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Avengers, 1889 [IC]

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Blind Azathoth

(OOC: Reflex saves: 19 and 25. Toughness saves: 24 and 27. The Mighty Thor indeed. :D

... Though not exactly the Perceptive Thor. Notice check: 3! )

Due to his background, Thor is quite probably the most interested of all the group in the artifacts on display. He is so fascinated by a collection of ancient swords, in fact, that he is caught almost completely unawares as the villains enter the room. He instinctively dodges the falling debris--or else ignores it as it strikes him--but is too slow to react to the presence of the Masters of Evil to get in an attack.

He does, however, have time to bellow in outrage. "You fiends!" he shouts. "You curs! How dare you attack a place such as this?! It is a treasury of history! You could... you could damage some of these priceless objects! Do you think about what you are doing at all?!"

He is, after all, a historian and archaeologist at heart...


First Post
Next round Inspire Avengers Assemble! on everyone but Justice, Witch: I think they have perception range attacks- unless someone else is stunned or the like. Thanks for all the rolls, Shayuri: you might not need to reroll for first tough save if the first ref save succeeded, but KG can probably tell you that.


Wolverine, Injured 1, 2 HP.

Wolverine rolls slightly with the first explosion, getting knocked into a pillar strongly by the second, but stands again as if unphased. "Yer gonna pay fer that, Bub. Now which one'a you hit me?" He snarls, his words emphasized by a metalic *SHINK* and a growl.

[sblock=ooc]Reflex: 21, 12
Toughness: 13, 26
*NOTE: I mislabeled them, i have a +10 toughness/+8 Reflex but rolled labbelled the +8 as toughness and the +10 as reflex.. So I fixed it by linking them to the proper one*
Wolverine does NOT have evasion, and I'm going to use a HP to reroll my 13 Tougness.
28 + 10(HeroPoint)=38.

Surprise Round Action: Extend Claws, heal(If i took damage from the explosions, I'm assuming I can't heal the claw-Extending damage on the same round)
Initiative: 21[/sblock]

Karl Green

First Post
Surprise Round!!!

(OCC – Prior to Surprise Round
Cossack Rytsar’s Master Plan (tactics) (1d20+17=25), all Villains +3 to all their Skill and Attack rolls!

Results of Reflex and Damage Saves…
*Black Widow made both Reflex saves, so she does not need to make the Toughness saves
*Justice made both Reflex saves so his needs Toughness saves of 19 (area attack rank 8, half 4 +15), so succeeded with both saves.
*Captain Britannia succeeded with the first Reflex save, failed the second. He has 2 levels of Evasion, so even when he fails a save he takes half damage from Area attacks. 2nd Toughness succeeds, no damage from either attack.
*The Scarlet Witch failed both Reflex saves but succeed with both Toughness saves, she takes no damage from either attack.
*Ronin succeeded with the first Reflex save, failed the second. With 2 levels of Evasion he still takes half damage and with the 2nd Toughness save, he succeeded and took no damage from either attack.
*Hulk fails both Reflex save. The first Toughness save he fails by 8, taking an Injury (and Bruise) hit and is Stunned. He fails the second Toughness save by 3, so takes another Injury (and Bruise) hit. You can spend a Hero Point to become un-Stunned and still SMASH if you want to.
*Thor made both Reflex saves and then easily made both Toughness saves.
*Wolverine made the first Reflex save, failed the second, and then made both Toughness saves.

Initiative Rolls for the Masters of Evil
Initiative: Cossack Rytsar +13, Gargoyle King +0, Hellstone +8, Screaming Banshee +3, Mr. Hyde +7, Green Goblyn +13, Goliath +1, Shark Killer +1 (1d20+13=25, 1d20=2, 1d20+8=10, 1d20+3=12, 1d20+7=25, 1d20+13=27, 1d20+1=16, 1d20+1=18)

Surprise Round Initiative
27 – the Green Goblyn
25 – Cossack Rytsar, and Mr. Hyde
24 – Ronin
22 – Captain Britannia
21 – Wolverine
18 – Shark Killer
16 – Goliath and Justice
14 – Black Widow and the Hulk
12 – Screaming Banshee
10 – Hellstone
2 – Gargoyle King


Across Pages 2 and 3…

Green Goblyn lets loose with another blood cuddling crackle and says “What have we here, a little spider trapped in my WEB!” and pulls forth five strange looking metal shards shaped something like bats? He hurls these with terrible force at Black Widow, the cowardly dog is attacking the women first! [Green Goblyn attack roll (+3 for Master Plan) (1d20+11=23), a hit. The attack is also Auto-Fire, and it exceeded Black Widow’s defense by +2 damage; DC25 Toughness save (base 8+2)]

