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Ajax, Thank you for your kind offer but it will not be necessary. I have found that I can hire some locals and they will be able to finish the work much faster. However I will still be staying for one week, I need to find some protectors for Equilla.


Cy, I'm trying to get Alexandra shacked up in one of the Tyrant's place so that will free Cyrus' hands for the laboring that needs to be done around here. Perhpas Alexandra can look after Equila and both of them be protected by the Tyrants? Besides, if the powerful of this city want them, they will take them no matter the protectors we get for them.

Oh, and that little speech was directed at you too, Cyris; don't think you can slink away.;) :D Besides, what I want to do is gather the Jehnans together to put together work crews that will fix up the houses in the slums (ie, free of charge) and then move on to help the Phradan defenses. For them to be able to work on the city defenses without getting paid (the Phradans did take them in when they didn't have to) they will need our financial aid for things like food and fodder. That's what the money has to go to.

Anyway, you'll be able to read the speech Cato gives to the Jehnans that elaborates on all of this. I hope to be able to get: a) the sanctum finished and looking respectable b) free housing for all of us and c) a good dialog going with the Phradans. Any specail intrests you want represented in the talk? The bigger the donation the more air time you get!:D (Isn't that how religions work?);)


Who, exactly, do you think is going to manning these work crews? The widows, the orphans, the elderly, the maimed or the mindless? All of Jehna's able-bodied sons are in the mountains fighting the Ghinn.
Also, how are you going to fix up the sanctum? Ajax is OK with helping the poor, but every drachma that goes to building a sanctum is food taken from the mouth of a refugee. I mean, I know you said that's where the money has got to go, but it seems the two uses are mutually exclusive. Opportunity costs and all that.
I can tell you that if Ajax sees money being spent on building a sanctum, he's really going to wonder what it was he just gave charity to.
Just some points to consider.

So it seems like we're planning on going through the mines on the way to Cyropolis.
Who are we talking to while we're here? I still think we should appraise Yasmeen of what's going on/check in with her. She may have some new intellegence, and could definately use what we know, assuming the Shana didn't get here already.
I also think we need to tell someone about the disks. If we die, someone else should try to recover them (in case of TPK, we've got a built in hook).
We need to decide and role play that decision so Corey can have something to work with in this week's adventure.


First Post
I have no problem with Alexandra staying with Equilla in the house. Just to be clear, it is not the "powers that be" that I am concernd about harming Equilla. It is a mob that concerns me. And as for the monitary debate what I was give is mine to use as I see fit. It shall not be donated unless I decide to donate it.


Who is manning the work crews? Heh. Good question. Forgot about the women and elderly. Well, they're going to have to pitch in however they can, each from his own ability.

From the description, I saw the sanctum as a pile of spoor hollowed out. Forgive me if the cleric says he'd like to see it fixed up. If the work crews - or whatever we have in their place - are fixing up everyone's home, I hope that they also fix up the: hospital, school, place of worship, etc. And when I say fix up I don't mean I want St. Peter's in Phrada. Think of it this way: do you want to see your home fixed up? Sure, you're donating all this cash. Well, I want my home fixed up too. I just let the entire friggin community come in my door whenever they please. Make sense?

If seeing Yasmee wasn't on my list I meant it to be. But she definitely needs to be talked to.

Cyris I understand that you will use the money as you will see fit. Notice that Ajax used the money as he saw fit; I just tried to convince him that one usage was better than the other. Cyris was right next to him at the time... and he just stood there impassionately? Sheesh, you're even from this town. Do as you will...
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First Post
I am not from Phrada. This is not my town. Some of the people in it are from my town. And as for donating I figure creating some work for some people and paying them for is is doing some part. Its better than telling them "ok your in a work crew, your not going to get paid or may not eat". What I do with whats left over when I take care of family and some supplies I may just give to the people directly so they can live. I will not spend on a building project that takes care of the spiritual needs of the community while the spending on that project takes bread from the mouths of childern.


From what I remember, there is a very different concept of ownership in this society. The land in Jehna was "owned" be the heads of the respective tribes, not by the people who lived in a given house. My guess here would be that everyplace is owned by the Council of Tyrants (CoT).
From the description of the Sanctum, which I believe was "hastily constructed," I saw a house in the slums which had been converted to use as a Sanctum. Probably not very nice, but servicable.
As far as having my home fixed up. If I was going to do that, I'd have to pay for it myself, not collect donations to help the poor refugees and the Mindless, and then use it to fix up my home. Seems a bit like a bait and switch, which is what Ajax's previous experiances are going to force him to see it as, if it happens.
If the cleric uses his money to make the church pretty while the rogue uses his money to feed the hungry, well, that's a bit skewed. Perhaps if all of Jehna's refugees were fat and happy, I could see funds being directed to the sanctum, but that really has to come last.

Also, I have to wonder if the guy who runs the White Sanctum will be very keen on having anything more than a temporary structure of another sect. He's been very understanding so far, but a permanent building might be seen as an attempt to encroach on his territory. It seems like the refugees are going to be here for the forseeable future. In fact, depending on how many men die in the guerilla war in the mountains, there may not be enough to sustain a viable town at the war's end.
While I suppose that argues for fixing up the homes of the refugees as best as can be done, we don't want to step on any toes while doing it.


First Post
Quite true Ajax, I do not think of the dwelling that Cyris is fixing up as his but just were Equilla is staying at this time.


I don't wanna get in the middle of the money debate, but I think Cato was hoping to spend the money to at least fix the roof and remove the trash from the sanctum, not necessarily placing inlaid gold on the rafters.

Anyway, soon there will be a tiny monk full of rage ready to pounce on any Ghinn he sees when the time is right, and may even become a Wearer in Black or other PrC, should he live long enough. He can be found in the 'Empty' district tending to the needs of the women and children in between hours of training, and dreams of building a new cloister someday like this:


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