Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)

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First Post
I'm going to be out of town this weekend and the next, so chances are good I'll only be able to post Monday - Thursday next week. I just wanted to let people know so no one holds up the action on my account, since I likely won't be able to get online until Monday anyway. :)

Since we're going to talk to Ashstaff, if anything conversations or anything happen while I'm gone, just assume Drynethael stays rather quiet around the druid, letting Aredal speak to the human for him.


I see, the druid says as he gently tends to the bushes, you wish to go hunting for adventure. I sensed that air about you. The druid stands up tall and you can see he is a fairly large man, over six feet tall with a tangled brown beard and wispy long hair. Though large, he has a gentle nature. Why don't you come inside my hovel, where we can talk more, he suggests, moving towards the low-roofed wooden building. Following him inside, you see the place is small, simply decorated, and uses the outside of a large tree as one of its walls. Resting on a shelf is a simple wood-carved icon of a very plump feminine figure. The druid moves to a cabinet from which he pulls a green concoction of some kind and pours himself a mug. He offers some of this cold "tea" to you as well, then sits down upon a mat, inviting you to do the same.

Before we speak anymore, let me introduce myself. I am Jaroo Ashstaff. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Daonil. You speak of bandits. I know little of this. Bandits are not a particularly common problem these days, but I have heard the occasional story about roadside attacks. Still, if what you say is true, there may be cause for concern. Last time evil arose in these parts it threatened the entire region. If you intend to investigate this affair with the bandits, I would be very interesting in hearing what you learn. And of course I would compensate you for your trouble. The evil that once watched like a shadow over this land cannot be allowed to rise again. I would suggest you first look in the abandoned moathouse just to the east of town. It was once a satellite for the Temple and may have become some kind of hideout for brigands. If there is anything else you wish to know, please ask. Otherwise, I bid you farewell and Beory's blessing.[/sblock]

OOC: Sorry for the delay, folks! It's still a very busy season at the store. It might be like this until Christmas is over FYI. But I will get back to more regular posting after that.


[sblock=Ashstaff and Daonil]
Daonil can't shake the feeling that there's something required of him in times like this. If only he'd spent less time getting into trouble when he was younger, and more time learning protocol and spiritual matters.

Daonil, careful not to touch anything, stands close to a wall and has a hard time not being distracted by the druid's trinkets and symbols of religious signifigance. Once the druid has finished with what he had to say, Daonil replies, "Er.. um, Ashstaff honored elder," he says, grimacing at his clumsy words then dismissing his failing attempts with a motion of his hand, "I'll surely report to ya about what we learn with these bandits, I promise you that. Banditry I have no problem with, but these seem to be after anyone with coin, even the poor and innocent. And this business with the magic troubles me a bit. I'll try to get to the bottom of things.

"Do you mind telling me a bit more about this evil that covered your land? If I know more about that, and these new troubles got anything in common, it be best I know as much as I can 'bout what's been going on before."[/sblock]


Bihlbo said:
"I'll surely report to ya about what we learn with these bandits, I promise you that. Banditry I have no problem with, but these seem to be after anyone with coin, even the poor and innocent.

Bandits are rarely noble, my child, the druid replies, stories of heroic bandits stealing from the rich to give to the poor are all but unheard of. They exist merely in fairy tales.

Bihlbo said:
And this business with the magic troubles me a bit. I'll try to get to the bottom of things.

What business might that be? the druid asks, I am not certain I know what magic you speak of.

Bihlbo said:
"Do you mind telling me a bit more about this evil that covered your land? If I know more about that, and these new troubles got anything in common, it be best I know as much as I can 'bout what's been going on before."

The short bit is that followers of a powerful demon came to this land and brought great strife to the area. Their influence on the region was so foul and they attracted so many evil creatures to their side that the forces of good were required to intervene. Six years ago, the two sides clashed on the field of Emridy Meadows. Evil was routed and fled into their temple where heroes followed. They sealed the demon within the temple and closed off the lower levels. The forces of evil were scattered to the winds and that was the end, so we thought. I fear that the banditry of late may be a sign of Evil's return. But there is no need to be hasty. I would like to know more before making a judgment.


[sblock=Ashstaff & Daonil]
airwalkrr said:
What business might that be? the druid asks, I am not certain I know what magic you speak of.

"The rumors say that fearsome, magical beasts are following travellers on the road as they come into town. No doubt their howls are meant to scare people off. I assumed it was the work of the wizard, but I suppose it could be something more sinister, if the wizard is a protector of this place."

airwalkrr said:
The short bit is that followers of a powerful demon came to this land and brought great strife to the area. Their influence on the region was so foul and they attracted so many evil creatures to their side that the forces of good were required to intervene. Six years ago, the two sides clashed on the field of Emridy Meadows. Evil was routed and fled into their temple where heroes followed. They sealed the demon within the temple and closed off the lower levels. The forces of evil were scattered to the winds and that was the end, so we thought. I fear that the banditry of late may be a sign of Evil's return. But there is no need to be hasty. I would like to know more before making a judgment.

"Well, what would be the best way for me and those I'm with ta learn more for you? If they were last seen in that temple, maybe that's where we gotta go first."


Bihlbo said:
"The rumors say that fearsome, magical beasts are following travellers on the road as they come into town. No doubt their howls are meant to scare people off. I assumed it was the work of the wizard, but I suppose it could be something more sinister, if the wizard is a protector of this place."

Ah, now I understand what you meant, the druid says with a nod, though I imagine the howls people have been hearing are far more mundane creatures than they expect. Monsters to be sure, but most likely humanoids and not magical beasts.

Bihlbo said:
"Well, what would be the best way for me and those I'm with ta learn more for you? If they were last seen in that temple, maybe that's where we gotta go first."

I doubt you will need to go quite as far as the temple, at least not yet. The temple is too far away to be used as a staging ground for attacks on the highways here. It is more likely the bandits are somewhere closer. An abandoned moathouse to the east might be where they are hiding. I would check there first.[/sblock]


[sblock=Ashstaff and Daonil]"Thank you, I appreciate your help. As soon as I find out where the troubles come from, I'll be back to tell you what I've learned." Daonil pauses a moment. "If I could have a traveller's blessing, it would be a great honor. So far from the sea, my home of the heart, I feel weary sometimes at the thought of staying so far inland, even in such exciting times."

Once they are done, Daonil leaves with an as-appropriate-as-he-can-think-of farewell, and heads toward the tower to meet the others. If he approaches when they are inside, he will stay back a good distance and wait for them on the road.[/sblock]

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