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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)

Voda Vosa

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"Hold your horses stomping feet, and shout the hell up. If the rumors are true and a bandit gang is in this pile of rocks, then you have just let them know we are here, on the bridge" the gnome says quietly but irritated. "Some subterfuge please."

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"Whatever we decide to do, let us decide on it as a group." Dryneth says to his bickering companions. "If we decide to press on, then I say let us do so, but only as a defensible unit. Elsewise, whatever may be waiting for us within may very well find us easy pickings.

"However, if we should choose to rest for a bit to tend to our wounds, then perhaps we should find a secure position to make camp. Personally, I know I've taken a few gouges from the frogs, and we just barely snatched one of our own from the jaws of death already today,"
he says, indicating Daonil. "I say there is no reason to needlessly hasten death's call again today - not if we have the ability to recover our strength. My vote is that we check out the tower. If it seems a safe place, I say let us rest there to recouperate. But I'm no healer. If the good father thinks we're in sound enough condition to press on, then I defer to his judgement." Dryneth says as he nods to Aredal, awaiting the holy man's judgement.


OOC: At least a couple of you appear interested in investigating the tower. Therefore, in the interest of moving things along...

The rest of you pass, one-by-one, across the bridge, but as Dryneth leads the mule across, the bridge begins to creak and moan. The mule brays just a bit, clearly uncomfortable. Dryneth stands still as a chill runs down his spine. He then resolves that standing there will do no good. Come on, girl, he coaxes the mule, just a little further.

True to form, the mule is stubborn and refuses to cross. The obtuse animal clearly senses something is wrong, but is oblivious to the solution. Please girl, just a few more steps, Dryneth tries once again. The mule merely snorts and lets out a whinny.

Suddenly the bridge cracks. The mule is startled, and tries to pull Dryneth back towards her, but the elf is resolute. Blast it! Daonil says, Dryneth, you had best get that beast to hurry, otherwise it's going to pull both of you under.

Dryneth gives one more tug and finally the mule acquiesces to his command. As the mule trots through the gates, you can see there are no visible signs of additional damage, but it is clear had the mule stood there long enough, the bridge would have given way.

Vicroar and Dolan both agree to step inside the tower and examine things while the rest of you look on, ready to help if necessary. As they step inside, the sound of bones crunching beneath their feet can be heard. Dolan's eyes soon grow wide as he recognizes the source of the gleams here are there. Silver coins! the dwarf exclaims, a glint of greed in his eyes.

Suddenly, Vicroar points to the ceiling, Dolan, look out!

An enormous spider descends quickly upon Dolan, its mandibles dripping as it salivates over the thought of fresh dwarf blood for dinner this evening. However, before the monster has a chance to strike, Vicroar sends and arrow sailing through the air (AC 9). Unfortunately, it falls just short of its mark and lands in the mortar across the room. The giant spider pounces upon Dolan and attempts to sink its cruel fangs into his thick dwarven flesh, but to no avail. His sturdy armor protects him from the monster's jaws as he hefts his hammer towards the creature, Time for another dead beastie, methinks, he says with a grin.

OOC: Vicroar and the spider acted in the surprise round. For the first complete round, the party has initiative (17) and the spider acts on 8. The spider is suspended from its web 5 ft. in the air giving it the benefit of higher ground and making flanking impossible unless any of you can fly or bring it to the ground.


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Vicroar takes a 10ft step to the side to allow the others entrance and fires another arrow. He frowns as the watches the arrow sail over the spider, and lodge itself deep into the stone wall. It appears I have left my mark upon this place., he thinks with disgust.

initiative +7

Vicroar's attack on the Spider (skirmish) (1d20+3=7, 3d6=17)

ooc: okay, I did the same thing with Redclaw earlier. The roll is for this game, but I put his freaking name on it (campaign name) I will be happy to reroll, but figure since I missed you would be okay with it. Sorry. I just did the same freaking thing to Redclaw.


Daonil spins, dropping a javelin from his back as he does, and loosing it at the furry mass in the darkness of the tower. Hearing a clattering sound, he curses under his breath. "Get in there, it's as dark as a smuggler's hold and me without my patch!" he says, as he backs away, making room for the others.

I'll use the sun while I'm still of some use, he thinks to himself as he scans the ruins for movement.

(OOC: Daonil attacks the spider (1d20+2=7) and misses, no doubt. Darn human eyesight. Daonil moves north 10 ft. and keeps his attention turned on their surroundings, to ensure no one sneaks up on them.)


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Dolan grunts at the large arachnid, I grew up in the mines, boyo. I been eatin' bugs like you since I was but a lad. Despite his bluster, however, his hammer misses the creature.

Initiative: +0
Attack roll (1d20+5)=10


OOC: OnlytheStrong, obviously you missed, but where did you get 3d6 for damage? You would get 1d6 for the shortbow and 1d6 for skirmish, but I don't see where the third is coming from.


ooc: That would be from Bregan lol. My character from Redclaws game. :p I think I'm going through a "I don't wanna think, can't make me" spell. Either that or I am getting dumber, which is possible too.


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On Initiative 17+4=21 of Round 1:

Dryneth (shieldless) AC 17 (Dmg. Conv. 3) HP 2/8 (3 lethal, 3 non lethal)

Thankful that the mule has finally listened to his commands rather than plunge them both into the moat, Dryneth nocks an arrow when he hears the chittering sounds of the giant spider. "It appears this tower isn't as abandoned as we had hoped!" he cries as he looses an arrow at the arachnid.

[sblock=Combat OOC]
Dryneth takes a move action to nock an arrow to his shortbow. He then takes a standard action to fire at the giant spider.

Attack roll: 1d20+5 = AC 15
Damage (if it hit): 1d6 = 6 HP

Voidrunner's Codex

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