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airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords (IC)


"Sounds good to me" Duko says. "Let's save some exploring for tomorrow. After all we will be here for a while. No need to get used to it in a hurry."

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First Post
Talashia heaves a sigh, a little irked frown fleeting on her face.

"He's leaving out the Varisian carvings," she mutters, "they clearly show a light. But whatever. What do I know?"

She looks over at the others and shrugs.

"I may wander around a bit more...town's grown a bit since I saw it last. I feel like looking around a bit, and I'm too keyed up to sleep right away. I'll see you at the inn for breakfast though." Finally a smile touches her lips. "I can give you all the tour by then."


While Talashia heads off to wander about town for a bit, the rest of you make your way to the Rusty Dragon. The sun has fallen and the inn is packed with people by this hour. The tavern room is quite crowded and Miss Kaijitsu and her staff are very busy tending to folks. After a bit of a wait, you spy some folks leaving a table and making their way to the common room to sleep for the night. You quickly dash in to steal the table for yourselves. Eventually a small boy comes over and cleans up the empty mugs and plates and wipes the table with a cloth for you. It isn't perfectly clean, but it will do. He scampers back to the kitchen with the dishes and soon you see Felsi coming by. It seems she has recalled your favored beverages from earlier and plops them down.

"Welcome back!" she says merrily. "Here for a nightcap and some supper for the evening? We've got rosemary and lemon flounder in the frying pans, plus buttered garlic and herb bread, and vegetables stewed with gravy. I hope you enjoyed visiting our little town. See anything interesting today?"


OOC: I will give you guys the weekend to post whatever you like, including whatever Talashia is up to. On Monday, I'll advance to the next day.


Vandalin moves with speed and grace to seize the opening table for his companions. He gives the lad a copper for cleaning up. When Felsi brings the drinks he says, "Mmmm, I'll have a bit of everything you are offering," with just a hint of flirtation in his eye. "We caught a performance at the playhouse and then our barbarian friend here gave a most heartfelt performance of his own at the tavern across the street. We also visited the Old Light. A good day I'd say."


"Yes, and in my opinion the best part was the people we met." Deivon enjoins. "The menu sounds delicious Felsi, like my companion, the full course please."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Marcas is just a step behind the others in moving in on the table. He sits quietly as Vandalin takes the lead in the conversation, simply indicating that he'll have the same as his friends for a meal.​

[sblock=OOC]I'm good with either RPing the next day or jumping in as well. Marcas' only plan for tomorrow is laying eyes on that book, and possibly purchasing it for his abbot - we can either RP that out or you can just let me know how it goes . . . ;)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Marcas Vanator
Initiative: +03
AC: 14 (14 Touch, 11 Flat-Footed)
HP: 09/09
Senses: Perception +7
CMB: +02 CMD: 16
Fort: +03 Reflex: +05 Will: +04


First Post
The large barbarian staggers in behind his friends and plops himself down in the nearest chair. With a grunt and a mumbled apology he rises and moves to the nearest unoccupied chair. Tipping back his growler he drains the dregs of it and thumps it on the table heavily. With a wide yawn he folds his arms, droops his head, and nods off. Soon loud, nasally snoring can be heard.


First Post
Talashia takes a long, looping scenic route back to the tavern and inn, not looking for any one thing in particular but just taking in the town with all its long bittersweet familiarity and the isolated pockets of newness. Here a house she didn't recall before. There a roof replaced or a remodel done. There's more people around by night than she expects, but perhaps that's because of the upcoming celebration. Or maybe she just never noticed things like that as a child.

But what stands out the most for her is how quickly she reaches the edge of town. In her memory, Sandpoint is huge. A place she can barely run from one end of to the other. After Magnimar though, and with the longer stride she has now, it's a tiny place. Cozy, perhaps, in its own way...but far too small. She thinks this as she stares off down the road that leads towards the farm her parents live on, then heads back to the Kaijutsu's place to get a spot of supper and a bed for the night.


After a pleasurable evening at the Rusty Dragon's tavern, most of you find your bellies full and your heads swimming from alcohol. The tavern slowly begins to clear out as folks hobble into the common room to sleep off the drink or upstairs to private rooms... those who can afford them. As the tavern room dies down, Felsi spends more and more time lingering at your table, chatting with Vandalin, asking him where he is from, what sorts of plays he enjoys, and seeming to show a genuine interest in his life. She also tells him about herself and those who remain at the table hear how she was the daughter of a widower baker who never quite made it in Sandpoint. She details her sorrowful tale about how he struggled every day to make ends meet until one month he was unable to pay the rent to Lord Kaijitsu. While Lord Kaijitsu gave him an extra week to come up with the money, he came up short, and Lord Kaijitsu closed down his shop and evicted both he and Felsi when she was only 11 years old. Lord Kaijitsu's daughter, Ameiko, now owner of the Rusty Dragon Inn after retiring from a brief adventuring career took pity on the two, and allowed them to stay at her inn in the common room until they could get back on their feet. She even offered Felsi's father a job in the kitchens and began showing Felsi how to wait tables. But Felsi's father fell into a great depression and began taking up the bottle. The last Felsi saw of her father, he stumbled off into the night, drunk and staggering, to where she knew not. She never saw him again. But as she wipes a tear from her eye, she perks up and smiles a bit, relating that Ameiko has become like a sister to her, taking care of her to this day. She laments that she would like to know what happened to her father, but after asking everyone in town she learned that he was last seen taking a piss into the harbor out by the docks by one Belven Valdemar, eldest son of Lord Ethram Valdemar. She seems to believe he fell into the water and drowned, although his body was never recovered. At last call, Felsi gives Vandalin a kiss on the cheek and says she hopes to see more of him, thanking him for the company before heading off to help clean up the tavern for the next day.

