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Author (and artist) of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

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Gothmog said:
A couple of thoughts here:

To those of you concerned that young children might get their hands on this book, and possibly see nudity- didn't any of you look at Playboy or Penthouse magazines when you were a kid? I know I had seen those magazines by the time I was 10, and I am from an upper class family that didn't have ANY porn in the house.

Yes, and look how its made you blase about sexuality being exposed to kids.

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First Post
BelenUmeria said:
I suddenly became a fan of seasong. Great comments.
Thanks :). I am an occasionally rapid opponent of bad ad copy. What's this about some book being published somewhere? Is it any good? ;)


Elves Gone Wild!

ROFL!! I wanna see "Elves Gone Wild" ... :D I can see that one being done as a PDF, or maybe a segment for the next Portable Hole book.. :D



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I'm still unclear about what this book is. Is it a supplement of sexual/seduction rules, a la Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, or a book of erotic photography, with a few rules on the side? What is the general demeanor of the photography? There's a big difference between Playboy and Hustler, ya know.

As for possibly creating an uproar - that would only be good for the industry. It was responsible for the big gaming boom in the 80s. In the media, it doesn't matter what they are saying. Just as long as they are saying it about you.

I also find offensive that only 'losers living in their parents basement who've never had actual sex' could only find eroticism and porn interesting. None of those things describe me, and I enjoy erotic materials. (Maybe its just me -- millions of web sites and I'm the only one :p) As noted, most gaming shops carry adult anime or other comics and movies and so already deal with keeping inappropriate materials away from kids.

Also, I'd advise everyone to stay away from the "L" and "C" words in this discussion. Politics gives them thar mods an itchy trigger finger.


First Post
Pielorinho said:

Actually, that article is exactly what I'm talking about. Can a prosecutor possibly get more ignorant than to suggest that Dungeons and Dragons compelled a teenager to describe his friends murdering somebody?

Do you think that the prosecutor is going to refer to any specific D&D product in the course of his arguments? I highly doubt it. In fact, I'll bet $50 that that prosecutor has never heard of the D20 license, and probably hasn't heard of the Book of Vile Darkness (the last tempest in a teapot we had 'round these parts).

The World at Large doesn't know jack about our geeky little hobby. If someone publishes Elves Gone Wild, or Hobbits 'n Chains, or Gettin' Kinky with Polymorph Self, or whatever, nobody in the World at Large is going to notice. They haven't noticed in the past, they're not noticing now, and there's no signs that they'll notice in the future.

There may be good arguments against this book (although I've not yet heard them). Claiming that it's going to hurt the reputations of gamers is not a good argument.


Yeah, I've kind of learned to expect ignorance from other people on this subject, so the prosecutor's arguments don't surprise me. I think part of the reason that no one has mentioned a product by name is because anyone who so much as flips through the pages of almost any RPG book is going to think its pretty innocuous. This book may not be. I mean, right off the bat, Wizards has to put out a press release distancing themselves from it.

Again, after Gwendolyn's post, I have no idea what is going to be included in this book. Is it raunchy? Is it tasteful? Is it tongue in cheek? I don't know.


First Post
Originally posted by Heirodule:
Yes, and look how its made you blase about sexuality being exposed to kids.

Blase? Hardly. I am not the kind of guy who goes looking for porn, and I treat sex as something sacred between two people who love each other.

However, if I were to be blase about something, I'd rather it be sex than violence.


Iron Fist of Pelor
Pielorinho said:
There may be good arguments against this book (although I've not yet heard them).

Actually, Seasong's post came in while I was writing this. After reading his post, I take it back: NOW I've heard some good arguments against it. If it's going to be a bunch of nekkid women being the objects of lust, if it ends up being "let's drool over faerie girls," then it sounds kinda lame.

Make the product challenging and interesting -- make it cover something beyond girlie pinups with pointy ears -- and you may have a good product. But if it's just photoshopped traditional softcore, I'll be disappointed in y'all.



First Post
Pielorinho said:

Huh? I'll be surprised if you can show me a single article in a major news outlet that mentions, by name, a single D20/OGL product. Much less an article ABOUT a D20/OGL product.


I remember the FoxNews review of the D&D movie. It had about 3 of the 10 paragraphs devoted to the movie and 7 devoted to the upcomming 3rd edition. The reviewer had nothing to say but good things about the game, although I can't say the same about the movie. :)

Oh yeah, the topic...

Sex is bad. Mmmnkay.


First Post
Pielorinho said:
Actually, Seasong's post came in while I was writing this. After reading his post, I take it back: NOW I've heard some good arguments against it. If it's going to be a bunch of nekkid women being the objects of lust, if it ends up being "let's drool over faerie girls," then it sounds kinda lame.
I'm hoping that the quality of the ad copy is also an indicator of its accuracy ;).

Now that I've reviewed the ad copy, I can say the other stuff I wanted to say:

1. I would love to see a Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns treatment of seduction, romance, royal affairs, high court "back room trades", prostitutes, sex magic, intrigues, and so on. I'm pretty sure this book isn't that, however. It's not the sort of thing that has a focus on illustrations, but on meaty research.

2. I would also love to see a Kenneth Hite-like treatment of putting romance, love, dalliances, children and other such "lighter side" sex topics into ordinary roleplaying. Something that gave me rules for the tête-a-tête between knight and lady. I'm pretty sure this book isn't that, either.

3. I wouldn't mind seeing a book on interpreting fetishism and S&M into a game system framework, although it is difficult for me to see how that needs rules mechanics. I was joking about rules for subdual damage with a flail - I don't want to see that.

4. I also wouldn't mind seeing a slim volume of seduction rules, or an expansion of the combat-oriented magic items of D&D into the item enhancements the nobility would really commission if magic existed. Some discussion of how to incorporate this stuff into a game would not go amiss, either.

5. There's plenty of things this book could be, that would be cool and neat and sweet. I just can't tell from the ad copy ;).

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