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Awakening of the Nymerians.


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As you walk upwards you get a better look at the village inside the tree. Most of the inhabitants seem to live a normal life, working in their houses, talking with neighbours and friends, enjoying life. The elves look like a carefree and happy people.
About halfway up the walkway you pass a big archway into a big plaza. This must be their marketplace. Inside all kinds of wares are displayed on carpets on the floor, their owners eagerly trying to sell the goods.
When you are getting closer to the top you walk by a tanners shop. Leather clothing and armor are displayed outside the shop, and a big muscular, probably the owner of the shop, nods politely to you when you pass.

Then you get to the top. The walkway ends in a large wooden door decorated with a beautiful motif of a summerforest. When you knock on the door, it swings open and reveales a stairway going upwards.
The stairs goes on for only a short distance, before ending at yet another wooden door. This time you enter, and find yourself at the top of the tree. Situated between the top branches is a huge garden. Flowers of all kind grow around a pool to you right. A small figure is sitting by the pool, trailing a finger over the surface, as if drawing something.

When you enter, the figure rise and turns your way, smiling, then approach you.
It is a female elf. She is smaller than the ones you have seen so far, and looks much more frail. In her hair she wears a circlet made of flowers, as if she was wearing a crown. She is a handsome woman, but her eyes are quite spectacular. Two emerald globes look out from her eyesockets, absorbing everything she sees.

"Greetings my friends" she says, and you all understand her. "I have been waiting for this day with joy and sadness both. My name is Myriania Mok'natharia The Sage of Earth, but you may call me Myria."
What you previously thought was a black cape now reveals itself to be a set of wings, as she spread them wide back her and flaps them a couple of time before returning them to their original positions.
"Come with me my friends. Let us talk, for I expect you have questions. Might be I know some of the answers you seek."
Myria moves to the pool and sit down on the bank, again trailing her fingers through the surface of the water.

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[I greet you Myria. I am known as Symian Dragonspawn. Thank you for your greeting but at the moment I am confused.

How did we get here? And just where is here? The last I remember it was winter, we were searching for the Fruit of Cleansing with the minotaur Thuk, before being led into a trap.

While your people have been most kind and friendly, you can understand my apprehension at our current situation.

With a smile,he bows to her and steps back, his hands open in front of him.


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Devon gives a small bow to the elf and moves to sit across from her by the pool.

"Greetings M'lady Myria, my name is Devon. I thank you and your kind for the warm greeting we have recieved. And for the offer of answering our questions, I am sure my comrades and I have many for you. To start off could you tell us where we are and how you knew we would be here?"


"Ooh, it´s a shame the garden doesn´t have a ´don´t tread on the plants´sign. It would have been deliciously contradictory"

Havort bows, in a so deep and elaborate fashion that´s almost ridicule. "My most profound greetings, lady Myria. I´m Case, Justin Case, at your service."

"And, oh, you shouldn´t think hearing our questions that we don´t like this place. I think it´s really fantastic."


First Post
Myria arches an eyebrow at the mention of Symians heritage but, then laughs merrily at Justins reassurances.

"I am affraid I might not be able to answer all of your questions as well as you would like, but I will try.
You are in Nymeria, the Realm of The Seven. Right now though, you are in the forest of Sorum. How you came to be here I am affraid do not know." she says with a sad smile.
"We have known you would come for a long time. We did not know exactly that you would come though. All we knew was that someone would come, and when that happened a change will come to our land. What this change is I do not know. This has been known for as long as anyone can remember. "
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Rayex said:
Myria arches an eyebrow at the mention of Symians heritage but, then laughs merrily at Justins reassurances.

"I am affraid I might not be able to answer all of your questions as well as you would like, but I will try.
You are in Nymeria, the Realm of The Seven. Right now though, you are in the forest of Sorum. How you came to be here I am affraid do not know." she says with a sad smile.
"We have known you would come for a long time. We did not know exactly that you would come though. All we knew was that someone would come, and when that happened a change will come to our land. What this change is I do not know. This has been known for as long as anyone can remember. "
"Alan Loresong at your service milady." he says with a bow. "So you have no idea, how we got here. Or what we are to do here? There is nothing more to the legend, than someone will come, and there will be a change. Are you even sure we are the ones spoken of?"


Havort the telepath

Sure if that´s a prophecy I could be a prophet, too. Behold, someday, something will happen, and someone will be involved!

"Ahem. I don´t mind hanging here for a time, but what if someday I want to come back and visit my parents? This sounds as if we´re in another world. And who made the prophecy? mayhe he knows more of it."


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"The Seven told us that you would come. More than that, I am affraid I do not know. However, I know of someone who might know more. His name is Norkoli Rasshreli, the Sage of Magic. He lives to the north-east. If you would like to talk to him, I will be happy to provide directions and rations."


First Post
The Seven mi'lady? What Seven are these? What are the Seven that they prophsy and you believe?

Of course, if Norkoli would be the right one to answer these questions, we would be most grateful for directions to him, and food for the journey to him if it is far.

Not that we would insult you or in any way belittle your people, but we come here in a fashion that does not serve to remove apprehension!

ooc:On that note- what do we have with us in terms of equipment etc? Do we have everything on our sheets or should we consider ourselves unequipped?


First Post
"Greetings my friends" she says, and you all understand her. "I have been waiting for this day with joy and sadness both.

"Lady Myria, why have you been waiting for this day with such mixed feelings?" Tarasin asks.."Oh..and I am Tarasin Blackoak"

Voidrunner's Codex

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