Pathfinder 1E Azlant Adventure, and Using Pathfinder with Mythos

Samuel Leming

First Post
Until the following scene occurs over at the Open Design boards, I think we're pretty safe.

<prima donna>I asked for this flumph steak to be sliced extra-fine, and this is what comes back!? This is your best work?! And this whale oil is rancid: get it out of my sight!

I'm surrounded by wannabes! I cannot work under these conditions!</prima donna>
That sounds like a challenge... I'm going to head over to the Open Design boards right now and give your Azlant thread a sound flumphing!

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Monkey King

We're about 50% of the way to commissioning the Pathfinder/Azlant project, about 48% there with the 4E project, and the Pathfinder/Cthulhu project is trailing at about 24%.

Which just means that the Cthulhu project may start a little later than the other two.


As a patron of the first 3 Open Design projects and with an interest in Pathfinder and Azlant and Cthulhu, boy it is tempted to sign up.

Sadly, I must control my wallet:.-(

Monkey King

You'll have the chance to pick it up later, certainly. But to make it more tempting, we've added a print version and a PDF sourcebook to the project as well. The sourcebook is called Sunken Empires, and will cover ancient tech, lost ruins, and monsters appropriate for sunken kingdoms.

We're very close to commissioning this one.

That is so cool. I have gone for the Eye and Azlant ones, both. Sorry Wolfgang but I already have 2 4E projects of yours, and one is already Fey based ;). I hope all three go, they are all very different and interesting, there is some great stuff coming out already of the brainstorming on the LJ site.

That is so cool. I have gone for the Eye and Azlant ones, both. Sorry Wolfgang but I already have 2 4E projects of yours, and one is already Fey based ;). I hope all three go, they are all very different and interesting, there is some great stuff coming out already of the brainstorming on the LJ site.

Interesting. I went for Azlant and the Courts because, regardless of setting, I want to see both concepts in print. Red Eye is cool, but I don't have a need for that right now. (Though I'm still thinking about it a lot.)

KQ on Twitter said:
KoboldQuarterlySo close on some we can taste it! Your OD project status this morning is: Shore: 86%, Courts: 62%, Azathoth: 40%. Join in!

I wonder what % is required for a project to go 'live'? I really hope they all make it, I am really interested in what Red Eye has to offer in low magic, quasi historical horror gaming :)

Monkey King

Unless a project can go forward without a cover, with less pages of text, or without an editor or maps, the usual requirement is 100%.

So, yes, Red Eye is a little slower off the blocks than the other two. But I think it still has a good chance of making it to fully commissioned. Guess we'll see.

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