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B.P.R.D. Issue #2 "the Hunger"


I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" Hps 5/5

Karl Green said:
[occ]The nearest crime scene was (rolling random) victim 17. The two detectives could meet you there in 20 minutes. [/occ]

"Alright detective, we'll be heading directly there," Sgt Camden replied. After hanging up the phone, Michael looked over into the passengers seat, and smiled at Rudolph. He then pulled back into or around traffic to get to #17.

"Everyone, it's number 17, that we're closest to it seems," Michael said, looking into his rear view mirror. "The detectives should be there in about twenty minutes."

"So, Rudolph, what are your 'talents'? I want to get a good idea of what you bring to the table before we're knee deep in it,"
Michael explained.

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First Post

Keia said:
"Alright detective, we'll be heading directly there," Sgt Camden replied. After hanging up the phone, Michael looked over into the passengers seat, and smiled at Rudolph. He then pulled back into or around traffic to get to #17.

"Everyone, it's number 17, that we're closest to it seems," Michael said, looking into his rear view mirror. "The detectives should be there in about twenty minutes."

"So, Rudolph, what are your 'talents'? I want to get a good idea of what you bring to the table before we're knee deep in it,"
Michael explained.

The werewolf tries to supress a yawn but fails miserably.
"I bet he can do the most amazing things with his tongue."

She isn't even actively listening, her eyes lost in the unnatural winter and worrying about things only ex-nazi, still werewolfs could care about...

Karl Green

First Post
Driving through the early snowstorm, Ace parks the van and the party piles out and heads up to the luxury apartment where Mr. Sandy Laffrey disappeared in the parking lot. A couple of minutes later a police officer waves you over to the side entrance of the building. He is fairly young looking and says "Hey there, down here… ah…wow, so ah where's Hellboy? I thought he worked for your agency and handled these kinds of things? Anyway, down the ramp here. This is a secure parking lot and I was told you wanted to see where that mojo was found. Dt. Daklin and Dt. Hanford are on their way and should be here in a couple of minutes. So what do you make of this weather? Lived here for almost ten years, never seen it like this before."

The police tape is around the pillar, and the party can see the strange painting like a dark swirling on it. Andy walks around the pillar a couple of times, examine the area, and takes out a couple of his books, making notes and lightly chanting.

Lia hears them before anyone else as two plain cloths police offices come down to meet you. One is a large fellow, at least 6'3" tall and solidly built, the other is a smaller man wearing glasses. The smaller man speaks up as they get close " Dt. Nick Daklin and this is Dt. Mike Hanford. You must be the Feds hmm. Well guess you will be a showing us poor dumb local boys how real police work is done. Sorry, about that. I know we are out of our depth here. This case just has us freaked out a bit. Not something we are really.. equip to deal with I guess. Anyway, here the box with the kidney in it. How can we help?"

Dt. Daklin hands over a plastic police evidence bag with a small wooden looking box. The box is fairly plain looking, nothing usual about it.

[occ]Andy can make it Ritual roll. Paul back in Fairfield, Connecticut, can make a Ritual roll also but he is still finishing up his Research, as it takes a number of hours to complete.[/occ]

For the first half of the road trip, Andy spent his time studying his books, preparing for what would come ahead, for the latter half, he was sleeping in the back. He woke up when they entered the city, and just kind of sat up silently and watched. He was shivering silently, although it was his dreams and not the cold that made him quiver.

At the scene of the crime, Andy examines the wall before turning to the Dt. for the box,"I'll take that, thank you!"

After asking for some privacy, he begins to start the ritual.