Cossack Rytsar Cossack Rytsar holds his axe high and yells something in a foreign tongue…
spoiler for Wolverine, the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch [sblock=Russian]“Victory for Hydra!”[/sblock] ...and then from a strange looking pistol, that he his holding in his off-hand, his spats out multiple shots at the Scarlet Witch… another fiend that assaults women! [Cossack Rytsar attack roll (+3 for master plan, -2 for range modifiers) (1d20+13=32), a hit [I also forgot his +2 for accurate weapon so the total was a 34 but it does not matter really, just as an FYI). This is also an Auto-Fire weapon, and he hit Scarlet Witch at over +10 her Defense so +5 damage; DC24 Toughness Save (base 4 +5)]

Mr. Hyde, also laughing madly, leaps forward to strike at the mighty Thor [Thor gets +1 Hero Point, as Mr. Hyde is Surging to moving and attacking this round (spending the hero point this round to ignore Fatigue from next round). Mr. Hyde attack roll (+3 for Master Plan, -5 for Power Attack) (1d20+3=9)] but the vile creature’s wild swinging does not even come close to the still form of the Thunder God…

Blades flashing in the dust, all five of Ronin’s shurikens strike at the ex-Marine [hit with all five, so +6 damage, so Toughness save 21; Shark Killer's Toughness save (+3 for master plan) (1d20+10=29) (sorry no master plan for Toughness saves), he easily made that roll.] but bonus harmless off his suit and hide. A strange chuckle, from behind the helmet and water, carries across the room.

Captain Britania standing fast, awaiting an oportunity to attack! NOTE also that Captain Britania can attack Gargoyle King at the end of the round as he would come within reach of him, for this round I will make the attack roll, see below]

Wolverine extends his claws as he grows, the bleeding wound almost instantly healing before his eyes [it takes no action to heal, and as you took no damage from the blasts, you can heal this injured wound this round (as you can heal once per round). If you take any additional damage this round now…]

Then Shark Killer throws his enormous harpoon at great Captain [ Shark Killer ranged attack roll (+3 for Master Plan, -3 for Power Attack) (1d20+5=6), big miss], but the noble hero easily deflects it away with his shield. Strangely the harpoon is back into the hands of the vile traitor instantly though.

Goliath strides forward, shouting “I show you who imposer! I the biggest thing there is, now I crush you!” and tries to bring both of his great fists down onto the head of the Hulk [Hulk gets +1 Hero Point, as Goliath is Surging to moving and attacking this round (spending the hero point this round to ignore Fatigue from next round) , Goliath melee attack roll (+3 for Master Plan, -5 for Power Attack) (1d20+3=19), a hit! With power attack; DC30 Toughness Save (base 10 +5)]

Justice extends his force fiend around Ronin as he looks for the fallen Curator McKinley, when he see that a large pile of debris is piled right over where the old professor was standing… he must be buried underneath it!

Black Widows blast at Hellstone is easily dodged by the flying woman, striking instead a nearby shelf that seems to hold rare and ancient items of antiquity.

The Hulk, boring the full brunt of both powerful explosive blasts, is stunned momentary. But of course due to his great weight and resistance, he is not even moved slightly from where he was standing [Your knockback resistance, flat-footed is like a 10 I believe, so no knockback for the Hulk even through he was stunned]

With a blood chilling wail, the Screaming Banshee lets loose a wail of such great despair, you all feel as if you just want to fall to the ground and cry at the hopelessness of it all! [Emotion control (Despair), range perception, Area general (no Reflex save, see Ultimate Powers pg. 98 on Perception Area attacks), Will save (DC18) or you are Shaken (if the Will save roll fails by 10, are helpless)]

Hellstone almost growls at Black Widow, but glancing back at Cossack Rytsar, she directs her rage Wolverine and lets lose a eerily dark red smear of flames down at him! [no attack roll; DC23 Will Save, as it is a Mental Attack, with Perception range]

Gargoyle King glides over the remainder of the room, landing near Ronin, and smiling his says “Your statue will make a fine addition to my collection” as he reaches out for the hero with his right hand… Ronin gain a +1 Hero Point as the Gargoyle King is Surging to moving and attacking this round (spending the hero point this round to ignore Fatigue for next round) Gargoyle King melee attack roll (+3 for Master Plan) (1d20+11=24), a hit. Ronin needs to make a Fortitude Save (DC18), or something bad might happen to him.]

