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Artist looking to do some fun sketches.


First Post
Maybe you could sketch this guy for me, and if he looks as good as Taeghan i'll get him colored. Thanks again for your work, it's a great treat for all of us!

Nick Leadhammer
Gold Dwarf (think african-american, but a dwarf)
190 lbs
STR: 16, CON: 16, DEX: 10

He's a cleric of Clanggedin Silverbeard, who's holy symbol is two crossed battle axes.

He wears magic full plate (with helmet) emblazoned with his god's symbol, as well as a shield with the symbol as well (but it's a bit more dinged up than the armor).

He uses a one-handed battle axe, magic, predominantly.

If at all possible, could you sketch him holding a giant's head? It's a religious things for clerics of Silverbeard :) Maybe just leaning up against one? :D

If his hair or beard show, it's all black.

Let me know what you think, and if you'd like to sketch him :) Thanks again!
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World of Kulan DM
Bobacus, really liked the new set of character sketches. The first one is my favorite.

Anyway, just thought I'd point you to "The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread", if you haven't checked it out yet. There are a lot of great sketches on that thread, as well as many standing requests for free sketches.

There is an index (created by Chain Lightning) on page 11 (post #213) of that thread, which shows several old requests (up to page nine). Of course, it isn't likely you could do them all, but it would be nice to have some of those old requests filled.

I'm cross-posting the index (not including those already finished on that thread) here for your reference. I've also gone through the old list to make sure a character posted there hasn't been also requested here. I'm also going to update the index and post it again (as a Word document), so everyone knows who's sketch has been done and where to find it.

Chain Lightning said:
Page One
-- Felix: Konstanin
-- GralTok: Eoin Mackoids
-- ThorneMD: Haldir, Araos, Rudic, & Araust
-- Painfully: Halfling Barbarian Chef
-- Phoenix8008: Rrai-kesh (Tigerman)

Page Two
-- Henry: Filirw Cormobel
-- Lalato: Sanjay Madragupti

Page Three
-- rbingham2000: One Eye Tsui
-- msisden: Hindel Lightfoot & Doggen Goldblood
-- Theolinn Stonearch: Johnny Chow

Page Four
-- Rashak Mani: Fek
-- Factol Rhys: Arameth

Page Five
-- Akercockren: Sanaki
-- Serpenteye: Nurthrak
-- Despaxas: Kakita
-- KingOfChaos: Elroumar

Page Six
-- Angcuru: Angcuru Meloroira
-- kirinke: Aenilaen
-- Trainz: Blasphemy

Page Seven
-- TiQuinn: Keleran
-- Kannik: Timmoth & Thelil
-- Durandal: Borik
-- fourthmensch: Rog
-- Megatron: Osa

Page Eight
-- Shadow Dragoon: Elven Katane Rogue
-- Emperor Valerian: Lord Lucius Caladron

Page Nine
-- blargney the second: Eodwin
-- notjer: Wood Elf Rogue
-- Ferret: Naerl
-- ThorneMD: Welby
-- Arafang: Euthanasia & Exangelos
-- Thaniel: Yalewin , Forcke, & Frank

Since I started that thread, I feel kind of responsible for it. I also created a new EN World character sketch request thread but that one went bye-bye. :D



p.s. If someone could find and resurrect the secondary request thread, I'd appreciate it. As well as Kip the Bold's old thread, which I'm going to include in my index, as well as this thread and ml3's monster request thread.


First Post

Nym looks great! You did a great job putting personality into the sketch. We might like to commision you for a group drawing (ink only) for six characters. Would you be willing to do a campfire scene with perspective? I understand the time required increases, but I believe we would be prepared to pay for such. If you are up for it, I'll get back to you once I have a green light and we can start discussing the specifics.


Huntsville, Alabama


First Post
just checking in

Here is a pic I did for someone as a comission. Hope you all like it.

I will keep that thread in mind. Roght now I am really busy. But If I have nothing going down I will certainly try.

Everyone, I still have plenty of time to do comissions. so keep em coming.



Thanks, turned out a bit more malevolent looking and mummy like than I was figuring, but oh well. Plus, man he needs to cut his fingernails.

I was thinking more of the style of wrappings an oriental monk would wear, a bit more flowing, etc. Oh well.

Nice work though. I'll probably design a different character around that picture though.


First Post
Bobacus, I understand that you've been bombarded with requests, but if you get the time to do my character, that'd be awesome. You do great sketches.

My Char is not from D&D, but from Exalted. He's always been my favorite character because of the insanely epic feats he (and his party) managed to accomplish.

His name is Nestor "Storm Maker" Vandergraf
and He's an odd mix of Crazed Inventor/Magical Forger and Arcane Spell-Caster. He can make almost anything out of almost anything. In battle he favors thining his enemies' ranks by throwing out his devistating spells, and then wading in with his massive hammer. He splits his time among both the forge and the library; not to mention his favorite fine eating and drinking establishments.

I envision him as being 5'4 tall. He has dark forge tanned skin, with blue eyes with a big crooked nose between them. He looks a bit old with his long, piercingly white beard (and big fluffy eyebrows!) not to mention his head is largely bald except for two big tufts on the sides of his head coming up from his beard and extending over his head looking like fluffy horns.
He's a bit on the gaunt side (his mastery of the forge comes from his excellent tools and knowledge and not as much from his raw physical strength) but has a pot belly from all the hearty meals and fine drink he enjoys. He is hard to find without a toothy, friendly smile.