(OOC-Knowledge (Ritual) roll of 14+15=29, and sorry for the lack of posting, the board's wonkiness didn't really coincide with my schedule well)
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Karl Green

First Post
Andy sends some time walking around chanting lightly and making small chalk drawings on the pavement around the area where the symbol is. After about ten minutes, he starts chanting much louder in Latin and some other tongue that seem to sound like gibberish. Shaking he head he speaks in a voice that does not sound like his own and says "Seek, find, look, search, and bound, up and down, the one we wish to find is to the East and to the South… moving south he seems to be… Wait, wait, another I see, straight South I say he be… and here again, another one, he seems to be North and West of me… and finally last, last he is, way down below, sleeping, sleeping, deep in the earth and South of here"

After that Andy shakes his head to clear the voices and other weirdness he feels. He has a 'lock' as it were on the victim… but it is weird. He seems to be in four different locations. One is the Southeast of here, moving in a Southerly direction, fairly fast. Another is to the South and a bit west, and moving north, not quit and seems to be slowing down. The third one seems to be somewhat northwest of here and moving farther north, very fast it would seem. The final one seems to be to the south and fairly deep in the earth. That one is not moving… maybe he is asleep?

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Kongming listens to the ominous voices coming from Andy's mouth and narrows his eyes in thought. "Something 'sleeping' in the earth...that doesn't sound good." He walks over towards the box. "May I?" he retrieves gloves from the detective and places his hands on the box to do some psionic snooping.

Unclear about the ritual...do you mean that Andy is speaking in four voices? Or that the victim seems to be in four pieces?
Using ESP to scan the area (2 mile range)...total roll 19 (14 +5 power).
Using Precognition...total roll 9 (8 +1 power).

Karl Green

First Post
Andrew D. Gable said:
Unclear about the ritual...do you mean that Andy is speaking in four voices? Or that the victim seems to be in four pieces?
Using ESP to scan the area (2 mile range)...total roll 19 (14 +5 power).
Using Precognition...total roll 9 (8 +1 power).

[occ] Andy spoke in a different voice and he seems to think that the victim is in four different places at once.

With ESP, Kongming gets a flash on being on the top of a subway car he thinks, heading down a tunnel. It seems you are 'sitting' or 'standing' on the top of it, near the front... it ends very quickly though.

Using Precog, Kongming see's himself in a dark stairwell, going down. It is damp in here, with water dripping and a lot of it on the stairs. It seems like there is a huge weight above him... and it is cold and damp and not a nice place here...
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First Post

Karl Green said:
Driving through the early snowstorm, Ace parks the van and the party piles out and heads up to the luxury apartment where Mr. Sandy Laffrey disappeared in the parking lot. A couple of minutes later a police officer waves you over to the side entrance of the building. He is fairly young looking and says "Hey there, down here… ah…wow, so ah where's Hellboy? I thought he worked for your agency and handled these kinds of things? Anyway, down the ramp here. This is a secure parking lot and I was told you wanted to see where that mojo was found. Dt. Daklin and Dt. Hanford are on their way and should be here in a couple of minutes. So what do you make of this weather? Lived here for almost ten years, never seen it like this before."

The police tape is around the pillar, and the party can see the strange painting like a dark swirling on it. Andy walks around the pillar a couple of times, examine the area, and takes out a couple of his books, making notes and lightly chanting.

Shivering Lia enters the building. She'd love to have her fur now but changin right here might not be the most sensitive thing. She acknoledges the agent with a nod but at the mention of Hellboy her fangs extend slightly and she emits a low and very unhappy growl.
After Andy and the others are through she will walk over the site herself, kneeling down here and there to sniff at something.

KarlGreen said:
Lia hears them before anyone else as two plain cloths police offices come down to meet you. One is a large fellow, at least 6'3" tall and solidly built, the other is a smaller man wearing glasses. The smaller man speaks up as they get close " Dt. Nick Daklin and this is Dt. Mike Hanford. You must be the Feds hmm. Well guess you will be a showing us poor dumb local boys how real police work is done. Sorry, about that. I know we are out of our depth here. This case just has us freaked out a bit. Not something we are really.. equip to deal with I guess. Anyway, here the box with the kidney in it. How can we help?"

Dt. Daklin hands over a plastic police evidence bag with a small wooden looking box. The box is fairly plain looking, nothing usual about it.

Snapping to attention Lia turns towards the cops before they turn the corner but apart from a long stare she just ignores them.
At least until they take out the kidney.
Give me that. ... Please.
If they hand her the box she will open it to catch the scent too and hand it over to Andy afterwards.