Captain Britania also swings at the creature as it comes with reach of his might weapon of justice! [Captain Britania's melee attack roll vs. Gargoyle King (1d20+8=9)] but his footing is off in the debris strong about the floor and he fails to connect with the monster!


(OCC dditional Rolls required during the Surprise Round…
Black Widow needs to make a Toughness Save DC25
Scarlet Witch needs to make a Toughness Save DC24
Hulk needs to make a Toughness Save DC30!
Everyone needs to make a Will Save DC18 vs. Despair (area selective by the way)
Wolverine needs to make a Will Save DC23, this also is a Lethal attack
Ronin needs to make a Fortitude save DC18

Results for Surprise Round…
The Hulk has taken 2 Injury and Bruise wounds, and is Stunned

Action and Rolls for Round 1. Scarlet Witch and Thor may roll their Initiative also…


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First Post
Karl- I don't think Master Plan affects all rolls, only some subset of them.

Hulk, presumably Thor, Widow, Wolverine will get Inspire bonuses for actions next round. Ronin may want to delay 3 init counts to get Inspire bonus to his atck next round instead of a round later. Inspire is +5 to atck, saves, skill checks: consider power attck and using feints or the like to rake adv of skill bonus.

Also, people may want to have "attack a stunned opponent if there is one" as a contingent tactic. Not enough time to really roll saves, thanks to everyone who is rolling them for me.


First Post
Toughness: 14 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1190656

(well...that was fun. Sometimes I kind of prefer hit points. :\ )

Will: 13 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1190676

(Anyone else ever think Invisible Castle tilts low? ...oh well)

Simultaneously hit by both the physical and spiritual attacks, the Spider-Woman cries out as she's blasted back against the desk! For a moment it looks like she's out...nothing human could have withstood that attack. She slumps against the desk, breathing hard, as the room dims and spins around her...

(Staggered and stunned.)


First Post
Justice, 4 Hero Points

Shaking off his sudden desire to give up, Justice sees how much trouble the interlopers are causing his teammates and swings onto the offensive. He is most worried about the Gargoyle King's petrifying touch, so he reaches out with his mind to try to hold the fiend in place.
[sblock=ooc]Save vs. Banshee, 23 Will
Switch array to Force Field 7, Impervious, on myself and the Scarlet Witch, leaving her free to use her array points elsewhere, and any avenger who is unable to be at full toughness due to stunning, etc. (7 at 4/rank +4 is a total of 32 array pp) and Telekinesis 8 (4/rank +1 is a total of 25 array pp, for a grand total of 57/60)
Grapple attack at the Gargoyle King, +12(4 attack +8 power rank) for a 32 grapple (go nat 20!) Don't forget the -4 penalty on his roll with my Improved Pin feat). Do I get damage this round, since my tk is damaging? If so, it's +6.
If the King is down, I instead target the Goblyn.
Oh, and don't forget that my deflect is still active until my turn in the initiative count, since there weren't any ranged attacks after me in the surprise round for me to try to block. I had a 19 and then an 11 on my deflect rolls.[/sblock]
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First Post
Using a Hero Point to Reroll:9+10=19

Ronin grabs his head as the wail of the Banshee fills the room, but he overcomes the pain and despair to see the Gargoyle King trying to grab him! He takes a step back into the shadows, and disappears.

Ronin uses his Hide in Plain Sight feat to seemingly vanish from sight. Stealth roll:32

Blind Azathoth

(OOC: Thor's initiative roll is 17, and he makes the Will save with a 21. Huzzah!)

Thor growls as he sees the villains targeting the Witch and the Widow.

"You sons of dogs! You—" he bellows, before Hyde's wild blow and the Banshee's wail interrupt him. The latter causes him to wince for a few moments, but even still, the former's attack still misses. As he shakes off the effects of the mental attack, he turns his attention on the mockery of humanity standing before him, and his eyes flash blue-white. "Very well," he growls, "I shall take care of you first! HAVE AT YOU!"

And with a positively thunderous battle cry, the Mighty Thor swings mighty Mjolnir, aiming a powerful blow at Hyde's bare chest!

(OOC: Attempt to feint, using Intimidate (via Startle), as a move action (so –5 to the roll): 26! Followed up by a Strike, power attacking for 2: 10. Ugh! Using a hero point to reroll produces an 11, but adding a 10 to that makes it 21.

...Though I just remembered the Inspire bonuses. Assuming those come into play this round, that puts my attack roll at 26, and my feint at 31.)
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