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Ashin's Commission: The Great Escape!

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I think you may have forgotten to un-asterisk a few of those from the day before--at least, I can't remember when you cast Sound Burst today, for instance. That may just be my own forgetfulness though.

Update soon!

EDIT: Oh! I remember when he used them--he already converted those for healing. Oops, looks like less healing available than I thought :()
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ooc: The healing I have above is no good, then. Almayce or RA, want to fix it? We can't back out now, and we're seriously weakened... we may all die, but let's be about it. ;)

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: We can give Ironwolf his 7, leaving him with 23 damage and Hulgyr with 24 damage)

*The group bashes into the first cell, where the prisoners inside seem to shake and quiver, their hands clawed into a fist and uncertain, until Ironwolf smashes the crystal, at which point the tension visibly relaxes and their expressions change to those of fear and gratitude.*

"Thank you, brave heroes!" one of the villagers calls out, as they scuttle out of the cage. Some of them still look a bit more brutish than before, but at least they have come to their senses.

*In the next cage are a man and a woman, the former of which seems familiar, though his body is fairly twisted and pumped up on muscles and feral might, his teeth and claws sharpened. With a sharp crack, as the crystal shatters, he reverts a bit and comes to his senses, and that is when the group recognises him--it's Michael!*

"Hey, look who it is. Got the wand on you? No, if you were captured, we would guess not," Zaeryl muses, "Ah well, whatever."

(OOC: There's more to free, but I'll let you pause here and I'll go point ajanders to this)
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"Zaeryl! I thought you said Michael got away free and clear, taking a bunch of treasure with him."

Ironwolf moves to give Michael a hand out of the cage.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"He did get away. Our main enemy must have wanted the holy symbol he took and tracked him down for it--clerics do have a lot of trouble without their holy symbols you know. We told him to let us take that if he actually wanted to leave this place, but he insisted. We surmise that this means she has regained all of her treasure, and the wand as well. A pity."

(OOC: I actually didn't like trapping a PC like that, so I even told him out of character that his chances of getting away cleanly would be much higher if he let Zaeryl take it)


Eternity greats Michael as well. "How did you end up here?" though she stands back to let Ironwolf get him out of the cage. Turning to Zaeryl, "Cleric? Who is it that we are after down here?" she asks.

ooc: hope we didn't cover that already, if so scratch her question to Z. I'm a little hazy on what I think is going on and what we've heard from him.


Michael looks confused. Also either ignorant of the fact he has no pants or choosing to ignore his pantsless state with incredible sang-froid.

"Hi Ironwolf! Hi Hulgyr. Hi Eternity! Hi Zaeryl!"

He steps out of the cage.

"I glad you not eaten!"

He ponders for a moment.
"Where my ...stuff?"

(Edited to adjust for changes in mental characteristics.)
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Rystil Arden

First Post
"What you don't know?" Zaeryl asks Eternity, "Ah yes, that's right. This one didn't tell you because we assumed you did. We are looking for the priestess--you know, the priestess of Amphousa? A minion called her 'Ms. Evangeline'."

*While most of Michael's possessions, indeed including the hammer, are gone, he still has his silver holy symbol, but it has been smashed beyond recognition.*

"Let's make you a makeshift club or something unless someone has a spare simple weapon, or do you want to use your 'hands'? " Zaeryl asks, "Do you have healing magic available before these 'heroes' let out more of them?"

[SBLOCK=Michael OOC: ] Of note, Michael is still partially transformed by the Affliction, even with the dark crystal smashed reverting his mental capacities to a mostly normal state. He gains the following template abilities--+4 Strength, +2 Con, +2 Natural Armour, +10 foot movement, -4 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha, 2 Claw attacks for 1d4 and a secondary bite for 1d6.[/SBLOCK]



(*Sigh* Some people have simple character sheets. I get gear caches and templates.)

If she took Michael's granite cabochon holy symbol, he's really mad. It takes a long time to make one of those with no ranks in Craft - Jeweler.
Compared to that, the silver holy symbol is relatively minor: it's not a work of faith.

Next question: has Michael lost his connection to Sela, or does he have turning and Domain abilities? Does he have spells? If he doesn't, can he pray for them.

I assume his memory is complete, if a little fuzzed by his ability score decreases.


Rystil Arden said:
"What you don't know?" Zaeryl asks Eternity, "Ah yes, that's right. This one didn't tell you because we assumed you did. We are looking for the priestess--you know, the priestess of Amphousa? A minion called her 'Ms. Evangeline'."
"Yellow lie-lady!"
Michael gnashes pointed teeth in anger.
"Crush her!"

Rystil Arden said:
"Let's make you a makeshift club or something unless someone has a spare simple weapon, or do you want to use your 'hands'? " Zaeryl asks, "Do you have healing magic available before these 'heroes' let out more of them?"

"Get whackum. Get big whackum!"
Michael turns back to his cage, wraps meaty fingers around a bar, and bellows triumphantly as he rips it from the stone. He turns back to the group with a chunk of iron big enough to serve as an improvised greatclub in his hands.

"I bang."
He holds the bar easily in one hand, smacking the head of the bar into his opposite palm.

"I bang big."

Voidrunner's Codex

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