During all of this, Passang, the half-orc paymaster in employ of caravan master Aldern Foxglove, approaches Duko at the tavern and offers to buy him a drink. Passang and Duko spend the evening talking about old tales and stories. Passang tells about his work with Foxglove, saying the man is stern, but generally fair. He talks about Foxglove's love for hunting and imagines the wealthy caravan master might opt to stay in town for a day or two after the festival to see what kinds of game there is in the nearby Tickwood Forest. However, he mentions a few stories about Foxglove leaving drunken mercenaries behind in past caravans. Passang seems to find the stories quite amusing, and implies that Foxglove is rumored to have once had a liquor problem himself. Passang seems to think of it as a form of tough love. He tells of how Foxglove arrived on the scene in Magnimar quite suddenly one day to reclaim his family inheritance, restored his family manor, and quickly made a name for himself in town. Many assumed he had been off adventuring and acquired wealth that way, but no one in Magnimar seemed to know, and Passang, loyal employee as he is, never saw it fitting to ask. Passang is also interested in Duko's companion, and wishes to hear all about magic. The half-orc paymaster is quite fascinated by the subject, mentioning how the wizards of Magnimar often create great spectacles for festivals in the city which he enjoys watching. A few drinks in, Passang reaches into his coat and pulls out a flask of what he calls "Storvahl Fire Brandy." The stuff is strong, and he shares it quite readily with Duko. Eventually Passang is slurring his words, singing songs of great warriors of yore, and occasionally dozing off upon the table. At last call, he declares that he should probably head off to the common room and sleep off the stout drink. Before he goes, he mentions that Foxglove will likely be working him hard the next day, but invites Duko to visit him as the final arrangements and caravan deliveries are made. He gives Duko a brief itinerary of where he can be found throughout the day.

OOC: Passang will be visiting most every merchant shop in town, so at any point in the day it is convenient, Duko should be able to seek him out at any of these locations.

At some point during the evening while Talashia is dining at the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko approaches and sits down. She says that Talashia's brother or cousin or some such relation came by the tavern earlier in the day looking for her. She doesn't recall the name, Bert or Barnham or something like that she thinks, but he was only stopping by in town to drop off some produce and was headed back to the farm that night. Anyway, Ameiko mentions that while he was in town he had heard Talashia had returned to Sandpoint and was quite excited. He was disappointed that Ameiko did not know where she was at the time, but promised he would be at the festival along with the rest of the family. He also left Ameiko a keepsake to give to Talashia the next time she saw her. Ameiko pulls out a wrapped cloth and opens it to reveal a small brass locket with an engraved butterfly on the front. When opened there is an unusual script inside which Talashia cannot read. Ameiko says she doesn't know what it says and didn't bother looking beforehand. It is completely unrecognizable to Talashia, but it bears her father's name on the back. Ameiko wishes Talashia luck as she heads back to running the tavern.

[sblock=Linguistics DC 20 or Thassilonian]The inscription reads "Seven points for seven sins. Seven lights for seven virtues."[/sblock]

As Vhir begins to snore, passed out from drink, three Shoanti with tattoos very similar to Vhir's enter the tavern. They stop by the bar asking for the strongest drink available. They then proceed to talk and jest wildly in their native tongue, laughing heartily and merrily. Eventually one looks over to your table and sees Vhir. He quiets his fellows and walks over while the other two wait patiently at the bar, whispering to each other in their own tongue. The large Shoanti barbarian slaps his hands upon Vhir's shoulders to wake him. He speaks in the Shoanti tongue, "Brother, I can see it is true that you are here. The wise woman foresaw it. We are here for the festival as well. I have a gift for you." The Shoanti rummages through his bag until he withdraws a string of fox tails, seven in number. "The wise woman said to give you this. A sign of your totem. She had us gather them specifically for you before sending us here. Wear it with honor and it shall protect you, or so the wise woman says." With that, the Shoanti beats his chest once with his left hand upon his tattooed right breast and departs, he and his brothers making for the common room to sleep for the night.