Andy said:
Seek, find, look, search, and bound, up and down, the one we wish to find is to the East and to the South… moving south he seems to be… Wait, wait, another I see, straight South I say he be… and here again, another one, he seems to be North and West of me… and finally last, last he is, way down below, sleeping, sleeping, deep in the earth and South of here"

"Our killer has cut her to pieces. We allready have evidince for that right here. But why are the parts still moving?
From the amount of compassion in her voice she might as well be talking about a dead rabbit.
[color=Dark Orchid]"Do you think you can find the closest part? Or better yet a moving one. If it moves someone has to transport it."[/color]


I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" Hps 5/5

Michael maintained his paranoid attitude, scanning the surrounding area for possible observers and other trouble. He kept a perimeter sweep going while Paul was working on the ritual.

Nothing usually ever happened, but maybe that was because Michael was watching.

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Rudolf replies

LIA said:
"Oh, the little frog will be heartbroken. I'd still prefer the scene of the latest crime, but as long as we get to one this year it will be fine."
She just stares out of the window for the rest of the trip, the unnatural weather makes the wolf more than a little nervous.

Rudolf pretended not to hear such things, especially from those supposing to be his team. It just made it easier for them all for later if he ignored the little petty thoughts of little petty people. It didn't keep him from being self concious about the way he looked, but he couldn't blame that on anyone but himself..... and the black Russian sorceror that turned he and his brothers into whatever stage of evolution he was in...
For the most part he just tried to look like he was organizing his equipment the rest of the trip...

"So, Rudolph, what are your 'talents'? I want to get a good idea of what you bring to the table before we're knee deep in it," Michael explained.

LIA said:
The werewolf tries to supress a yawn but fails miserably.
"I bet he can do the most amazing things with his tongue."

She isn't even actively listening, her eyes lost in the unnatural winter and worrying about things only ex-nazi, still werewolfs could care about...

Keia said:
Michael maintained his paranoid attitude, scanning the surrounding area for possible observers and other trouble. He kept a perimeter sweep going while Paul was working on the ritual.

Nothing usually ever happened, but maybe that was because Michael was watching.

Even though he remained very quite, feigning ignorance to Lia's comments from earlier Rudolf caught up with Michael - immediately hearing him ask about his "talents"... Stepping in close in front of Lia talking in a hushed tone to Michael - almost embarassingly he began...

OOC: speak all of the "th" sounds with a lispe/snake sound to get Rudolf's speach pattern
"Well Michaelth, I like to thhhhink of mythelf a jack-of-all tradeth..... I've been into a little of everythhhhhing, but if you're specithically talking about thhhhis outer vithage - the shell I've been molded into alloths me many unique abilitieths....
I conthider mythelf a champion level sthimmer, the water is now more of a natural element for me... I am altho slightly stronger than average - not nearly Hellboths but reasonable. The dark seems more my element ath well... I can see better than average in total darkness.
And yes....
my tongue........"

Looking back at Lia as his tongue comes out in both a seductive and yet disturbing way as if to tease and taunt her quietly...
RULE: Spooky Presense and Intimidate +9

"... beyond it'th obvious theductive qualities, my tongue ith hyper extended for a short range surprithe... with qualities not unlike the Alienth in those movies..... hehehe.... that and tho much more....
But for you Lia I'd temper it... heheheh..."

Rudolf tilts his sunglasses back up and pulls his 'card hat' back down on his man-frog head. The greenish gray skin was hidden by the shadows he tried to walk and *blend* in most times.
and as he walked he continued to scan for watery areas and above as well... He'd had luck in the past with approaching a scene from an odd vantage point - specifically using his ability to scale the wall and ceiling looking down on the situation.
If there was any vantage point that could be made better of Rudolf's Darkvision would pierce it hopefully.

"... oh and Michael.... I'll never forgive you....." Rudolf said at first menacingly...
"... I mith my 'mocha-chino-latte-whipped-cream-chai-coffee-grandes' tho very much ... What on thith green Earth do you have againthst the stheet nectar provided uth by Starbuckths...."
Rudolf smiled, snickered and hopefully made a good impression on the apparent "team leader" of Michael.


Voidrunner's Codex

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