will be quite upset. Word should be sent to Lord Stannis Baratheon of the situation. As Master of Law and Brother to the King he will be well aware of the situation and might be able to help resolve the sitution."

Septon Sarah stands and watches not saying a word.

Ser Allister sits and listens finally standing "I figure we have four to five days before Aaron returns? Maybe sooner depending." The former commander of the 'Outriders' speaks. As he stands the obvious signs of years of being mounted appear. The man has bowed legs and has a crook in his back.


"How can we be sure that a message to Lord Stannis will get through? No doubt Ser Aaron will try to cut off any communication from Summerhall," Jonas asks.


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"I don't mean to speak out of turn," Viviene said softly as she raised her hand to start her talking, as if to be called on by a tutor, "but Lord Stannis is so far away, and by ship. Would perhaps Lord Renly not be a more immediate choice?" She coughed and went quiet, and then added, "I could go and scout out up close to where Lord Aaron went, and report when I see his return." This time she sank into her seat and drank deep of her wine, heart racing.


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Ser Richard looks over at Viviene "Lord Stannis is the King's eldest brother. He may be at Dragonstone, but he is still Master of Laws. Etiquette demands if we question this we seek help from." He looks somewhat upset at being challenged by a woman.

Ser Allister leans over and calms his friend down. "If we have to get a message out it will have to be quickly, for as Jonas said soon we will be cut off."

Septon Sarah finally speaks. "Perhaps we should speak to Tywin Lannister, he is the Hand and speaks for the King." Afterwards she remains quiet.

The veteran mercanary captain looks over at Viviene "You are either very brave or very brash. Time will tell. It would not be a bad idea to know what our enemy is doing."

Voidrunner's Codex

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