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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame


Once Turin turns to water the camels, Harun says "I will help you water your camels, my friend. I have ridden all over the deserts, and have a way with creatures of burden."

Despite any objections from either party, Harun moves to Turin's side and begins talking to him like Turin is the most interesting man in the world, a wide, disarming smile on his face. He moves and speaks like one of them, though he has only had a few minutes to study them.

While the others talk, Harun tries to convince Turin to give him the Decanter, but does so in such a way that Turin thinks it was his idea to give the Magic Decanter as a gift.

OOC: I'm getting that decanter, either by persuasion, or sleight of hand.

To get him to give it as if it were his own idea, I'm thinking Performance.
Performance: [roll0] (If roll was less than 9, treat it as a 10)

If that doesn't work, he will try to barter for it, convincing Turin that Harun needs it more than Turin does.
Persuasion: [roll1] (If roll was less than 9, treat it as a 10)

I don't think he's going to try to just swipe it, but in case he does, he replaces it with his own water skin while Turin is otherwise occupied.
Sleight of Hand: [roll2] (If roll was less than 9, treat it as a 10)

I'm getting that Decanter.

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Lal lets out a hearty laugh

"Ah, an honest merchant! Wonders of wonders. It takes a wise man to realize that his information is incomplete, and a humble one to admit so. Besides... you've informed us that the raiders are *not* bandits of the House of Dhi'b, and already that is something

I thank you for your salt, oh Khafaz ibn Dahz, you are a credit to your master. May the fates bless your every step". Lal concluded the exchange with a beatific smile.

[SECTION]Nodding courteously to Lal Qalandar, Khafaz appears uncomfortable receiving such glowing praise, "No, no, if I was a wise man I would have established a trading company of my own. If there is any worth or merit it lies with my master, Fahad al-Zakir." His response has the ring of a man well-practiced at deflecting attention, and as his eyes lower uncomfortably, he manages to notice that Akilah and her handmaiden wear the vestments of Hakiyah, goddess of truth. Clerics did not travel with bandits and these travelers were far more heavily armed than pilgrims. Whatever their purpose, it was likely to turn out violently, and that was trouble Khafaz couldn't risk the caravan with. "Peace unto you, traveler of the Purple Lands and to your expedition. Now, Turin, we should press on to Tajar... Turin? Where has that half-wit gone off to?"[/SECTION]

Once Turin turns to water the camels, Harun says "I will help you water your camels, my friend. I have ridden all over the deserts, and have a way with creatures of burden."

Despite any objections from either party, Harun moves to Turin's side and begins talking to him like Turin is the most interesting man in the world, a wide, disarming smile on his face. He moves and speaks like one of them, though he has only had a few minutes to study them.

While the others talk, Harun tries to convince Turin to give him the Decanter, but does so in such a way that Turin thinks it was his idea to give the Magic Decanter as a gift.

OOC: I'm getting that decanter, either by persuasion, or sleight of hand.

To get him to give it as if it were his own idea, I'm thinking Performance.
Performance: 26 (If roll was less than 9, treat it as a 10)

If that doesn't work, he will try to barter for it, convincing Turin that Harun needs it more than Turin does.
Persuasion: 22 (If roll was less than 9, treat it as a 10)

I don't think he's going to try to just swipe it, but in case he does, he replaces it with his own water skin while Turin is otherwise occupied.
Sleight of Hand: 28 (If roll was less than 9, treat it as a 10)

I'm getting that Decanter.

[SECTION]There was a saying in the desert: Though your companion be honey, do not eat him completely. Turin is oblivious to this saying. While at first he is surprised to be addressed instead of Khafaz, he quickly smiles broadly, revealing two buck teeth. Cheerfully exchanging information about the camels, he poetically extolls their praises. "Never was born a more steadfast mount than the noble one-hump camel. Though surly they toil and by all accounts are the most perseverant of mammals. That one is Chaiya. Yes, see how she licks the salt from your hand? She likes you! Here, try this..."

Handing Harun a worn leather jug with brass cap and a hint of frosted glass as strong as steel underneath the leather covering, Turin smiles, showing him how to unstop it carefully. The leather is embossed with arabesques depicting a battle between efreet and marid genies, with the marid emerging the victors. Turin reveals that the wondrous decanter has three command words, which must be spoken in Aquan. The first, meaning "stream", produces enough fresh water for one camel. The second, meaning "fountain", produces enough to water five camels. The third, which he does not demonstrate, and cautions that the janni merchant who sold the decanter said should only be used in emergencies is "geyser." Though sorely tempted to try out the third command word, Turin resisted, not wanting to displease Khafaz.

