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Author (and artist) of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

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Liquid Snake

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Well said Ghostwind.

By the criteria of all those fundamentalists (insiders or outsiders to RPGs) how much of the stuff White Wolf makes is not "harbinger of doom" to RPG, the book that is really going to tick off the media and smite us with their anger?

D&D and Gaming are stronger than this.

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Squirrel Nutkin said:
Uh... Merak, you might wanna read BelenUmeria's message first, and then read my reply. ;)


We dont' have a smiliy for blushing do we?

Sorry Nutkin, my faith in you is restored.

I really missed that one.

But hey, I only missed one post....:p

I'll leave my post up there to amuse future travelers to these parts. Glad I could lighten y'alls day.



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Re: Re: Re: Author of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

d20Dwarf said:

Can we please not use the abbreviation "pubs" in context of this conversation? :D

I think even though the author feels besieged to a point, the issue remains the fact that the press release for the product barely mentioned the fact that there would be any writing in the book whatsoever, instead focusing on the fetish photography and sexual antics of the book's publisher.

What impression were people supposed to get?

Thanks Wil! I guess I'll go buy a book you wrote now for saying what I wanted to.


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MerakSpielman said:

I'll leave my post up there to amuse future travelers to these parts. Glad I could lighten y'alls day.

Good on ya. You certainly made me smile - if you'd pulled the post then I probably would have missed it.



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Well we all know that burning the Harry Potter books was so very successful. And no one went to see his movies after that. And those DVD's and games that have his pictures on them, well they just sit on the shelves and...

Said it before and I will say it again...

"Debbie does Dallas" didn't ruin the Dallas Cowboys. (Niether did having it's cheerleaders posing nude for Playboy) This will not ruin D&D.


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Pielorinho said:

Huh? I'll be surprised if you can show me a single article in a major news outlet that mentions, by name, a single D20/OGL product. Much less an article ABOUT a D20/OGL product.

I think you have an inflated sense of how much the rest of the world cares about our little niche. We're good for some throwaway jokes on late-night TV, but nobody give's a squirrel's butt about the particulars of our hobby, except for those of us engaged in it.

Nope, I've never heard a product mentioned by name. However, news reports have used pictures and artwork taken from WotC books for their broadcasts.

It came up with this trial recently, which is why this bothers me: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/2004489/detail.html

Does it matter that they didn't mention a specific d20/OGL product by name? I don't think so. It's probably more hurtful that media reports just say "Dungeons & Dragons". Let's put it this way: name any time where RPGs have received good press in major news outlets.


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BelenUmeria said:
While many of the replies to this book under your post has been positive. I felt a need to speak out in opposition. First, the fact that both you and Mr. Valterra remain attached to WOTC only proves that Valar is not the independent company that you'd like us to believe. Since, AV mentioned starting a private label run by WOTC but for mature products, I see no reason to believe that this is not connected.

Have we established that Ms. Kestrel is attached to WotC? I must have missed that.

Second, how will you keep this material away from kids? It will be impossible to keep gaming material out of the hands of children.

Fun Fact #3 - most game and comic shops already carry adult material. You may not see it - it may be behind the counter, or stashed in the back room. They may not stock it, only order it if somebody requests it. The game or comic store that has never dealt with adult material is a rarity.

I guarantee that much of that nasty anime and smut comics are more over-the-top, and considerably more offensive, than BoEF will be.

Many 18 year old high school students play with kids of younger age. I am certain that they will see no trouble in excepting the money of friends to buy the DnD porn book. You may not care if chidren get the material of not, but as a person living under the rule of the preachers in the bible belt, I have an interest in not seeing public railing against our hobby from the pulpit! Yes, demon-worship may be passe these days, but you are tapping right into the biggest fear among parents: sex.

I have this weird idea where it's the parents' responsibility to keep objectionable material out of kids' hands. Not the publishers, and not self-styled industry watchdogs.

Third, the book does not even have the good taste to use fantasy art. Whereas many parents may ignore cartoon pictures, I guarantee you that real models will make them look twice. It will be REAL nudity. How can you justify this? What place does eroticism have in a game?

Since you've already seen enough of the art to know that it contains nudity and conclude that it's in bad taste, could we see some samples?

Fourth, the BoEF will only serve to heighten the gamer stereotype of nerds playing the parents basements. It will serve to fuel the image that a bunch of guys with no social life and an inability to get a girlfriend, play this game.

Occasionally I am struck silent by little ironies like this.

Most people will see this book and never even take the time to listen!

No... most people will never see or hear of this book in the first place.

Did you ever consider that by turning sex into a die roll that you are lessening it in real life? Kids who get this book will not truly respect the act if they are "experienced" with in game sex!

Anyone who has actually had sex would understand the fundamental presposterousness of this notion.

Or is this a liberal political agenda to bring more people around to your viewpoint by targeting people at a young age?

Indeed, it's all a plot by the Commies. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

Because it will be teens, especially virgins who finds this book to be the most desireable.

I can think of a couple of people who seem unhealthily fixated on it, that's for sure.

I am sure that people will rail against me and bandy names such as troll and puritan. However, it is MY image that concerns me. I love the game of DnD and I hate that I have defend myself, my morality and my honor from people because of the existing stereotype.

At some point in your life you're going to realize that defensiveness and emotional overinvolvement in gaming isn't going to actually net you anything for all the aggravation it generates. Especially when it comes to absolute non-issues like this one

For those of you who want to say that this book will have no effect, that I am a doomsayer, or that I should not try to censure others for what they do in their private homes, then you are not seeing the point of my argument.

You've got that right.

And I do know that WOTC is involved.

You know that Anthny Valterra is involved and that he works for WotC. Neither of us knows who owns Valar or the actual extent of Valterra's involvement. A corporation is not indivisble from its employees or stockholders. A corporation's employees and stockholders can operate independently of the corporation and contrary to the corporation's wishes.

So please demonstrate some evidence - not hearsay or from-between-the-cheeks speculation - that there is any kind of connection between Valar and WotC, other than Valterra working for WotC and having some involvement with Valar ownership. Corporate ownership is a matter of public record - you can look this kind of stuff up.

The only thing that I can do is write Hasbo and WOTC and let them know what I think. In fact, I will be sending multiple letters, including a petition started by my players and circulating around the local game shops and universities. I did not fight the BoVD, but I will not go quietly into the darkness on this issue.

Good grief.
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