He wears a fine silver breast plate and two silver gauntlets that he made himself. He wears no other armor and prefers to wear light, silky, colorful robes underneath his armor. He also would never be caught without a cape. Every mage needs a cape.
Aside from his powerful magic, he also wields a truly epic weapon. Its a titanic (and I cannot stress how big it is) golden hammer that he wrestled from the hands of a powerful deamon of the abyss. The hammer easily weighs more than the wizard (including armor!) and he can swing the mighty hammer only because of its many enchantments. The hammer is wielded with both hands and has a long metal shaft. The head itself is about the approximate size of an anvil, but shaped like a big old block.

I'd love to see your take on him.
Thanks in advance.
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First Post
Your art is wonderful!
I have two ideas I hope you'd draw!


Human Warlock. He wears a hooded cloak and a spidery runed scarf pulled over his lower face.. his eyes aglow with demonic power. Resting on his shoulder, a leering quasit, who himself is equipped with a large quiver (of elhonna) and javellins (of lightning) jutting out. Tassels with charms tied into them dangle all over his outfit, and his weapon, a fancy light mace is undrawn. his hands charged with fell eldritch power...
the mace is fancy in that each side is the face of an angry god.. or different aspects of one god... one cant be sure.

2nd concept:
A "Human" Blackguard of dubious descent;his helmet off, we can see his face appears emaciated despite his gigantic frame. indeed, one would say he's almost skeletal.. (Tomb tainted soul and another feat which makes him so close to undead that he never eats or sleeps...)
A symbol of Iuz on a silvered chain hangs 'round his neck, and whispy thin hair hides some of the rage we can see in his eyes...his weapon is a large greatsword, clearly too large for most men.

Thanks in advance!
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First Post

Just wanted to say great work. I have enjoyed looking over the artwork. It really is great. I am in a group with Creamsteak, Doomhawk, and Ferrix. I know we are talking about getting a group picture drawn in January. I was thinking the "Gold". But we are still in the works and talking it over.

Here is my character for our group. If you could draw it, that would be great. I really apperciate the great work. Keep it up!

Aalic Silverblade
27 years old
160 lbs
Brown hair
Steel Grey eyes
Pale skin tone
The tip of his left ear has been cut off

Rogue 1 / Ranger 1

Elven Thinblade - Looks like a swashbuckler's rapier - from the Complete Warrior - they have a picture in there.
Darkweave Cloak - from Eberron - just a cloak to help hide in shadows better.

I envision Aalic as a dark and cynical charcter. He was a soldier in a war that lasted over a 100 years. He has come back from this war with an different set of views. While overall he is a good guy, he has seen the worst in people. He has seen what evil people can do.

He has a scar on his left upper cheek that continues to his the point where the tip of his left ear has been cut off.

As for being half-elf. I don't see him as nice and pretty. He has a rough, bad side that woman like. He is fairly charasmatic. Although trying to get him to smile when not around the ladies is another issue.

As for the drawing I was wondering if you could show it with his hood up where you can only see half of his face. And the cloak over his shoulders hiding his somewhat. As for the weapons, arms, and other stuff I don't really care. Just use our imagintion.

Thanks alot


First Post
Wow bobacus, nice stuff. If you feel like it please take a swing at either of my previous two characters.

The first is a HUGE Arabian-looking human barbarian. 6'3" fat and missing all of his front teeth. He wears no armor but owns a nice set of leather bracers that keep him well protected. His only weapons are a wickedly spiked chain and a net that sparks with energy.

The second is a 2'11" halfling master thrower. He wears normal clothes (also no armor) but has 2 sets of bandoliers (sp) filled with throwing daggers. He is not a thief (as he has to tell EVERYONE ... three times).

I don't have a big or busy website but I'll link yours ASAP and mention you in my personal forums. I really respect artists. Best wishes to you in your career!
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First Post
This is truly outstanding stuff Bobacus. For some reason, I really like your drawing style. I've got a couple of characters I'd like to see you do, if you have the time. I think they might be fun to draw.

1. Groshni the Repugnant - (Goblin Expert) Groshni is a legendary goblin necromancer. Well, legendary in his own mind. Groshni doesn't actually have any magical power, but he thinks that if he tries hard enough, he just might get it. He wears a patchwork, pointy wizards hat (he made it himself out of various cloth and animal skins) and a dirty patched robe that is a bit too large for him. He carries a staff and he has a sickly pet rat that he calls his familiar. Groshni has been employed by many goblin warlords as an advisor and seer. When they inevitably find out that he is a fraud, he is long gone. Despite these setbacks, he still carries himself with an air of superiority.

2. Deos Kirith - (Human Mystic Theurge) Deos is of average height. His shoulder length, curly blond hair frames his tanned and moderately handsome face. His piercing green eyes take in every detail, and he carries himself with confidence. When he isn't wearing a golden scarf with a black, stylized symbol of Boccob over the lower half of his face, a self assured grin or smirk can be seen plastered there. He wears a well-used explorer's outfit, including a faded, deep purple, hooded cloak. A holy symbol of Boccob hangs freely around his neck. Deos has an eye for the ladies, and tales of his debauchery abound.

I've already had Gorefoot the gnome barbarian done by BastionLightbringer over in the EnWorld Free Character Portrait Request thread, but if you think it would be something you'd like to try, I'll post his details.

If you could get to either of these, that would be awesome.

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