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Avengers, 1889 [IC]


Wolverine, 3HP

*REposting from above. I thought the 1st round was allready over, sorry*

Wolverine continues growling and presses his advantage with a savage slash across the Bull-Smasher's chest.
Well, thanx for the hero point, I'll spend it to negate my Fatigue. ;)
Still in Rage (+4 Str, +2 fort/will, -2 defense 9 more rounds).
Attack : +8 (+8 +3 Master Plan +2 Defensive stance - 5 power attack) : 11 I think I'll reroll that. Yet another Hero point bites the dust... 19 That's more like it.
Damage : 13 (DC 28)
Defense 10
Notes for my own info : *Bull-smasher looses dodge bonus, has -2 defense and -4 toughness saves*
[sblock=ooc] ALso, I assume the Purple dots are the minions, and the Blue ones are our bobbies.. What are those little black specks, and are those Orange dots the guns?[/sblock]

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First Post
Captain Britania blocks another blow from the Wrecker's crowbar with his shield, but he doesn't catch all of it and part of the crowbar strikes him on the chest and lifts him off his feet...

[sblock=Assuming Captain Britania is attacked in melee by Wrecker, if he's stunned or worse]
Throwing him back with tremendous force (Acrobatics roll to reduce Knockback)[/sblock]

[sblock=Assuming Captain Britania is attacked in melee by Wrecker and not hurt or only bruised, or not attacked by Wrecker even though Wrecker remains in melee range]
At which point he turns his movement into a backflip and throws the shield at Wrecker as he comes out of the flip!

Acrobatic Bluff at +12 like last time for a total of 16. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1226854. Wrecker gets +1 on his Sense Motive roll because I've tried this on him before.

Then attack- this is just a melee attack with a cool description- and Power Attack for 3, so +8 attack (+8 -3 PA + 3 Master Plan) and 11 damage.

Attack roll= 12. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1226877. I rolled two 4s in a row? Anyone else not like this die-roller? Besides Shayuri :)

Edit- If Wrecker is out of melee range, then I'm going to move towards him instead of using Acrobatic Bluff.[/sblock]
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First Post
Justice, uninjured, 5 HP

Justice looks down at the spent bullets that litter the ground at his feet and quickly checks himself for wounds. Realizing his force field has held, he turns his attention to Thunderball. He throws his hand forward, and a ball of telekinetic force flies toward the villain.
Array switch to Force Field 7 (32 APP) also protecting the nine policemen at the front of their group, Blast 6 (14 APP) and Deflect 3 (12 APP) for a total of 58 APP.
Power Attack 4 with the blast, so attack +7 (8 -4(Power Attack) +3(Master Plan)) for an 18, 10 damage.
Deflect roll +6 (PL 3 +3 (Master Plan)), for a 25 , a 24, and an 11. He's still using deflect to try to protect the policemen. [/sblock]
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Blind Azathoth

Thor, uninjured, 5 HP

"I have no idea what the devil you just said, you barbarian," Thor snaps, too distracted to understand the Crusher's thick accent, and then swings Mjolnir once more at his vile opponent.

OOC: Thor unleashes a Strike, Power Attacking for 5, and the result is... 16! With all the Def-lowering stuff Crusher pulled last round, an easy hit, and +13 damage.


First Post
Black Widow - Uninjured - 2 HP

Black Widow, still coasting in a lazy spiral above the fray, though descending quickly, curses and sends another venom blast at the Wrecker...only to have it sizzle just past him as he reels from Britannia's blow!

(Ranged attack, natural 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1228479 ...I'm feeling pretty useless right about now. I don't think I even managed to really do any damage in the first battle, let alone now... :-()


First Post
Ronin watches the Wrecker and Captain Britain engage in their fisticuffs, still hiding in the shadows. He reaches down into his belt and pulls out two handfuls of shuriken. Hoping this actually works, he throws them all at the Wrecker's back and then tries to jump back into the shadows.

