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Anyone know a good SciFi game?

Moe Ronalds

First Post
A Co-DM of mine is trying to find a good sci fi game. He doesn't want anything fantasy-ish and he doesn't want anything like Star Wars. My understanding is that he's looking for somehting similar to Alien Versus Predator in feel. Anyone know any good RPG's for me- er, my Co-DM? Thanks in advanced!

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Hand of Evil

Traveller (should be out soon)
Farscape - some magic like abilities
Fading Sun
DragonStar - lots of fantasy
Judge Dregg

All are very good games but it really is have to be up to what he feels is right for him.

Ranger REG

d20 or non-d20?

T20: The Traveller's Handbook (October 2002)
Judge Dredd
Darwin's World

Star Trek
Metamorphosis Alpha
Traveller (many non-d20 variations)
GURP Transhuman
MechWarrior Third Editon: The BattleTech RPG
Blue Planet


First Post
Well, if we are taking non-d20 and out of print games, then the door is a lot more open.

Amazing Engine's Bughunters should be exactly what you are looking for.

And recently from Palidum there was System Failure, which is sort of Aliens meets Y2K.

How about the original Traveller or Twilight 2300? There was also the Marrow Project and mechwarrior.

From Palidum there was Robotech and Mechinods.

Even though TORG was multi-genre, the rules would fit your "Alien Versus Predator" feel.


Voneth said:
Well, if we are taking non-d20 and out of print games, then the door is a lot more open.

Amazing Engine's Bughunters should be exactly what you are looking for.

I ran this for a short campaign. My players loved it, and you're right about it having exactly the right tone. It's on my list of games I don't own anymore but plan to track down and buy again. I'd love to have a d20 modern version of it. Maybe WOTC will resurrect it in Polyhedron or something.


Pardon the plug but...

I would humbly like to suggest Prometheus Rising to you.

It's a d20 scifi game I designed, set in a near future setting. I love the aliens and predator movies, and the game's dark tone reflects this.

The game features an alternate d20 psionics system, a complete starship design and combat system, 9 scifi classes, and 38 new feats.

The game is currently on sale at: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=244&


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Good non-d20 Sci-Fi game

Moe -
If you want a really good sci-fi game, with lots of detail, then check out Spacemaster: Privateers by Iron Crown Enterprises.


Set in the far future, earth is just one of many planets belonging to a Confederation of seven different species of intelligent beings that had been seeded across the galaxy.

There is also a Space Empire right next to the Confederation (comprised of the same seven species!), who has declared war upon the Confederation. Not being prepared for a war, the Confederation enacts the Privateering laws, much like several nations did in the 1600 and 1700's in the Carribean.

End Synopsis

Unlike many settings for any type of genre, this actually gives the characters a reason for being together and for doing the types of things that characters are wont to do. I think that it is an exciting setting, and one you (and/or your friend) should check out. It has the plus of not being set in a predefined (such as by books or movies) setting, so anything is possible.

It has a small learning curve, with the hardest part being deciding what character options to select and such. But once characters are created, running it is simple, since everything is percentile based, and it has single a single resolution method.

The core book contains everything you need to play. Races, professions, rules for various things like ship combat, psions, and the setting itself! All for just $30 (USD), about the same that you would pay for many of the books for sale nowadays.

Check it out! You won't regret it......


First Post
Ranger REG said:
d20 or non-d20?

Star Trek
Metamorphosis Alpha
Traveller (many non-d20 variations)
GURP Transhuman
MechWarrior Third Editon: The BattleTech RPG
Blue Planet

Doh! How could I forget Blue Planet! From what I have heard, it is one of the harder SF settings out there.

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