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Aryana Players Fourm


After Corey's last post (you all saw Ajax get some, right) I'm starting to think that we should head to Purushanda after we get the disks. Or get them on the way back, but I think I'd rather have them then give the Ghinn time to find them.

I'm was thinking about the sorceror mnk. What scores are you going to sacrifice to get your CHA up? Also, expiditious retreat could be so cool for someone whose base move is already 50.
Ajax, by the way, bought some more rope, pitons, a hammer and a grappling hook. If anyoone can think of anything else, let me know.
I've got 25 gp for a torch, but it comes out of my donations:D

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Comes out of your donations? Really?

And how would you know that it costs 25 gp? Because I told you? And what if I said I didn't tell you it cost something until after you already handed your donation over? After you do that it belongs to the church and I can't touch it.:D :p


Ajax said:
I'm was thinking about the sorceror mnk. What scores are you going to sacrifice to get your CHA up? Also, expiditious retreat could be so cool for someone whose base move is already 50.
Eh, not so sure what I am going to do now... it may be too late. Besides, Corey might be a bit against it as I am just going for max munchkin.

So, basically same plan, right? I say we find out if any of those rumors are true, as Purushanda may not even exist any more, which means we may as well take the disks (if they are there) to Phrada or even the Sinds.


Yeah. same plan. Not to be a coward, but if an army's coming here, we should go elsewhere. A handful of fifth level guys are not going to make the difference in a mass combat. But we may be able to accomplish something in other places...
And Purushanda kind of became a higher priority for me. We need to get there and find whatever information they have before it is destroyed.


The guy Catrika knows, Kakanda I think was his name, who knows old stories of the Ghinn, or is able to refrence them in scrolls. He might have information about what they want. Or if we know what they did in ancient times, perhaps that can be a clue to what they want to do.

We also really do need to assess the truth of the various rumors. Not to mention Equila's possession. I personally make it a point not to ignore naked, bleeding, women holding weapons and making what seem like phropetic statements.
I mean, if she only met two of those characteristics, sure, blow here off, but the way it is now :)
Cyris, do you know anything about her from your background that could explain this? Was she always channelling messages, or is this a new thing?
I also remembered the inscription in the first temple of sin "We only await your return." Now Equila is talking about someone, or something's birth. Possibly he has just returned.

By the way, as far as climbing gear, I bought 50' of silk rope (already had 50 and 50 of hemp) a grappling hook, a hammer and pitons. At this point it's probably too late to get much else, but if anyone thinks there is something else we should get, go ahead and pick it up. Ajax is about at carrying capacity.


First Post
Equilla has nothing in her past to explain the recent events. If there is an army coming to destroy the town that means Equilla is coming with us. Cyris will not leave here here to be killed.


Ajax, "The Return" Equila is talking about is probably about the son of Arrousha; Chelome or some such name. He killed his mother and is generally a bad person. I think that is her reference. There is a story about him in the Aryana Players Guide.

Cy, not that Cato has seen a posession before, but I could try to do something... maybe Hallow the area, cast bless and then do a turn check.

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