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Airwalkrr's Shackled City IC

Simon, as is his wont, bows to the woman, smiling a broad and genuine smile that still manages to be a little...disturbing for some elusive reason.

"Indeed," he says, echoing Alexi's words, "Dreams often convey greater truths than the waking mind can know. We...." He pauses uncomfortably for a moment, and then continues in a faintly melancholy tone, "...rather, one of you should certainly speak to the boy. And we should interview the rest of the staff as well; no telling what clues their memories might hold, all unknowing."

Can everyone read that color against the dark background? I'm a little colorblind, so it's harder than it should be for me, but if it's no trouble for anyone else I shall keep it. I like reds.

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First Post
These people sure did a lot of sitting around and sipping tea. Keth looked around the room ackwardly, he felt out of place here and the old halfling woman only made that feeling worse. Even though they were the same race she was as foreign to him as the rest of it. He could only hope they would get on with the searching before too long.

Keth spoke, perhaps more gruffly than he meant to,Can we see the rooms they were taken from?

[sblock=Bohemian Ear-Spork]I can read it just fine. :) [/sblock]


"Oh yes, Alexi, my dear," the old halfling says, blushing, "I did forget to introduce myself as well. Call me Gretchyn. As for Andro, it's not so unusual for children to have nightmares. Hardly a night goes by when one of them doesn't complain of it, but you are welcome to ask him about it if you wish. Something about a little man with crooked teeth I think, but I hardly pay much attention to such things.

"The town guards' questions were pretty straightforward. Asked if we saw anything or heard anything. Of course none of us had. They looked around for signs of forced entry or anything the kidnappers might have left behind and came up empty. They did a pretty good look-see. Then they shrugged and told me they'd be in touch if they heard anything. I don't want to give you the impression that they were lax in their duties because they weren't, but at least one or two of them seemed to be of the mind that the children simply ran away and would turn up again as soon as they got hungry. The half-elves were a simpler affair. They asked some of the same questions as the guards but didn't do any looking around, nor did they ask to speak with anyone 'sides meself.

I'll be happy to let you see their rooms, and you can talk to Andro as well. Come with me."

Gretchyn leads you upstairs to two dormitories opposite each other. Each bedchamber is about thirty feet by twenty feet and is packed with bunks. The doors to each room have a lock built into the door with a keyhole that is accessible from either side of the door. There are open-air windows built into the walls with shutters, but they are much too small for even a halfling to fit through anyway. Most of the beds have already been neatly made--Gretchyn explains the children don't get breakfast until they do so--but there is little else of interest in the rooms.

After looking over the rooms, Gretchyn leads you downstairs again and down a long hall to the classroom where a female half-elf with brown hair and green eyes is teaching letters to about forty young children. Gretchyn asks Andro to be excused for a moment and a tawdry little blond boy gets up from his chair and comes to meet you. As the half-elf woman attempts to get the children to pay attention to their studies and ignore the obvious excitement of visitors to the orphanage, Gretchyn takes Andro into the hallway and explains that your group wishes to speak with him. He is bashful and takes some coaxing, but eventually he tells you about his dream. "There was an evil gnome chasin' me. He had crooked teeth and a tattered cloak. He kept tryin' to catch me so he could steal my breath. He was scary," the little boy says while looking fixedly at the floor and swiveling his foot.

[sblock=OOC]Feel free to give me Search checks, or ask about details of the room or further questions for the boy or Gretchyn or what have you. I'm just trying to give enough information to move things along at a brisk pace.[/sblock]


First Post
As they were led around the orphanage, Goran could not believe that anyone was so cowardly as to come into this place and take innocent children from the only home they knew. The fact that one of the orphans had been a dwarven child did not help his temper either. While Redgorge would not exactly welcome him with open arms at the moment, the dwarven priest had every intention of taking him there once he was rescued and demand that a proper life be given to him.

While the others spoke to the child, Goran approached Gretchyn and spoke simply to her.

"Does anyone outside of the staff have access to the home Mother? Or is there any way, no matter how slim, that the children might have managed to leave? Any travelling bards or other visitors that might have struck a cord with them?"


"Well, I'm the only one with keys to the place, but I always lock the doors before I retire for the night. And I don't care what the guard thinks; there is absolutely no way the children could have escaped. Nor do I think they would have asked anyone outside the orphanage to help them. We don't often take field trips, so they rarely interact with anyone other than the staff and each other. Besides, I would hardly let them associate with bards," she recoils somewhat at the suggestion. "Sometimes prospective parents come by to adopt, but we haven't had any such visitors in a while."


First Post
Nodding his head, Goran did not want to press her further and leave her agitated after their departure. Looking over to see if Simon was finished speaking with the child, he waited until the man was done before speaking to him.

"So if she is the only one with keys to all the rooms, either someone gained access to her keys, or someone has gained access to a key that works on the doors here."


Floch takes a look at his new investigator friends and throws a question to the air for everyone to hear.
Well, any of you ever seen a evil gnome with crooked teeth and a tattered cloak that might have keys to the orphanage?
If so, tell me, and I'll smack him to pieces.


First Post
Keth looked over the dormitory rooms with a critical eye. Where to start? It seemed that suddenly he had many questions. The locks! Turning his attention to the locks on the doors he looked them over very carefully.

This might seem odd, but can you tell us anything about the locks here. How old, where they're from, anything like that.

Keth thought for a moment, there were some other things he'd like to know as well.

Also, how many way in and out of this building. Oh, and do you have any kind of cellars?

Glancing around the room again.

By the way, which beds were theirs?

[sblock=ooc]I'd like to take 20 on the search check if I can, especially in regards to the beds, locks, and at the risk of being overly literal curtains. [/sblock]


First Post

“Thank you, Andro.”

Alexi then turns her attention to the locks as well. Maybe there was something about them, that the guards had missed, considering they had not been told about them specifically, as they had been... if it's the locks, the strange text was refering to, that is.


[sblock=Appraise DC 12 (orphanage locks)]All of the locks in the orphanage are Good quality and worth 80 gp each. They would be fairly difficult to open, even for a skilled burglar.[/sblock]"Keygan Ghelve, a local locksmith, fashioned those locks for me many years ago," Gretchyn says matter-of-factly, "and he charged a pretty coin, let me tell you," she adds.

"There's only the back door and the front door; and no cellars."

Examining the locks, you find nothing unusual. They have the typical scratches indicating the wear and tear of years of use but are otherwise in perfect working condition.

A careful search of the childrens' beds reveals nothing amiss. The beds are all neatly made. "It was like they were never even in the beds," Gretchyn explains.

A studied look at the shutters on the windows (there are no curtains) reveals nothing odd either. They are weather worn on the outside and some children have carved things such as "AN+KD" into the inside part, but they are otherwise in good repair.

Voidrunner's Codex

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