Are you out of the D&D closet?


Looks like this thread has drawn a reasonable high number of people from the Midwest, myself included...does this mean we're more comfortable discussing our D&D hobby ;) ?

Pretty much everyone I know is aware of the fact that I play, but I don't go out of my way to raise the topic. Then again, I don't go out of my way to discuss what sports I play or books I read either. I'm happy to chat about D&D with anyone who asks about my hobbies and interests, but generally it's a non-issue.

And I refuse to take crap about any of my personal interests -- my football and basketball teammates don't hassle me about D&D, and my D&D gamemates don't waste their energy denigrating my love for sports. I'm comfortable with my hobbies, and I think that makes those around me more accepting and comfortable too.

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People know from me..... not like it really bothers me what they think.

But, since I'm one of the main drama people at my school, a lot of people know me, so a lot of people know my hobby.

Ah well, no biggie.


I'm tired of explaining people what role playing games are, so try to avoid the whole subject all tothether in conversations with them. I also admit, its not the first thing I would mention as my hobby to anyone. Just generally tired of people judging you.

Russian Bear

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Enemy:So... what is your hobby?
Me: RPGs
M:Role Playing Games..... it's like computer games but w/out computer, w/ paper, pen and dices and friends
E:Games are for kids, grow up!
M:In US many 30+ people who play RPGs! (I'm 19)
E: Americans are all nerds!
M::rolleyes: :mad:

That is the most common case for me...
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Well given that I'm fairly misanthropic I don't really interact with many people. My circle of friends (small, the way I like it) all pretty much know. I don't hide the fact.

My girlfriend knows, likes the fact and wants me to teach her to play.

I don't tell people stories about my charecters, but if people ask me about my intrests, I'll tell them about the types of music I like (Metal, Goth, Punk, New Wave, Classical, Opera and others), the types of books I read and movies I like (Scifi, fantasy, historical fiction, horror both supernatural and psychological) and gaming (Rpgs, computer, and board games).

In fact the only people that I hide the fact from is my parents and thats because they are just plain silly in some regards. They see RPGs as an evil evil thing and don't care for how they stimulate my imagination, helped me develop superb reading and writing skills, and in general make me happy.


Rubeus Hagrid

To be honest, I don't really know many non-gamers. My group consists of my wife, both our sons, our best friend, his ex-wife, and his fiancee. :D

I game openly, I discuss it openly, I worte most of my papers in college both times aroung gaming, comics, or both, and I frequently use it to illustrate other points. I even talked about RPGs for half an hour at my wife's company picnic this past summer with her regional VP.

Of ourse, I am a major, major, major captial G Geek, always have been. At least I shower regularly and dress up well enough.

Edit to add an afterthought: It occurs to me that maybe I'm so open because I seem to have been born without the capacity to feel embarrassed, self-consious, or ashamed. I'm quite proud of and comfortable with exactly who and what I am.


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min-max man

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i dont like to tell the whole world that i play D&D, heck i dont even like telling a few people, expecially the ones who dress preppy and walk with their noses high in the air, but if they ask what i am going to do this weekend or something of the sort, i will usually tell them, (but there is always the rare occasion when a girl likes me, so i dont tell her.) but i will look at a dragon and stuff in class, but i pretty much keep the hard-covers down in my room, hidden away from society. The first step is admitting you have a problem.:)


First Post
I'm out and about.

If someone asks me about my hobbies, or what message board I happen to be surfing around (a fairly common occourence in my computer infested school) I tell them. So far I've had more uh-huh's along with *blank looks* then anything else. My school also seems to have an inordinate amount of gamers, which allows me to DM one group and play with another one fairly regularly.


First Post
Azathoth said:
I have no problem telling people at work, home or just anyone in general that I role-play. But I still don't read any role-playing material on the bus :)

This made me chuckle...I've thought about the same thing myself, reading on the bus, but thought better of it. So I read RPG live novels instead.


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