At one point during the evening, Marcas is enjoying his meal when he is approached by a young boy no more than eight or nine years of age. The boy says nothing, but grabs Marcas' hand and places a small iron coin within it before rushing out the door; he stands at the entryway to the Rusty Dragon for a moment, then points to an alleyway alongside the inn before taking off at great speed into the shadows. On one side of the coin is a common Varisian phrase, "To live, to kill, to die," and on the other side is a Sczarni symbol. Marcas recognizes it as a symbol Jubrayl Vhiski often used to tattoo his lackeys. It does not take a great leap of intuition to realize that this is Jubrayl's means of summoning him. Marcas quickly finishes his supper and excuses himself for a moment to step outside and investigate, keeping his hand upon his dagger and his wits about him.[sblock=Marcas]A cloaked figure steps out of the shadows of the alley and pulls back his hood. It is Jubrayl.

"I figured it was only a matter of time before you returned. Perhaps you've heard of the Late Unpleasantness. Oh, don't worry. I had nothing to do with that. But I do know something that few else do. The fire at the old chapel, one of my boys spotted a dark figure running from it the night it burned. Something is not right about this. And there are signs here in town, signs most like to ignore, but something I recognize all too well. And it's something I want you to look into. You needn't fret. I'm a well-informed man. I know about your time at the monastery. You found religion or something, right? You seek to right wrongs and wouldn't stoop to my level. That's all well and good. I don't want you getting involved in my affairs anyway. The sheriff already pokes his nose around my tavern far too often, setting his goons upon my boys. The presence of an outsider would only complicate things. No, I have something different in mind for you. I have an eerie feeling about the festival. Whatever happened at the old chapel, it was no accident, I can promise you. But whatever has been set into motion is likely to be bad for business for me, and likely to hurt innocent people. Not that I care much about the latter. But, well let's just say business is good and I aim to keep it that way. This festival is a farce. And I've heard whispers. Let's just say it would be a good idea for you to be prepared for something... bad to happen. I don't know exactly what it is, nor do I have any part in it, but you are well-positioned to keep me and my boys out of it and make a name for yourself in the process. You might even save a few innocent people from getting hurt. I've heard you have companions with you as well. This is good. Keep them close during the festival and make sure they are alert, but try not to arouse any suspicions in the process. Give that token to one of my boys if you see the need to contact me further. You can easily recognize them. They all have that symbol tattooed upon their necks. And remember, be discreet. I don't want any of this getting back to me and mine. I trust you can handle that?"

Jubrayl leaves the question hanging before Marcas can respond, then slinks back into the shadows before Marcas can say anything. Marcas looks about but can see no sign of Jubrayl in the alleyway. The tricky rogue...[/sblock]

[sblock=Devion]That night, Devion tosses and turns in his bed. His dreams are fraught with disturbing images. Fire, the smell of brimstone, chaos, more fire, clamoring of many anguished voices, and a laughing woman whose appearance changes from angelic to demonic as blood pours behind her. It all fades and Devion finds himself alone in the Old Light. It is dark, but the city of Sandpoint is ablaze. Strangely, all is quiet. The sun rises and the fires are quickly snuffed out. As the sun continues to rise and dawn casts its light upon the town, Devion sees he is the only one in the town. He gazes over to the western wall of the Old Light. A brief flash shows translucent images of Talashia and Brodert discussing the rune upon the wall. They both vanish in the air like dust in the wind and Devion looks around to see he is surrounded by walls on all sides. The rune on the wall is whole and glows with a green hue. As Devion turns he sees six more runes evenly spaced around the tower walls. They begin to glow more brightly and with greater intensity until suddenly the walls of the tower begin to crack and sunder. A flurry of golden scimitars break through the wall, allowing the dawn light to pierce through and a scimitar floats towards each rune as if being wielded by an invisible force. The blades hack at the runes and Devion hears the sounds of cracking masonry and broken walls all around him. The runes flash brightly as the seven scimitars strike a final blow and the tower falls in on itself all around him. He quickly moves to cover his head before the rubble strikes him and suddenly he is awake. He is lying in a cold sweat upon his bed, a calm ocean breeze wafting into the inn room through an open window. Moonlight shines into the room. Devion sits up and rubs his eyes, and as his vision adjusts to the light, he believes he can see a faint image of a golden scimitar etched upon the wall on the other side of the room. But as quick as he can focus upon it, it is gone. He rises and touches the wall where the image appeared. It feels warm, like the dawn sun, but that sensation too quickly fades. He splashes some water upon his face from the bowl upon the table and wipes his face down with a cloth. He looks out the window to see the town of Sandpoint is quiet and peaceful. The dream is beginning to fade from his memory and a great weariness besets him. He lies back down upon his bed and his sleep is troubled no more until the morn, when he awakes to the dawn sunlight piercing his room.[/sblock]

You all gather the next morning in the tavern room for some breakfast. Eggs and noodles are served up for breakfast with a cup of spiced mead. Felsi greets you with a smile as she serves you. "Everyone have a good rest? The town is already going crazy. I can hear them outside preparing for the festival. Sheriff already stopped by to speak with Ms. Kaijistu about the festival. It's going to be hopping around here tomorrow and he wants to make sure everything is safe. All the taverns pitching in to serve up free food. The cooks are already preparing in the kitchen for the feast! It's so exciting!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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