"Yes, it is a wondrous decanter," he agrees, but grows distinctly uncomfortable at Harun's insinuations that it would make a wonderful gift. Clearly, the oaf would like to please Harun, but he places his duty above this. "Ah, alas, Khafaz saved my life and I could not give away such a token, which will surely elevate Khafaz in the eyes of our master, Fahad al-Zakir. But, I am certain when you travel to Qaybar, you shall find a decanter of your own, my friend! Good things come to they who wait!"

Cheerfully receiving the jug back from Harun, Turin does not realize that it has been swapped out for a fake.[/SECTION]
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OOC: I'd like to leave a few hundred gp in Turin's saddlebag if I have it. I don't think we determined how much gold Harun would have on his person, though.

If not, then I don't think he'd steal it. He doesn't typically steal from those who are as innocent as Turin.

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GM: @tglassy We could say you slip all the monies on your person - amounting to a couple hundred gp - into Turin's saddlebag, if you want. Whether you steal it is up to you.


OOC: Bah. I'm getting my own instincts mixed up with Harun's. I feel for the simple camel man. Harun feels for him too, but he and that waterskin were made for each other. It's activated by Aquan, for crying out loud.

He takes the waterskin, leaving money in the saddlebag.

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Bidding one another safe travels, you part ways with the caravan driver Khafaz and his manservant Turin. Every time you glance over your shoulders ascending the pass, you can make out the fading silhouettes of their caravan below you, wending their way across the desert toward Tajar. Night has just fallen by the time you reach the old qalat (tower) on the other side of Al-Yabki Pass, offering a quiet view of the stars, moon, and the expanse of western desert. Ajan takes the time to point out the route he has planned toward Hakim Oasis, following a wadi (dried riverbed of an intermittent stream) to speed your travels.

The nomads of House Bakr accompanying you trade stories about what they heard befell Hakim Oasis in the wake of the raiders-in-black – no caravans have passed through it in weeks, only charred structures visible from those few outriders who've ventured close. What befell the few families and soldiers managing the caravanserai at Hakim Oasis remains a mystery.

Even the usually sullen rogues serving Nimar al-Solak chime in, their tongues loosed by palm wine, sharing how they used to pass through Hakim Oasis years ago. They extol its swimming hole which rivals all others in the High Desert, so it would seem. Eventually, however, the palm wine does its trick at altitude and the rogues drift off into a snoring slumber.

GM: This counts as a long rest.

I think the only one who prepares spells is Akilah, [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION]? What spells are you preparing? You prepare a total number of spells equal to your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier, which I believe is 16.

I'll advance the scene to Hakim Oasis as I mentioned once I know your prepared spells & any other preparations the party wishes to make.

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Harun takes a swig from his new waterskin. It tasted wonderful. Like it was made for him. He wondered if the waters came from the Plane of Water, where he got his own otherworldly heritage.

While camping, he joins the others at dinner, bringing a hunk of scrap metal with him and begins constructing another mechanical infull view of everyone, this one in the shape of a Pseudodragon. He sends Ahzeem out to take watch, with instructions to alert him if anyone approaches in the night.

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Dusty Dragon
Lal helps set up the camp and takes parts in watches - insist that one should be set.

He will also inquire to the nomads how much time the travel to the oasis will take - the time of day the group gets there could affects things.

He feeds a date to Sweets and meditates on the upper parts of the tower under the stars, looking towards the oasis, hoping for insight.

OOC: Lal has no "serious" preparation to make.


Akilah watched the exchange between the men from the comforts of her rogue, her interest peaked as the merchant mentioned Fahad al-Zakir, the merchant they outbid for the journal. "So Jena the Bold was right, Fahad is quite the merchant to have already made trades with the Qaybar. It seems he had little trouble finding the place." she bounced around a dozen scenarios in her head as she prepared her mat and entered her trance. When she awoke a few hours later she prepared her spells for the travel ahead before heading out to accompany whoever was up at so early an hour.

1: Cure Wounds, Bless
2: Hold Person, Silence, Zone of Truth
3: Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Remove Curse
4: Banishment, Locate Creature, Divination
5: Greater Restoration, Scrying, Mass Cure Wounds
6: Word of Recall, Heal

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