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Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?


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Maybe I play with too many minmaxers. A powerful party heal is hard to pass up, and once you have it, there will be group pressure to use it, and that coercion might press some buttons for some of my players. But you're right; it's easy to leave it out, or refluff it to some other form of inspiration. And the 1 hour time requirement does limit its abuse; by the time you've had a few half-elven interludes, you might as well have just rested the party.

Yeah, and the early levels, a few extra daily vitality is nice. If the party wants to take an afternoon nap, though with 5 PCs, that's 4+ hours down time. Besides refluff, well, those min-maxers can just suffer it if they *really* want the benefit (face in palm). LOL.

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First Post
Nice to see this thread rebumped!

So what's the estimated time of release for the Mind-Expander's Kit? Because when I order it, I'll have to order another Player's Guide too. Mine and another guy in our group have already thrashed our books. To be honest, the binding is not the greatest. Of course, it doesn't help that we're using the heck out of this system! It's awesome. Keep it coming Dario!

No estimated time for the Expansion Kit. I really want to do it justice since I doubt I'll take again to write something *myself* for a while after this project... although I'm working with others for modules, etc to continue supporting the system in the usual ways.

I haven't gotten any books with bad bindings yet--Lightning Source seems better than Bookmobile which tended to have poor bindings and also lied to me several times.

A trick to prolong book life: Print the pages you use most from the PDF. For example, if I run an explorer human wizard of Vokta, I just print out those 5 pages. Unlike the character sheet, these pages should stay pretty good for the entirely for your the PC's career. Also print out the "GM Screen" in the back of the GM's guide to avoid running to the book for all the basics like breaking and entering... :). In total that's about 8 pages, not too threatening to the trees.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Yeah, and the early levels, a few extra daily vitality is nice. If the party wants to take an afternoon nap, though with 5 PCs, that's 4+ hours down time. Besides refluff, well, those min-maxers can just suffer it if they *really* want the benefit (face in palm). LOL.
I hope using the term "refluff" was intentional, it makes that joke 5 times better. :)


First Post
Quick question on the Prodigy ability.

It says you get an advanced a bility at 4rd level instead of 9th and some basic abilities at 9th but it's unclear as to whether you also gain an advanced ability at 9th.

Common Sense says no, after 9th level you simply have an ability that doesn't do anything.

Basically you pay one ability to have an advanced ability from levels 3 through 8.


First Post
Quick question on the Prodigy ability.

It says you get an advanced a bility at 4rd level instead of 9th and some basic abilities at 9th but it's unclear as to whether you also gain an advanced ability at 9th.

Common Sense says no, after 9th level you simply have an ability that doesn't do anything.

Basically you pay one ability to have an advanced ability from levels 3 through 8.

For all folks, here's what it says:

Prodigy: When you attain 3rd level, you gain 1 advanced class ability rather than the usual 4 basic class abilities for that level, which you gain at 9th level instead. This ability does not grant access to advanced tier boons, which you access at 9th level, as usual.

So yes, it's a swap. You'd gain no advanced ability at 9th level.


First Post
UPDATE to version "S" for Radiance Players Guide. Download your fresh copy.


Hardcopies via DriveThruRPG for folks in USA, UK, Australia are coming soon!

I just finished uploading the Radiance Players Guide and Radiance Masters Guide. It may take 2 weeks before they become available for purchase, and when they do, no more outrageous postage for Commonwealth citizens! :)


First Post

This morning, DriveThruRPG reported to me: "Your titles ... have cleared premedia processing and are ready for print."

BUT HOLD YOUR HORSES! Test copies are coming to me for approval before ordering goes live for everyone else, particularly for folks in Australia, New Zealand, UK, and Europe.


Combat: What is combat like in this game? Is it real watered down like in AD&D or are there critical hits and location charts?

Is the game like Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu?


First Post
Combat: What is combat like in this game? Is it real watered down like in AD&D or are there critical hits and location charts?

Is the game like Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu?

What's combat like? Faster and more dangerous than the usual d20/3.x game.

For starters, instead of a single pool of hit points, everyone has 2 pools: wounds and vitality.

Wounds are fixed based on your race and remain the same over your whole career. Wound damage reflects genuine physical assault. Ex: falling on a hard surface, drinking poison, being stabbed really nasty-like.

Vitality goes up over your career. It reflects energy, stamina, etc. When characters use magic or try a difficult physical stunt, they use up vitality.

Damage is often applied to vitality first and then wounds when vitality runs out. But characters shouldn't be complacent . A great hero can be quickly felled by a nasty fall, poison stinger, warlock's lash, or dispatcher beast's rake.

There are no location charts, but wound damage can disable a character, making it hard for him to walk, carry stuff, etc. After falling 30 ft onto a stone floor, even if someone survives, they should NOT be walking around easily, etc.without magical healing pronto.

Also, when taking wound damage for the first time (in an encounter), a creature is dazed for the rest of its turn. That includes PCs. So the tide of combat can change quickly.

Some other things: A battle mat is completely optional. There is less math. There's no "armor class". Instead, armor and armor-like protections reduce damage.

Important: The level-based system is more additive than geometric. The result: More opponents at once, and "commoners" can be useful, dangerous or both. A 10th-level character can be bested by a squad of 5 2nd-level snipers, and a 15th-level monster is a doable match for a party of 5th-level characters (whereas in 3.x game, the PCs would go down quickly).

Characters are more specialized. That is, abilities are siloed and PCs are limited to a few silos. As a result, characters can be quite good at one particular shtick if they wish, even at 3rd or 4th level. And that's expected, so they can handle the challenges.

Deities matter, in that characters have faith points they can spend -- if they are in good standing with their deity -- in really dire moments. In my experience, PCs do a lot of praying at "boss" encounters in particular.

There's a simple taint and insanity system. ;-)

Oh: There's an optional "quick and dangerous" mode that gives all monsters more damage and less vitality. You can run an encounter on Q&D mode to surprise PCs. The GM can decide at a moment's notice to use this mode, meaning creatures that have been encountered before can suddenly be more dangerous--and all just with two stats changed.

Finally, combat doesn't get longer at higher levels. I've easily run a group of a half-dozen players through a 13th level adventure, and over 4 or 5 hours we had 4 combats and 5 social encounters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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