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[AU] Stone Bones


*Kelthet looks curiously at Phaern, sensing his discomfort.* "You are bothered by her death? She was a foe, and would have killed us in a moment. She fell in combat, her blood just didn't flow until now...."

*As comforts go, it's not great, but Kelthet clearly means his words, and is doing what he can to put a positive spin on things for the wee one.*

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*Dak spits on the ground.*

"I ain't all right to fight no dragon. I need to rest. I reckon alla us do...we been poisoned, cut, spail-shocked. I cain't go up aginst nothin' like that 'till I git me some sleep. I reckon I aught to tell you all: the rock spi'rt tole me the earth serpent's name. Oncet we are in a safe place, I'll tell y'all wot it is."

"Anybody wont to know the daid girl's name?"

He looks around, clear-eyed, lingering momentarily on Phaern and Atlas. He is not oblivious to the horror of this situation, but he feels deeply that the pale woman was a danger to the Green, even as her life made her a part of it.


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manifold said:
"Anybody wont to know the daid girl's name?"

*Atlas shakes his head slowly* "Her name is for her own people and ancestors to know. We can head on for a short bit to find a safe place we can bunk down. I don't remember a safe place to our backs."


"Don't worry about it, I know that they deserve all we have given and everything they have coming. Executions just don't sit well with me. I'd prefer to go down fighting and I'd like to think I grant the same mercy to my enemies as well. But as we have all pointed out, myself included, she had to die." Phaern says, still a little off.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*The party presses on, sprytes, giant, humans, sibbecai, and one mule who has now set the record for being the only one of his kind to come so far underground. It seems utterly unimpressed by even the strangest things you've seen, at least by now.*

*Pressing onward a couple hours more, you come to a slightly larger cavern that can comfortably hold everyone. It's a bit damp, and there's a trickle of water coming down one wall, but it only has one entrance and one exit.*

*You think you're not too far away from the blue veins, perhaps another day or two, and once you're there, your danger will increase. The blue, indigo, and violet rock-veins are the hunting grounds of the Shadow Serpant.*


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Darthallys performs the task quickly and with ease and he seems to take a perverted joy in it as well; he hides this fact only barely, however...

Once they reach camp, the sibeccai unrolls his overstuffed bedroll, sprinkles a few drops of exotic perfume near the head of it and flops down without another word. It is as if he fully expects someone utterly other than him to worry about taking first watch.


*At the camp, Phaern sits down with his journal for a bit, trying to dispel the unease in his heart. He makes notes of the encounter, holding off from mentioning the serpant's truename in case anyone were to get a hold of his book. He continues to map their way down into the bowels of the earth noting the colors and reviewing his notes about what the colors mean. *

"Looks like we should be coming up on the blue dungeon sections. The Shadow Serpant might be round here somewhere. I wonder if we shouldn't try to trace the ascent of those vile beings to find their lair."


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Erekose13 said:
"Looks like we should be coming up on the blue dungeon sections. The Shadow Serpant might be round here somewhere. I wonder if we shouldn't try to trace the ascent of those vile beings to find their lair."

*Atlas goes about setting his things up for his turn to sleep and then finds a decent place to sit his watch out from. Providing some kind of blanket to sit on *

"If she was telling the truth and I think she might have been, about the numbers of her people, then we would be sorely pressed to defeat them all. If we can get the shadow serpent on our side though, the scales might be tipped."


*Kelthet considers* "The serpent did say that they were the ones hurting the Bones, did he not? I would rather fight an enemy I can understand than one such as the serpent...."


"Yes the earth spirit Dak spoke to had told us that these creatures were the ones hurting the Bones and that the serpent has been coerced into helping them. He is the Bones keeper as far as I can understand. We can hopefully bring the serpent round and have his help defeating these creatures or we can defeat them ourselves freeing the serpent through our actions. Though Atlas has a good point, we may be sorely outmatched without aid. How then should we approach the serpent to turn him back to our side? Dak mentioned that he now knows the earth serpent's name which I believe we will use to atleast get its attention. Do we have any other plans though?" Phaern ruminates once he has finished his writing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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