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Assault on Raven's Ruin IC


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Weary from the long trek, you have finally arrived in Kleine, your last stop before reaching the Sea of Tears and then, home. The campaign lasted far longer than either side expected and while both claim victory, those who fought know the real truth.

A light breeze plays across the empty street as you enter the village of Klein. The autumn sun is setting, and the torches that line the avenue flicker as the night chill comes. You hear the distant sound of the Plunging Cataract, as its water rushes into nearby Lake Ostrel.

As you move into the small fishing and farming village, you see a notice posted on the townboard, and hear a voice cry out from the largest building, "Woe! Doom! A curse, a threat to Kleine!"

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Shifting into the form of Anya Telletier, an aristocratic human female, the doppelganger X cautiously moves closer to the source of the sound.

Disguise +16 for Change Shape, Listen +5, Spot +5, Darkvision 60
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Zofren looks off to the direction of the setting sun, knowing that she has not yet grown strong enough to return home. Her strength has increased, for certain, but not as much as it should have. With a glance, she looks at her companions, taking each of them in. She had seen them many times before, but she could not bring herself to dislike them, as was taught to her. These few had earned her trust, something that none before had been able to do, and for that, she didn't harbor the same disdain that she did for others.

As they move into town, Zofren takes a passing glance at the sign, when the voice broke out from the building. "Oh what now?" she asked irritably, not exactly in the best of moods, having had to walk home on tired feet.

[sblock=OOC]So...what does the sign say? :p [/sblock]


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"And that's when I told the sergeant 'Look, it's not my fault you didnt label your rotgut homebrew. How was I supposed to know I couldnt use the barrel for target practice!' Oh, and you should have seen how well those alchemist fire bolts works! Glorious. Especially when all that alchohol started burning! It was almost as bright as the red in the sergeant's cheek. I think I was in the brig for a week. Would have been a month or more, I think, if they didnt need all hands to push off that Orc incursion...and who's making that noise?"

Grimgour looked around.

"And when did this village get here?"


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[sblock=the sign]Tacked to the board is a weathered piece of parchment. It says in large, fancy handwriting,

Warning! The goblins have been spotted by Master Brown's farmhouse. Don't travel alone and lock your doors at night.

Stamped this 4th day of Harvest,
Councilman Baur

The 4th of Harvest was two tendays ago.

(check OOC thread for a picture)


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Goblins, eh?
Even as we have made this long trek, I have prayed to Heironeous to bring to us yet another battle. That our blades may bathe in the blood of our enemies. I hear the hounds of war calling, and am ready to heed their call, yet a hearty meal and a good night's rest in a bed not made of earth might first be in order......


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"I'm all for charring a few goblins into fiery ash myself. But that guy was screaming about something. Maybe we should check it out?"
Grimgour unslings Bertha and makes sure 'she's' loaded. "Where was it coming from anyways? That building over their, right?" Grimgour starts to head toward the large building, looking around warily.


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Zofren regarded Grim with a faintly amused expression. That he could be so oblivious the goings-on around him was impressive. Luckily, once he needed to be serious, he normally buckled down and got the work done. But as Kyla spoke up, the planetouched gave the girl a dark expression. "You asked for more fighting? I agree, it does break up the slow pace of traveling, but still..." Zofren inhaled once to calm herself. "We'll deal with it as it comes, I suppose."

Grimgour began advancing on the building, not too far behind X. Zofren sighed and followed, obviously not pleased with the distraction.


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Polmor trudged into town in a bad mood. Grimgour was ranting on about some nonsense and Polmor was getting mighty irritated. "Will ya shut your trap already?" he barked, but without much gusto... He was feeling tired.

Suddenly a voice yelled out something about doom and a curse and Polmor snorted. "Looks like someones been having a little bit too much of the old..." said polmor while making the "drinky drinky" motion with his hand. "And speaking of which, wheres the nearest tavern in this accursed town? I could do with a nice meal and a few ales..."

Polmor noticed several members of the group had started moving to investigate the mystery yeller. "Oh fer crying out loud, haven't you ever seen a raving drunk before? I can show you one later once we find the tavern... ME.", but with a loud sigh to show that he clearly thought they were wasting precious drinking time, he followed behind them.
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As X leads the party towards the building, the lone voice is drowned out by a crowd of people all shouting at once. It's difficult to make out what is being said, but snatches of conversations can be discerned. "Cursed goblins!" "....right under out noses, too!" "Ravens ruin...."

Standing outside the light thrown from within, you can see through the windows a single man dressed in fine clothes stand up and raise his voice to be heard above the din. "People, listen to me! Nothing can be accomplished by this raucous noise! We need to decide on a course of action!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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