Anything in Little Rock, AR?


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Breakdaddy said:
Theres one off of Rodney Parham here in LR and there is one in NLR (sherwood, actually).

I didn't know Sherwood had one. What's it called? The one on Rodney Parham...if it's still owned by this REALLY tall guy who's run game stores for years in LR (I don't want to mention his name), I refuse to darken its door.

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Thanks for all the responses. I don't think I've played anything other than D20 games in recent years (D&D, Gamma World, Arcana Unearthed), but I'm not a system snob type of guy. I'll pretty much play anything as long as the group is good. I was blessed with a very good group for the past few years (in case they're reading: you guys rock). Another we used to do is get together every once in a while and play games like Heroscape and Arena Maximus. I really enjoy that type of games, though I don't own any.

As far as what style of D&D I prefer, I guess I'm not really sure I know what you mean. I can say that in my old gaming group we generally tolerated a humorous tone and didn't take things too seriously, but seriously enough that we could hold a campaign together for years at a time. We did a mixture of packaged modules and original material depending on who was acting as GM. It was probably a little combat heavy. I think we all like the cerebral stuff in theory, but it never seems to work out quite the way you want it.

I'll have to check out the game store on Rodney Parham. Thanks again for the information.



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RyanL said:
As far as what style of D&D I prefer, I guess I'm not really sure I know what you mean. I can say that in my old gaming group we generally tolerated a humorous tone and didn't take things too seriously, but seriously enough that we could hold a campaign together for years at a time.]

Yep...that's us.

RyanL said:
I'll have to check out the game store on Rodney Parham. Thanks again for the information.]

If it's still run by the guy I mentioned, let me know if he's covered in seeping boils or not. I hope he is; otherwise I wasted all that time on a curse.


First Post
Cal, its not run by Mike (whom I also disliked) anymore, it has changed hands twice since he had it (in the last year). The new guys are more into card games than RPGs though. The one in North Little Rock is called Imagine Game and Hobbies, its owned by a guy named Jay who is a relatively cool guy and runs a clean shop. Its only been there for a few months but he had the same business elsewhere before he moved here and he seems to know how to keep a business running.


First Post
RyanL said:
I'll have to check out the game store on Rodney Parham. Thanks again for the information.


Ryan, its right by the Mcallisters there in the same shopping center if that helps, I cant remember the name of it at the moment though, sorry.


First Post
Breakdaddy said:
Cal, its not run by Mike (whom I also disliked) anymore, it has changed hands twice since he had it (in the last year). The new guys are more into card games than RPGs though. The one in North Little Rock is called Imagine Game and Hobbies, its owned by a guy named Jay who is a relatively cool guy and runs a clean shop. Its only been there for a few months but he had the same business elsewhere before he moved here and he seems to know how to keep a business running.

If that's the case, I might stop by then. Eric's Grandma would beat the snot out of me if I posted what I really thought of that guy.

If you get a chance to go Batesville, there's a small, miniatures oriented shop there called Woodshed Games. It's a really nice place; clean, well organized, and with a staff who really are interested in customer service.


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I never liked Mike, but you seem to have a big dislike for him.

There is also a shop in Jacksonville. I can't remember its name, but it is not far from fantasy fashion.


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Dogen1 said:
I never liked Mike, but you seem to have a big dislike for him.

There is also a shop in Jacksonville. I can't remember its name, but it is not far from fantasy fashion.

The one in Jacksonville is called Jack's Hobbies. It's mostly a model enthusiast's shop, but he has a decent collection of gaming stuff he inherited from the original owner, then kept going.

And yeah...I don't like Mike.


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Ryan, here's my home email addie: calvindotroachatgmaildotcom (punctuation not included). Drop me a note. I'm changing jobs in two weeks and will no longer be working in LR, but maybe we can get a chance to be geeks over a beer.


First Post
Breakdaddy said:
Theres one off of Rodney Parham here in LR and there is one in NLR (sherwood, actually).

O.K. Where is the one in Sherwood? I've never seen it.

There is a new place that just opened in Searcy, more mini's then anything else. I dont think it will last long, it is in a way off place, and I found it by accident. I don't even remember if it had a name.

We have 3 games going now, a 3.5 D&D hack and slash (great fun, not thinking required) a Midnight game, and a Warhammer RPG. We (4 of us) play at a guys house off of McCain. If you are interested drop me a line at (change the at of course).

btw I think mike went across the pond when he sold out.

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