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Are there any fans of Star Frontiers on ENWorld?


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Yes, I like Star Frontiers. Dralasites are still one of my favorite Sci-Fi races (especially the love of bad jokes). I haven't played it in a very long time. If only d20 future had Sathar, I could run a d20 Star Frontiers/Star Drive game. Those are two settings that go well together.

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Ran it a couple times earlier this year. Good fun, though the mods could have some...quirks to them, particularly when it came to the health levels of some of the random encounter creatures in "Crash On Volturnus" particularly the rat monsters.


Yeah, but Volturnus rocked. Those were some fuggin' great modules. Loads and loads of fun.

I've seen the site. Now I just gotta free up my schedule and find some people to play. Star Frontiers would work well over online play methinks.


First Post
I am seeing a lot of love for the Dralasites, but it was the Yazirians that truly ruled! I mean, come on, who doesn't like psychotic gliding monkeys!!!!!! :D

That site is great, I was thinking about introducing my group to a D20 Star Frontiers ala the races from D20 Future, but I think that I am going to have to go old school now, thanks!


Star Frontiers

I loved Star Frontiers! Aside from some brief mentions in Dragon/Dungeon/Polyhedron, Alternity, and most recently, D20 Modern/Future, I've always hoped for an update that kept the spirit of that space opera game but updated and expanded it for D20. I played a Yazirian (flying monkey) who blew himself up while driving on Volturnus...

Sure, I've bought many D20 science fiction games, including licensed adaptations of Babylon 5, DragonStar, Farscape, Prime Directive (Star Trek), Serenity/Firefly, Stargate, Star Wars, and of course, Traveller, but the generic ones such as Bulldogs or Blood & Space come closest to enabling me to return to the excitement I felt when I first played Star Frontiers 25 years ago! It also inspired much of my GURPS campaigns, although True 20 might be a good rules base for a Star Frontiers game now.


First Post
One thing that I really loved about SF, is that all the races (aside from Yazirians) were so distinct from Humans. Bug-like Vrusk, Ameoba-like Dralasites, Worm-like Sathar, not to mention the weird ones found in the modules.

I look forward to getting a local group together to play once again... worst part, is that I really just wanna play, but will probably have to take on the role of referee (GM) for a time.

For those who don't know, the Star Frontiers creatures were reproduced for D&D in the Spelljammer campaign setting. Yazirians became hadozee, dralasites became plasmoids, and vrusk became rastipedes. In addition, sathars were introduced to D&D as psurlons in Planescape for 2E, and in the 3.5E supplement Lords of Madness. Yazirians, vrusk, and dralasites have all made a reappearance in D20 Future.


I LOVE Star Frontiers! I've been hoping that WotC would dust it off and relaunch it ... and I've been to the site the OP mentioned ... GREAT SITE! :)

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