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Arcane Might Part 1: The Search for Home (Still running)


Living EN World Judge
Myrkskog stays within the treeline, circling around to the North, arrow knocked to string...

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First Post
The dwarf seems to be slightly surprised of the sudden "resistance" on Kavernus' behalf, but does not seem very intimidated. "Master Malark has ordered the construction of this wall. And he lives a half-day journey further down the road.", he says. The dwarf seems like he starts to say something, stops, but then finally speaks again: "I have orders not to let anyone enter his property. Please leave now, I have work to do."

The ogre grunts something to the dwarf, and this snaps something back at it in some language unfamiliar to most of the group. Lugash understands that the ogre is basically asking for a permission to eat Kavernus and Gourry. The dwarf tolds the ogre to get back to his work and shut up (in giant).

Meanwhile, Myrkskog silently sneaks past the wall to the north side of the camp. Nobody seems to notice him, as most of the orcs seems to be very, very concentrated on what they're doing. They're not even really paying attention to the discussion between Kavernus and the dwarf.

Derrick and Nat start casually aiming their bows towards the orcs after the ogre grunts something to the dwarf.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Kavernus' eyes narrow at the Dwarf. Well why didn't you say so sooner. Come Captain Gourry. We have business with this Master Malark. He and Gourry start walking further up the road.


First Post
Weslin stays behind his tree, but draws a bead on the ogre and gets ready to let fly as soon as one of the party starts an attack.


First Post
The dwarf starts to stop Kavernus and shouts: "No, you can't...", but stops mid-sentence and instead grunts something in what's apparently Orcish (Kavernus thinks that the dwarf is under some kind of enchantment or charm spell). Gourry immediately curses heavily and draws his shortsword and a dagger. The orcs "snap awake" and stop their work, turning towards Kavernus and Gourry. The two orcs in the makeshift tower pick up bows, but are killed by arrows shot by Derrick and Nat. The Ogre steps to block the way from Kavernus and steps closer, now rather apparently with the intention of making Kavernus and Gourry his dinner. Weslin shoots at the ogre and hits, but the ogre doesn't really seem to notice the hit and concentrates on Gourry.

OOC: Initiative:

Kavernus 28
Gourry 20
Nat 15
Orcs (left side of road)
Myrkskog 14
Lugash 13
Weslin 8
Ogre 8
Derrick 6
Orcs (right side of road)
Dwarf 2

CCCC . . p p . . . . . FFF
CCC. . . p p . . . . . .oFF
CCCTTo p p . .o. . .o.oFF
CCTTT. p po.o. . . . .oFFFM
CCtto.o .p pO . .FFFFFW
CCt . . .LKG . . . FFFFFFN
C . . . .p p . . . FFFFFFD

C = Cliff/Rock formations. Climbable, not too high yet.
T = Tower structure. About 15ft high.
W = Wall structure.
F = Forest.
p = path
t = small, short tree trunk sections
D = Dwarf
O = Ogre
o = Orc
K = Kavernus, G = Gourry, M = Myrkskog, L = Lugash, W = Weslin, D = Derrick, N = Nat
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Stay close Gourry. They will not see us. Kavernus says and casts Invisibility sphere on himself and his man-at-arms.
Gourry draws his blade but stays his hand until it is apparent that they have been detected.
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First Post
Kavernus casts Invisibility Sphere and he and Gourry disappear from sight, to everybody's great surprise.

Nat shoots two arrows from the forest, but they hit the trees instead of the ogre.

The two orcs left of Kavernus & Co. stare where they just were and rather hopelessly try to catch thin air. Another orc from back moves next to the dwarf.

Lugash starts his summoning.

Weslin sneaks apparently succesfully towards the road and the ogre.

The ogre steps forward and swings its hand towards the place where Gourry was, and seems to catch something (Kavernus sees that it grabs Gourry), but looses it's grip and grunts in pain when Gourry stabs it in the arm with his short sword and blinks back to sight. "They will not see us, he says...", he grumbels, steps towards the Ogre and stabs this in the stomach.

Derrick shoots two arrows and finishes the ogre (who almost falls on Gourry), and after that some of the orcs in the right side of the road charge the forest towards Derrick and Nat, running behind Weslin, who is hiding in the underbrush. Two of them sprint towards Gourry, and the other one tackles Goyrry to the ground.

The dwarf moves his axe to his hands and moves so that he can use the wall as a cover against arrows, and waits to see what happens.


CCCC . . p p . . . . . FFF
CCC. . . p p . . . . . .FFM
CCCTT. p p . . . . .. .FFF
CCTTT. p p . . . ..o.oFoF
CCtt. .o.p .o . .WFFFFFF
CCt . .oLKG . . . FFFFFN
C . . . .p p . . . FFFFFFD

C = Cliff/Rock formations. Climbable, not too high yet.
T = Tower structure. About 15ft high.
W = Wall structure.
F = Forest.
p = path
t = small, short tree trunk sections
D = Dwarf
O = Ogre
o = Orc
K = Kavernus, G = Gourry (there's an orc in the same point grappling with him), M = Myrkskog, L = Lugash, W = Weslin, D = Derrick, N = Nat
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Voidrunner's Codex

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