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Another Year of EN World Demographics!

As I did last year, this is a look at EN World's demographics. This period is June 2020 to June 2021. The data reflects over 5M unique visitors and tens of millions of page views. The short version -- over the last year, the user base has become younger, and (slightly: 3%) less male. The average EN World reader is now an 18-24 year-old American male (last year it was a 25-34 year-old American...

As I did last year, this is a look at EN World's demographics. This period is June 2020 to June 2021. The data reflects over 5M unique visitors and tens of millions of page views. The short version -- over the last year, the user base has become younger, and (slightly: 3%) less male. The average EN World reader is now an 18-24 year-old American male (last year it was a 25-34 year-old American male).

As before, you can compare these stats to WotC's official Stats for D&D. The most recent figures can be found here.

So last year the dominant age group on the site was 25-34. This year, it's younger - the 18-24 group is the largest. Like last year, EN World skews a little younger than D&D's overall player base, with a higher percentage in the lower age groups, and a lower percentage in the highest age groups. Note that GA doesn't measure under 18s.


Next is the gender data. Google Analytics only provides male and female data, and no data for non-binary people. Within those constraints, 83% of the visitors are male, and 17% female. Last year, 14% were female, so that's an increase of 3%. Still not enough, but headed in the correct direction. According to WotC, 40% of the player base is female and just below 1% is non-binary. So there's still work to be done there!


This hasn't changed much from last year. America dominates the chart, with other primarily English-speaking countries behind it. Brazil has more of a presence than any EU country. The EU in general is only about 5% of the user base.

United States59.7%
United Kingdom8.3%

What do they look at?
The most popular page on the site - unsurprisingly - is the news page, with 12% of the views. Now, bear in mind that each forum thread is a page, so the site has hundreds of thousands of pages and we have tens of millions of page views. That means that a page getting more than a single percentage of the views is a very popular page -- no non-news page has managed that.

About Google Analytics
These are anonymized aggregate stats collected by Google. We only have access to the data in aggregate.

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I crit!
This site gets hit a TON for resources it has, like some of the “character creation guides”.

The cynical side of me thinks we should have a thread on each D&D rules topic, explaining it, the commentary that would follow in the thread would be cool too.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The cynical side of me thinks we should have a thread on each D&D rules topic, explaining it, the commentary that would follow in the thread would be cool too.
We totally should. That's not cynical, that's super useful.


I crit!
We totally should. That's not cynical, that's super useful.
Cool. See the analytics page for the most hit pages and the rules ones already there show the way forward, I think, and what’s already been covered. I think they keep popping up because folks search google in the middle of their games, but that’s just a guess, it doesn’t matter why.


How is this data collected? Country info is easy, via one's IP address; but age and gender?

Put another way, how does google know how old I am when nothing I generally use involves giving info to google?
Google spy on you with cookies. Each time you register on a website and add your age for legal reasons, that cookie is read by Google bots. Obviously, the legal cover are those cookie acceptance requests, most people just accept.

To be truly stealthy, you need a paid VPN tunnel and clear cookies on each site you visit and ensure you never accept them in the first place.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
According to WotC, 40% of the player base is female and just below 1% is non-binary.
Arrested Development Tobias GIF

I'd be curious to see if WotC does demographics on players who identify as LGBTQ+. I have seen a lot of think pieces on how the queer folks are flocking to D&D in pretty large numbers. I imagine there's some co-variance there with the age demographics as well. It's weird, I remember joining back when I was in college and feeling very very young... now it appears I'm in the oldest 20%.


A suffusion of yellow
Yeah definitely noticed that the board has gotten a lot younger this year than it felt like before - but then I’m in the 7% so the whole world feels that way these days :p

[grognard]5e is more targeted to the kids rather than us serious grown ups though…[/grognard]


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yeah definitely noticed that the board has gotten a lot younger this year than it felt like before - but then I’m in the 7% so the whole world feels that way these days :p

[grognard]5e is more targeted to the kids rather than us serious grown ups though…[/grognard]
1E was targeted at kids. D&D has always been targeted at kids. How old were you and your friends when you started gaming? I'll bet you weren't 46!


1E was targeted at kids. D&D has always been targeted at kids. How old were you and your friends when you started gaming? I'll bet you weren't 46!
I thought D&D was targeted at college aged adults based on reading the ruleset.

3rd Edition is more technically complex, and 2nd even more so. Are kids getting dumber for the simplification of each new edition, I wonder.

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