[B.A.D.D.] What type of Dragon should I use(Angcuru stay out!)


First Post
OK, basically, we've got this foreshadowed IMC, eventually the players will have to fight a dragon to recover a lost dwarven relic(to prove the cleric's worthiness to challenge for rulership of his stronghold). I don't have much information about it laid out yet, except that it dwells in the Frozen Wastes to the north, it is rumored(the rumor is untrue, although this is where the war party lost the shield) to have laid waste to a dwarven warparty over 2000 years ago, and that the PCs should be somewhere around 15th or 16th level by the time that they encounter it.

I've got Monster Manuals 1 & 2, Creature Collection 2(in case somebody suggests Slarecian Dragon), the Tome of Horrors, Monsters of Faerun, and the Monster's Handbook for books to reference on it. I'm trying to stay away from the stereotypical white dragon, because the characters(especially Angcuru, who's a learned elf) are expecting to have to fight one. Also, the site was the location of a demon summoning(a very high level minion of Orcus) 2000 years ago(that's what killed the warparty, BTW) if that inspires anybody. Details would be very good, I'm trying to plan ahead, this is meant to be a climax to my campaign, I want it to be as exciting and dangerous as is possible.

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First Post
NICE! But how would it have not destroyed the magical shield by now with it's breath weapon?

However, I really like that idea. It'd make Angcuru have to think about leaving his sword, Stormbrand, behind, or risk killing a friend(it's a magical, intelligent artifact).


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Simple, it's a true ritual spell. Even ordinary dispelling/disjoining would have trouble getting around that.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
I'll try. Course if you had SS I'd say go Feral instead of Elemental. Or better still Deep Corrupted Shadow Dragon. (Course there you need BoVD.)


Inventor of Super-Toast
Slacerian dragons are overrated, IMO. What I would do would be use a song dragon. She's captured the artifact solely to test the cleric's skills (she would be CN, after all), and would first appear as a beautiful woman, the dragon's "servant", in order to gauge the party's ability and try to convince them to leave the artifact alone. Better yet, make her a reoccuring NPC on the journey to the dragon's lair.

Demiurge out.


I think I got your dragon here - use the Corpse Tearer Linnorm from the MMII.

It can survive in any climate and having ties to the undead would justify it being drawn to a site used by priests of Orcus and lairing in an ancient burial ground. And having a Norse Dragon guarding a dwarven artifact has a certain synchronicity as well. PCs would have a hard time pinning down exactly what kind of dragon they were dealing with if you only described it in broad terms.

Although I think the Corpse Tearer is overrated at CR 28, it may be a bit too tough for 15th-16th level characters. You could weaken the dragon a little, perhaps it is very, very old or maybe you could let the PCs catch it asleep and get a free round of attacks on it.




Sage of the Scarred Lands
demiurge1138 said:
Slacerian dragons are overrated, IMO. What I would do would be use a song dragon. She's captured the artifact solely to test the cleric's skills (she would be CN, after all), and would first appear as a beautiful woman, the dragon's "servant", in order to gauge the party's ability and try to convince them to leave the artifact alone. Better yet, make her a reoccuring NPC on the journey to the dragon's lair.

Demiurge out.

One man's uneducated opinion... ;) Just kidding Demi. Even so not sure a Song dragon would cut it. Sure it can be devious, but I think both of mine work out pretty well. Again my opinion.

Corpse Tearer is alright but I think there are other dragons that could work, especially if you just toss on the Dire Dragon template.

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