Extra Effort to up the Shuriken +5 damage, power attack for +5 / -5, and hopefully get some autofire damage.
Attack = 26!!!!!
Huzzah! That should add some Autofire damage! Assuming his defense is +6 (-2 def +2 Tough) that makes it +15 damage! HOLY S***. I have to say, I am amazed. DC 30 for the Wrecker!

Stealth Check = 3

so never mind that.....but still a good hit!


First Post
SCARLET WITCH, 6 hero points

With a thought, the Scarlet Witch uses her uncanny powers to conjure a protective field around herself.

As she continues moving closer to the battle ahead, she gestures at its center and unleashes a potent hex to fell her foes.

OOC: As a Free Action, The Scarlet Witch activates her Luck Shield, increasing her Defense to +8 and her Toughness saves to +8 (Shield + Force Field effects).

As a Move Action, she moves 30' toward the battle scene.

As a Move Action, use Probability Control: Trip alternate power (perception range, burst in 60' radius, opposed by Dexterity). All enemies in the radius (riflemen & dockworkers) must make Dexterity check vs. 26! [Finally! A good roll!] http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1228572

Effect is centered in square q12, which should include 2 sets of purple dots and about 4 sets of black dots.

Karl Green

First Post
Round 2

Round 2, Initiative Order
23 – Wolverine
22 – Bull-Smasher
20 – Ronin, the Wrecker, and Inspector Kastle and the Police
16 – Thor
15 – Captain Britania
14 – Thunderball
13 – Black Widow
12- Dr. Banner
10 – Scarlet Witch
7 – Justice and the Thugs
6 – Pile-Crusher

Lashing out with his alchemist claws…
[Bull-Smasher Toughness save vs. DC28 (1d20+8=9), CR#P! ;) Ok this dude is not any good, so he fails by 20! Fortitude save for going to dying; his base is +13 so he can’t fail that!]
…Wolverine again cuts a bloody trail across Bull-Crusher’s chest. The villain screams out in pain and falls to the ground where a large pool of blood quickly spreads out onto the docks.

Ronin appears out of no where and unleashes a score of razor sharp Shurikens into the weakest points of the Wrecker…
[His Def is 17 BTW, so +14 damage the Wrecker Toughness save DC29 (1d20+11=27), missed by 2! He takes a Bruised hit (assuming you are doing Bruise damage)]
…and while most bounce harmless of the villains skin a few sink into his skin and cause him to grunt in pain. He glances at the ninja, saying “Dass gona costs ya something der laddie!

But the Wreckers rage and focus are on the symbol of all that is good in Britain, something the cade hates above all else! He crowbar comes around for a devastating blow aimed right at the Captain’s chest…
[the Wrecker melee attack vs. DEF18 (power attack -3) (1d20+4=13), a miss!]
…but improvised weapon simply slices through the air as Britania back flips out the way!

Inspector Kastle and his men advance 30 feet or so and start to return fire on the thugs with pistols…
[Inspector Kastle range attack vs. DEF15 (1d20+9=18), hit. Bobbies returning ranged fire vs. DEF15 (1d20+5=10, 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=12, 1d20+5=23, 1d20+5=13, 1d20+5=16, 1d20+5=9, 1d20+5=21, 1d20+5=12, 1d20+5=25, 1d20+5=23, 1d20+5=20, 1d20+5=9, 1d20+5=25, 1d20+5=10), 7 hits! Good enough to hit all the Thugs that were firing at them. Two get struck twice, the rest get 1 bullet each. Thug Toughness saves vs. DC18 (pistols) (1d20+5=15, 1d20+5=22, 1d20+5=25, 1d20+5=13, 1d20+5=12, 1d20+5=16, 1d20+5=9, 1d20+5=8), the two that got hit twice made one save, failed the other, only 1 Thug still up!]
…most of their shots are wild but those that hit drop all but of the thugs facing them!

