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Anyone else tired of the miserly begrudging Rogue design of 5E?


Dusty Dragon
From later responses, I think it's because CapnZapp has a player in their game is that is not as effective as the rest of the party, and they're trying to think of a way to boost that character.
But rather than phrase that question in a helpful way where we can give useful and focused advice, he phrased it into a general complaint regarding the rogue. So we were trying to fix the class instead of trying to fix the character.

It's not just fixing the *character* it's fixing the PARTY

First they never do stealth, because one member wears plate. Hello, group checks? Pass without trace? One party member with poor stealth is *not* an excuse in 5e!

Second, they never do stealth because it's "boring to have the scout go ahead". So essentially they are playing combat as sport (vs combat as war). When you play combat as war, your goal is to engineer a situation what will give you a great advantage and crush the enemy. The goal is not a fair fight, it's to win! And rogues are SUPER USEFUL at this.

Thirdly, the player isn't good at min maxing... yet cares a lot about damage? A strange combo that. Perhaps he shouldn't be playing a rogue?

Finally, it's not even clear what [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION] wants to do because later in the thread he said "I want to play", vs this other fellow party member.
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Dusty Dragon
Hang on a tick. [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION], aren't you the one who went on at rather length about how 5e combats aren't challenging enough and that your PC's are steam rolling your encounters?

And now you want to make the PC's even stronger in combat?

Something is not adding up here.

While CapnZapp often has good points, a certain pattern has emerged yes.


It's a player problem square peg round hole. Even in 4E the Rogue was not that good at dealing damage.

Might also be a problem with the - 5/+10 feats. I pointed this out in 2014 along with the moon Druid.

A lot of people also play the rogue as a mobile skirmishers which is fine but it lowers your damage.

Might also be because 5E doesn't run how he wants it to. He might want to change the Rogue to fit in action granting warlord or use the Warlord to enable the rogue to deal more damage. Or get people to agree with him so he can argue 5E needs a warlord to patch the rogue.


Hang on a tick. [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION], aren't you the one who went on at rather length about how 5e combats aren't challenging enough and that your PC's are steam rolling your encounters?

And now you want to make the PC's even stronger in combat?

Something is not adding up here.
I thought it was really simple, but since you obviously don't want to listen, you managed to not get it anyway. So let me spell it out for you:

The party is a combat monster.

But the rogue isn't.

Our collective hivemind is struggling to come up with strategies for playing a rogue in the context of our game. As somebody stated, the problem with the class is that it depends on the others sitting on their hands and leaving the spotlight on the rogue's solo stealthing.

I won't have it.

I also think the path to decent rogue DPR is completely out of whack for a welcoming and simple game like 5E. Having to set up reactions to gain a second Sneak Attack feels very metagamey and way too complicated for this edition.

Other than that, if you want to leave your feedback on my actual suggestions, I'm all ears. Otherwise I won't comment you further.


Perhaps he shouldn't be playing a rogue?
Strange how your only suggestion is to give up on the design challenge that this thread is about.

If you play a combat heavy game, with little skulking about, every other character can be built to contribute decently.

But the rogue needs to master metagamey and byzantine game rules almost like it was playing Pathfinder while everybody else is playing 5E...?

No, frack that.

This thread is about simplifying streamlining and friendlifying the class.

What do you think about my suggestions?


No you don't. You said so in the first post. You want to play something that hits like a fighter or a sorcerer in combat and is named "rogue".

So do it. It would have been much more useful and less click bait if you had titled your post something like; "Here's my idea on making the Rogue more of an Alpha strike Combat class, Critiques Please".

But instead you tried to indicate that the Rogue class RAW is deficient. It's only deficient in your view because you don't want it to do what it does. You want it to do something else.
The rogue is really shifty at its job, at least in games with options turned on.

Why would you choose the rogue class if you want to create an Assassin, when a Shadow Monk is leagues better at that job. At least that class has a potent Alpha Strike - stun your target and game over.

Why is the rogue described as someone who "would rather make one precise strike, placing it exactly where the attack will hurt the target most, than wear an opponent down with a barrage of attacks" when the barrage deals much more damage (at least after level 4)?

Why play a rogue in a combat-heavy game, when you're very squishy against the most common danger - physical damage. Sure you can dance out of combat, but then you're risking a miss on your attack, and any round where you don't deliver Sneak damage is a wasted round, given that sneak attack isn't all that impressive.

Why play a rogue in any game with only two or three non-trivial fights a day, when your Action Surges, Rages or Sorcery Points are enough to overshadow the Rogue every time?

Sure you can play a game with no feats, no MC, no magic items and an interminable sequence of encounters of questionable challenge level, and yes, there the Rogue does much better. But I explicitly said this thread isn't about those games.

I want the Rogue to deliver competitive DPR.

That is why I didn't want to give the thread the name you suggest.

Because I strongly believe the Rogue should be able to deliver competitive DPR as part of being.. a Rogue.

To me, the Rogue class RAW is deficient.

  • It is strangely designed to force players to master byzantine and metagamey rules.
  • It is subpar when played as part of a team.
  • It has weak class-specific "boost paths" - it gets much less out of feats, items and build choices than almost every other class
  • It has no burst capability. In return, it seems to be balanced for an adventuring day much much longer than anyone actually experiences

Sure I could say "sorry, don't play a Rogue in my kind of game" but why would I want to settle for that, when we've made every other class work in our context?

I don't accept that out of all the PHB classes, there is one that simply should not be able to compete on damage, especially given the way the class is described as a fearsome assassin.

Nothing about the class says it must suck in combat. It's just miserly and begrudingly designed, that's all.

But wait! This thread isn't just about complaining (although you lot make your best to make it be only about that) - it's also about constructively fixing these huge flaws in the class' design!

So what do you think about my suggestions (back in my second post)? Too little, just perfect, or too much? :)

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