[Azyra] The First Adventure

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As Wayrick tosses the drink back he hears two simultaneous thuds behind him. Before he can turn to check on them he feels the world spin around him for a moment before righting itself, though it remains slightly fuzzy.

Tor grins, "How're you feelin' Wayrick? Good to see you managed to hang on there, looks like your friends are lightweights. Oh, and since you didn't get a room we'll just put you up in the communal room for the night. That won't be a problem I assume?"

Tor doesn't wait for a reply as he walks out from behind the bar and tosses the two drunken adventurers over his shoulders.

"Sheila, help him to his bed if you would." Tor says to one of the barmaids as he carries the drunks to their rooms.


Wayrick feels invigorated, healthier than he has felt in a long time. But he is rather sleepy, a bed does sound nice...


[sblock=Stanimal/Battlebiscuit]From the moment Wayrick took his drink you felt as if you were falling backwards into blackness. The world you fell out of a receeding pinpoint of light above you. It feels as if you fell for hours through the blackness, whispering voices murmuring in languages you didn't understand. Some were harsh on your ears, as if gnome ears weren't made to understand them; others were soothing and almost made you forget the fall as they relaxed you.

After this blackness you feel a cold wind rushing around you and the world becomes light again. You find yourself standing on a mountain peak, high above the clouds, Azyra stretched out before you. Before you stands a massive dragon, his scaled head a mottled black and gray. Large horns curve forward, framing his reptilian face.

"Little Ones... I see you have found this place. This is good."

He plucks you up with a giant clawed hand and leaps from the mountain peak, plummeting down the sheer side of the east face. The wind whistles by your face, stealing any breath for a scream. Enormous wings sweep out, slowing your descent as the dragon circles, landing in a cave set into the rock face. He tosses both of you, gnome and halfling into a pile of luxuriant furs.

"So Little Ones, I know you know nought of the things I am about to reveal to you but you must remember them in detail, for this is of utmost importance. There are beings stirring in Azyra who have not awoke for many millenia. They are not all evil but their doings contain little concern for this world. When they awake they will cause great chaos. Their stirrings have already begun to crack relationships and encourage chaos amongst the wilds. Our world relies upon mantaining the balance and protecting that which has been achieved. You are the agents by which this will be achieved. You and those to come. You must remain strong and watch for those who would feed the chaos. This is your first warning, I will come to you again when I have need for you. Be prepared."

He pauses, considering for a moment. "It seems your friend was stronger than I gave him credit for... You must warn him as well and make sure that he is prepared as well."[/sblock]

[sblock=Nathanw88]The trip to bed is hazy but you remember that Sheila was very helpful in getting you up the stairs. She was also very adept at fending off your clumsy advances. As soon as she helped you into bed and your head hit the pillow you were out.

You dream as you sleep, the dream was relaxing but you remember little of the dream. When you awake you feel stronger and more capable.[sblock=OOC]You get a permanent +1 bonus to HP and a +1 bonus to all rolls made for the rest of this Adventure[/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
Bezim awakes with a start, covered in a cold sweat. Gathering his belongings together swiftly, he proceeds down into the common room of the tavern in search of his companions (and his dignity)...


First Post
Bastgare wakes up and yawns. He hadn't had a good sleep like that in weeks! As he stretched, attempting to waken his sleepy muscles he suddenly realizes that he didn't remember going to bed. his eyes snap open and he rolls out of the bed and tries to jump to his feet, but ends up tangling himself in the blanket and falling flat on his face. Carefully untangling himself he glances around the room and see's his gear stacked neatly on a nearby desk. He stands up stretching and throwing in another yawn for good measure. "The barkeep must have brought me to my room after I passed out" He thinks. As he walks over to the desk he remembers his strange dream "or was it a dream? What did that innkeeper give to me? I guess i should hurry downstairs no way of knowing how late it is" He quickly dons his armor makes a quick check of his gear. Assuring himself that everything is there he picks up his pack and heads downstairs.

[sblock=dm]I kind of assumed a few things let me know if i need to edit this at all[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Stanimal]Nope you're good! Left a few things out on the end so good assumptions;)[/sblock]
Tor smiles broadly as the halfling and gnome make their way into the main room. "Welcome back, you're just in time for breakfast." Tor gestures to the bowls of porridge and other breakfast foods that are spread out across the bar.

[sblock=Battlebiscuit]Any idea if anyone else will be ready for an adventure soon? Richard is almost ready and I can have a guy ready soon, not sure how many players you want for your adventure or if you're ready for one. Oh, and we will steal an idea from other people and do DM experience.[/sblock]


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Bastgare sits down at the bar and glares somewhat halfheartedly at Tor. "You mind telling me what happened last night?" he says in a slightly annoyed voice as he grabs for some porridge and fruit.[sblock=unnecessary monty python reference]and the lamb and the sloth and the anchovies and the orangutans and the breakfast cereals and the fruit bats. Sorry your assorted breakfast foods made me think of the holy hand grenade of antioch and it kind of grew out of control[/sblock]


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Bezim confusedly works his mouth for a few moments, trying to find the words to express himself, before shrugging and hopping up to the bar to break his fast.
[sblock=rwelle]I'll see if I can get a couple friends on the character making train, should see something within a day or two if I can keep on them. Nicole's been too busy to roll one up, and I don't know what the dealy-o is with John, Tim, Cort... etc.[/sblock]


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I wake up rub the sleep out my eyes, Gather all my gear and head down for food. While pondering what i had to drink the night before i feel better then ever.


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Tor raises an eyebrow at the indignant Bastgare. "Every new adventurer who comes through here gets a taste of Dragon Ale. Some can handle it and some can't. You couldn't."

Tor turns to help some other customers as the party finishes their breakfast of assorted foods and begins preparations for their trip. Rations are brought out from the kitchen, still warm from their preparations.

A familiar looking barmaid comes up to Wayrick. "Will you be wanting some rations as well good sir?"

[sblock=Battlebiscuit]Sounds great! Just so we get things started right can you have them email their character sheets to Azyra.Judges@gmail.com and post them to the Pending character page? Will email you the password for that email and then once we both look over the characters I figured we could approve them, sound good? Let me know if you have any suggestions for the way things are done. I want this to be a joint effort and not a dictatorship:p[/sblock]
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Bezim lightly picks at his food before becoming wholly disinterested. "Alright boyos, I think we've tarried long enough. Let us find our employer and be off. I've got a mind to put the pit in my stomach to rest with a fair march!" His slight pallor fading quickly, Bezim appears to be steadily regaining his perky composure. "I believe the human said we would find him waiting outside the inn this fine morning, and I'd hate to keep him waiting! So say ye, off we go?"

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