Assault on Raven's Ruin IC

"Oh! I know how to pick some locks! Let's see if I can get the chest open."
Marika activates her magic ring, which causes a glow to surround her hand and fine picks to sprout from each finger.
Search +9, Open Lock +17, Disarm Device +12, [/sblock]

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As everyone clears out of the room, Marika goes to work on the chest. She discovers a rope pulley system that goes somewhere up through the walls and bypasses it. A stone above her shifts and shakes a bit, but stays put. Lifting the lid off the chest, inside is a single copper piece and a roll of parchment.

Walking down the hallway, Grimgour can't see much of the ledge as it's about 10 ft off the ground.


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Grimgour walked around the ledge, studying it for any markings, strange grooves or depressions, or for handholds.

Grimgour started to remove his backpack and weapons belt as he heard Zofren. "Huh? Comb? Oh right, the comb! Not at the moment, thanks. I'm probably going to just need to redo it again anyways after we clear out this warren. I'm more interested in seeing what's at the top of this thing." Grimgour placed Bertha on the ground, patted it, and then picked up his axe. With just his breast plate, buckler and spell pouch on, he scrunched down and tried springing up high enough to see over the edge.

OOC:[sblock]Search +4 (Stonecutting Bonus), Jump +1


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To those watching Grimgour jumping up and down, the sight of him barely clearing a foot air is quite entertaining. His inspections prove more useful as bits of hay can be found scattered along the hallway near the ledge.

dog45 said:
As everyone clears out of the room, Marika goes to work on the chest. She discovers a rope pulley system that goes somewhere up through the walls and bypasses it. A stone above her shifts and shakes a bit, but stays put. Lifting the lid off the chest, inside is a single copper piece and a roll of parchment.
"Alright people, looks like there was enough cash in this chest to keep us in beer for, oh, I'd say at least a quarter of a second. Hey Grimgour, want to see if this paper has any magic on it?"


First Post
Grimgour landed on the floor with an OOMPTH. Several aborted more jumps later he gave up. "Stupid short legs. Stupid ledge. Who puts a cliff in the middle of the hallway?" Sighing, he put the rest of his gear back on. "Do you think you can get up there, Zoften? This thing makes me wary. I'm just going to go peek around the other side."

As quietly as a dwarf with 80 pounds of equipment can, he peered around the first corner to make sure it was clear. He took the bowl he had nabbed earlier out of his pocket and tossed it across the corridor to hit the wall on the other side (Across the other corner) to see if it stirred up any reaction.

[sblock]I'm assuming Marika came outside the room to ask me about the parchment, but if not ignore the following bit.[/sblock]

Grimgour held up a hand at Marika. "Can it wait a bit? I must conquer the mystery of the ledge, first. That and I'm none to keen on wasting good head bursting magic on magic detection for just one slip of paper, either."


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Grimgour tosses the bowl against the wall and it shatters, the pieces of it falling to the floor. Mixed in with the noise of the clattering, you think you a muffled cry and some scuffling, but you're not quite sure where it came from.


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Polmor is visibly annoyed by the contents of the chest. He curses a few times out loud, and barges out the room in disgust.

He notices Grimgour trying in vain to try and figure out what is on the high ledge.

"What are you doing you silly fool?" he asks him, seeing that the short Dwarf was trying to jump up to an impossible height. "Get one of the others to try climb it. The only thing your going to achieve with all that bouncing around is getting yourself worn out before the action even starts" he adds, shaking his head.

Polmor turns to X (or gets him if he is still back in the room), and sais "Why don't you climb up and take a peek before Grimgour has a stroke from all the jumping he is doing?" he tells X, and without waiting for a response turns to Grimgour "While X is doing that, why don't you come with me and see if we can find whatever it was that you just alerted with your bowl smashing tantrum?"

He moves carefully with weapon drawn around the corner and advances down the corridore, muttering loudly to himself "Do I always have to do all the thinking around here?" while shaking his head.

[sblock=OOC]Move past corner 1, and moving to corner 2, coming to a stop at corner 2 to have a look around the corner.[/sblock]
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D.Shaffer said:
"Do you think you can get up there, Zofren? This thing makes me wary. I'm just going to go peek around the other side."

Zofren glanced at the ledge, uncertain herself if she could reach such a height. She was about to respond, when Grim hurled the bowl down the hallway, creating a loud crash. Before she had the chance to react again, Polmor began directing things, whether or not anyone wanted it. "X, I'll help you in a second, if you plan on following Polmor's loud mouth." Turning to Marika, she said, "Is there anyway I can help you? I'm not as versed as Grimgour, but I know my way around a scroll."

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