Thor again brings his mighty weapon of justice down onto the scum that is clumsily attacking him…
[Pill-Crusher Toughness save DC28 (1d20+10=27), misses it by 1. Crusher now has a Bruised hit.]
…and this time the blow rocks the villain back a bit. He spits and roars in rages, and again tries to strike Thor!

Captain Britania landing easily out of the way of the Wrecker’s great blow throws his shield at the villain, but the cade is better then he looks and his easily knocks it away with a casual backhand. He growls something of a curse at the Captain and Ronin, turning and looking at each as if trying to decide whom he wishes to smash the most.

Thunderball regains his footing and looks at Justice, assuming he was the only who knocked him over, saying “You gots one chance to run insect!” and then his huge ball is flying at him again…
[Move action to stand, Thunderball ranged attack vs Justice (DEF14) (1d20+7=16), a hit. As you are deflecting the attacks vs. the Policemen, you need a Toughness save DC26 (damage +11)]

Black Widow, still in the air and seemly ignored by the battle below, misses the Wrecker with her blast.

Dr. Banner growls with rage and notices his hands seem to be getting bigger and grayer!!!

Scarlet Witch moves out and again calls upon her strange mystical gifts…
[ok no one can make those rolls SO they all fall. There are also about 12 horses in the area, but they have much better chances of staying on their feet (large, strength bonus +6), Horses avoiding Trip DC26 (1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=14, 1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=23, 1d20+10=30, 1d20+10=28, 1d20+10=30, 1d20+10=30, 1d20+10=24, 1d20+10=14, 1d20+10=15, 1d20+10=13), so 4 make it]
…knocking down a large group of longshoremen and most of the horses attached to the wagons! The horses panic, and start crying out loudly. Those still standing start trying to run randomly, snapping some of their bridles…


The villainous thugs start running this way and that, most throwing away their rifles or anything else. The longshoremen standing are not far behind!

Pile-Crusher roars and tries to smash the great Thor between his two mighty fists…
[Rage 9 more rounds, +4 str, +2 fort/will, -2 def. Power Attack +3 dmg -3 attack, All-Out attack -3 Def +3 attack… yippie! Pile-Crusher attack vs. Thor (DEF18) (1d20+6=18), a HIT! OK Thor needs to make a Toughness save DC30 (10 +2 rage +3 power attack)]

[OK want to hold off on Justice action, depending on if he makes his Toughness check before his attack vs. Thunderball.
Justice needs a Toughness save DC26
Thor needs a Toughness save DC30
Bull-Smasher is OUT (3 bruise and 3 injury wounds)
The Wrecker has 1 bruised wound
Pile-Crusher has 1 bruised wound (Pile-Crusher has a DEF of 10 BTW)
Thunderball is unhurt and on his feet.

The rest of you can start posting your Round 3 actions]


First Post
Justice, Bruised, 4HP.

Justice's eyes go wide as he sees the murderous iron sphere flying toward him again. He knows he should have held off to deflect the attack, but he couldn't watch another policeman die in the line of duty.
He steels himself for the impact, but he is unable to fully protect himself from the impact. He takes a nasty hit, but is able to retain his focus. You'll have to do better than that, fugitive. You should have stayed in prison, and soon you'll wish you had.
[sblock=ooc] toughness save +9 for a 14 , so I'm spending an action point to reroll, for a 25, missing by 1.
If it's possible to switch my previous plan, I'll focus my first deflection roll on Thunderballs attack next round. :p [/sblock]

Blind Azathoth

Thor, 4 HP, 1 bruise

The Mighty Thor grits his teeth as the villain's fists slam into his body--harder than he had expected! His body is momentarily overcome with the pain, but he quickly throws it off. "You have made a grave mistake!" the godly warrior growls, as he throws all he has into yet another strike against Pile-Crusher.

OOC: Toughness save = 25--bruised and stunned. Spending an HP to remove the stun and Striking again, PA 5, results in... 12. Initially disappointed, I rerolled the attack before remembering that Crusher's Defense is under that, so never mind that "rerolled Strike" listing under my character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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