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as long as we are on half-orcs and half-elves..


Hypersmurf said:

Didn't an elf/halfling cross star in one of the Dark Sun novel trilogies?


that there was.



i also recall the character having multiple personalities...

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Tonguez said:

Wow Dude you really do have too much spare time:)

Are you able to post this though? I'm sure it would be great;P

Tonguez, and any who are interested: Here is a phylogeny that I created for my campaign. It conforms to most norms, though I have it set as it is for a reason. The tree is not to scale, that is the length of the lines do not represent the time bewteen divergence. I focused mainly on the humanoid species, ignoring the outsiders. Some food for thought. Enjoy.

I had to put it up as an Word attachment due to the manner in which it was drawn.


  • kaern phylogeny.doc
    48 KB · Views: 66


In Dragonlance there's the Theiwar and Daergar who are dwarves with human ancestry a la the derro. Likewise, you mate a dwarf with a gnome and you get an Aghar, the famous gully dwarf.

Half-ogres are present there, as are half-kender, and there's been mention of the origin of goblinoids being of ogre and elven stock (hence the xenophobia of the High Ogres and High Elves)...

In Krynn, I'd assume that humans and gnomes, being so closely related (rather than being Greygem-created like dwarves and kender) would breed true as one or the other...

Jack Haggerty

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Heap Thaumaturgist said:
Y'know ... Lidda's pretty cute. I've always been fond of short brunettes.

Anybody know if she's single? We can try for a Halfling/Heap crossbreed.

Then again, as far as humans go, I think I'm probably half ogre, anyway ... 6'8" of brown-red furred beast.

So, y'know, a Lidda/HT cross breed is, while not impossible, probably illegal in most states. We'll have to build a love nest in Mexico. They don't care about a three foot height difference in Mexico...


Krusk said:

Humans like elves. Make half-elves.
Orcs like humans. Make half-orcs.
Only dwarves like dwarves. No half-dwarves.
Nebin and Lidda working on Gnomeling.

Nebin and Lidda working on Gnomeling.

Jack Haggerty

Well, darn. That's always the way. The little guys always sneak in there when you're not looking.

The life of a Heap Thaumaturgist is a lonely one.



First Post
AmerginLiath said:

In Krynn, I'd assume that humans and gnomes, being so closely related (rather than being Greygem-created like dwarves and kender) would breed true as one or the other...

Actually, Gnomes and halflings were created at the same time, from Dwarves (though none of the races will admit it). It was done by Roex in a fight over the Greygem as either a form of punishment or a better suiting to the nature of the two/three (depending on whether you count the Dwarves in this) groups.

I think I have it all right. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

As for Dwarves and Elves, neither race really finds the other atractive. They already are so different in so many ways that no form of relationship ever really develops. Not even the oppisites attract rule seems to apply, for the simple ideology doesn't fit. And the hair (or lack thereof) turns the other race off physically, reducing the chance of any sort force. Plus, in the event that such a union does take place, it will likely be so short that the female will produce an egg in that time (such long living speices and all).

Of course, assuming that it all happens, we get into the biology issues that have been beaten into the ground.



Actually in one of my games two of the fantasy races, the gnomes and the orcs, *are* the result of hybridization.

The gnomes are a result over the centuries of occassional sporting between humans, halflings, and dwarves. Considered out of place in all three societies the hybrids over time began to form their own society and bloodlines (like the Metis Indians) becoming the modern gnomes. Gnomes inherited dwarven skill, halfling curiousity, and human tenacity. The end result being akin to WOW gnomes: what you get when you blend Santa's workshop elves with Dr. Frankinstien. Nothing's too outragious for them since it's all in the name of Science (read "Girl Genius" by Phil Foglio and you'll see what the gnomes are all about here).

The orcs came about as a result of nomadic humans and elves being enslaved by a race of ogres and their servior trolls. After a few centuries living in the Underearth region of the Orcanna Plateau the resulting hybrid race--the orcs (part elf, human, ogre, troll, and the thing polite people never talk about at parties) --overthrew their masters and moved out to the surface again where they are local equivilant of the Huns. The humans of the First Western Empire threw up a wall to keep them out but when the soldiers that patrolled the wall got caught up in everyone's favorite game at the time ("Let's see who we can put on the Throne!") the orcs swarmed over the wall and well... you know the rest. Since then lords have fought them, bribed them to go away, and even hired them. Currently with the Empire restored centuries later the Wall is manned again and the orcs have started to explore the old tunnels under the Plateau and finding some of the tunnels come up on the other side of the wall so there are a number of paladins now running around trying to block up the tunnels to prevent it but in the meantime enough orcs slip out to play havoc or end up becoming bandits or mercenaries. Officially the Church considers the orcs as being the degenrates of humans and elves ruined by the Dark Powers while the orcs simply state that they are simply got the best traits off all when it comes to survival. Incidently the orcs in my setting aren't stupid, waiting around for adventurers to wack them, many *are* adventurers in their own right. One orc character Rosie (okay, she was raised by humans) certainly proved that in our gaming groups and now we're currently doing a comic book about her and her "boss" Long-Mai.

Viktyr Gehrig

First Post
Shade said:
The decomposition on this thread must have been quite advanced! :eek:

Which leads to an entirely different sort of discussion on reproduction.

I've played with the idea that of humanoids, only Humans are actually adaptable enough to be interfertile with other humanoid species. They just sort of glom onto other races, which are normally only fertile within their own kind. I also apply a kind of Human "averageness" that keeps the Human subtype from being the target of things like Rangers' Favored Enemy or Bane weapons.

Of course, Dragons, Outsiders, and Fey are magical enough to overcome this barrier with other races... but even then, most of their "college experimentation" is of Human stock, too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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